The Sphinx speaks the challenge ahead


The Sphinx speaks the challenge ahead

sphinxAs we move further there will be more challenges ahead, many of you have gone through so many already and we know many are at a standstill as far as what to do, how to do it.

The push that was felt last year when the date of the 21st of December was in sight made you want to do more, gave you hope, you had waited for this event for so long.

We are almost half a year past that date and many have not seen much change, still feel like they are now standing still almost, not having the energy to move forward.

It seems like everything is just a continuation of the old, nothing new is happening.

It is all still about disclosure, energy portals, leaving behind attachments, moving within, living from the heart, be patient, have hope, everything is still perfect and in divine alignment with what is supposed to happen.

Some have noticed the change in energy, in fact the almost emptiness within the energy upon earth.

The energy just after the shift was so clear and pristine that is felt like nothing was happening within it. Slowly however the energy is starting to move and moving in a different way. A bit faster, in different directions, just different.

It was such a new feeling, many might not have noticed it, but only felt it through feeling different, feeling tired, feeling like they could not do nothing more than just go within, hang in there and see what would happen.

The messages have kept on coming, everything that was discussed before the shift, is still discussed today, nothing really new has been added.

When you think about work, it is almost like you do not want to work, what is there to do, what is needed, why should you do it, you have worked so hard before the shift, now what, you have to do more?

Maybe it is time to just think about you and you alone, maybe it’s time to work on you and you alone, what is there to do there but just follow what you have been doing all along, what you did before the shift and what you have continued after the shift.

Everything seemed to have slowed, the energy is so different, adjusting to it is hard, is takes time, and there is nothing to really look forward to. There is no special date, no special time or event that is going to happen in the future that would at least give you some time frame of when to expect something happening.

You just plow ahead, and many seem to have given up in some way, just following the flow, just waiting for the divine to happen at the right moment for you.

Yes, there have been some new energies, there are some things happening at times, you feel like you made another step into more connection with something higher than the human. Something deeper within.

Others have created a reality around themselves that is full of acceptance, whatever happens happens, whatever needs to happen will happen, whatever is in the future, we’re already there. We are free already.

Human life catches up with them now and then, but it’s all an illusion in some way, no matter what happens.

More beings have come to give you messages, they don’t really have something new, but just the fact that they are beings that have not spoken before makes it news.

Many are still looking for the truth, the truth about their origins, where they came from, most search for these answers amongst beings not upon earth but on other planets.

Some think they have found their origin on other planets and are, or have been building certain realities around that.

Some are trying to find their answers higher up even, and are building certain realities as to what this higher up is and how it feels.

We have talked about this before, your origins, so we are only going into it with a small explanation. You came from source, you can call it God, or the Divine.

But you all came into being from the same energy. When you came into being you were like a new born baby, and even more like a new born than within the human reality. Nothing within your energy, no memories, no connections to a past or future.  Everything is blank. From that moment exploration begins.

Now many stories have been built around this, some call it source, mother, father, god, and many more explanations have been given according to the human thought system.

We would say, source would be the most appropriate as the energy you came from does not act like what you see as a mother, or father, or god, or even creator. Creation is taking place through each of you.

Many different realities are being and have been created upon earth to have you move within, to guide you, to inform you, to have you find your way back to your original state.

It does not really matter what words you use to represent where you came from, it only matters if you are so attached to these words that is starts to interfere with your progress of moving within.

So many are still asking, what am I supposed to do, I want specific answers, how to do this, how to do that, if you don’t have specific answers than what is the point.

I want someone to tell me what to do. Or on the other side you say everything is within me, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.

You see that in this way each has their own path either with guidance from the outside, guidance from the inside, or guidance from both the outside and inside.

Now we get to the challenge ahead, this year is the top year of the sun, solar flares have been popping up all over and they have an effect upon the earth and your energies.

This week has started a period of solar flares opening up space, portals within the earth reality to allow for even more energy to flow through. This energy is energized through the solar flares and will give you a boost to start working again in a different way than before though.

It is time to realize that even though it seems the control systems are still present, they have been removed, they were dissolved by the earth going through the shift. If you are looking for signs within your outside world, thinking about your belief systems and attachments, they will prevent you from seeing sometimes what is really present upon earth.

The old control systems, and we will explain more about what they are and how they are created, have been dissolved, but it doesn’t take long to place new ones, you actually carry still some of these control systems within your own being through your belief systems and attachments as well.

This is something that only you can do, you are the only ones that can dissolve any control system within you, with or without help from others, it can be done.

The challenge ahead is to start moving again, start your journey, jumpstart your journey in fact as many are moving slowly at this time, and the engines are just sputtering, not running full force.

That is a challenge, as you have done it before and are tired of it most of the time, some of you have gone in a stasis position at times and are trying to move out of it, but without any expectations of what might happen it is hard.

Your still getting used to the energies from after the shift and now new energies have been coming in as well. Sometimes feeling like it is too much.

Yet, this new phase of solar energy, which is in fact amplifying the universal and cosmic energies being added to your earth system are coming, and they are not waiting for you to be ready.

Many would call this the sacred fire, the divine cosmic energies coming to earth, in fact this will lift the earth up even further into her new reality and even higher dimensional frequencies then what you are expecting at this moment.

Time for you to jumpstart that engine and move full force ahead again into the golden age, creating the new reality upon earth.

Take advantage of the support you receive through the sun, the divine cosmic energies and all else that is being presented to you, as you are now moving fast forward to the completion of the rebirth stage that the earth has been going through since the shift. The earth is completing her rebirth, as the earth was in need of some rest as well, and is now ready to take on a new role, not as protector of the earth reality and all upon the earth, but as energizer of the earth reality, moving fast forward into the Golden Age.

From one source to another
May 15, 2013
Petra Margolis


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