When you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!

When you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!

by John Smallman


Humanity’s interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion.  You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you.  Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!  That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos!  Is that not amazing?

But it is true, because you are all divine beings of power and might who have chosen to constrain yourselves within the very narrow confines of a human body. And now the time has come for you to move on — to move up into the higher dimensions where your spirits shine out brilliantly through the beautiful Light with which God endowed you at the moment of your creation.

Your divine nature is to shine, and even as you hide yourselves in the depths of the illusion that nature shines through when you think, speak, or behave lovingly, compassionately, or forgivingly.  The more that you do so the brighter burns your Light, which is very clearly visible in the spiritual realms, and which those in the physical realms can sense, feel, and recognize as goodness and holiness, which provides them with a safe space in which they can find acceptance and comfort.

You truly are comforters, because you are helping others to recognize that their sense that something is missing, that something much greater than physicality is calling to them is valid, and that it is most definitely not a sign that they are on the threshold of psychosis.  You chose to incarnate to shine your Light so that others could experience the comfort and support that your presence provides.  It gives them added strength to cope with and learn the lessons with which their life paths present them, so that they may awaken into the Reality from which it often seems that they are excluded.

Keep that Light shining brightly by engaging fully with the field of divine Love that constantly surrounds you, breathing its catalytic encouragement on the inextinguishable flame of Love burning eternally within each one of you.  You are all Lights unto the world, establishing Heaven on Earth as you mix and mingle with family, friends, and associates in your daily lives.  I do not exaggerate when I tell you this, because all that our Father has created, including every one of you apparently entangled in the illusion, are sentient immortal beings of infinite perfection and beauty.

The illusion does hide this from you with a thin veil that is as illusory as the illusion itself, but it suffices while you choose to focus on the egoic influence that is forever attempting to persuade you that life is uncertain, fragile, and likely to be snuffed out suddenly and inexplicably unless you take great care of it.  But as you open your hearts more and more to engage with the divine field of Love your sense of insecurity, of lack, even of danger, recedes, leaving you feeling free of fear, free to offer love, to express love, and to share love with an increasing lack of discriminatory limits or conditions. In fact you start to demonstrate your true nature by living it.  And that inspires and uplifts those with whom you interact, allowing and encouraging them to do likewise.

You have an expression, “coming out,” to signify someone who has admitted publicly to being of a sexual persuasion that is different from the accepted norm. I would suggest that it is time for you all to “come out” and admit that Love is your nature.  You know from what has been occurring over the last few decades that to come out effectively slays people’s dragons, and frees them from the fears that have restrained and, yes, controlled them.

Now is the time to come out and declare publicly and fearlessly that your true nature, as a divine being, as a child of God, is Love, and that it is unchanging and unchangeable.  The nature with which you were endowed at the moment of creation is perfect, beautiful, divine, and therefore absolutely unalterable in any way.  It is true of every single human that has, or ever will, live.  Once you fearlessly acknowledge that divine truth — because it applies without exception to every human being — it can no longer be contained, and it will spread and spread and spread until no one remains unaware, untouched, or immune to the recognition of it.  This truth will indeed set you free. All you have to do is to acknowledge it.

With so very much love, Saul.


KRYON – Prepare For A Year of Full Moon Energy!

29 March 2013 – 8:13am |  sensipeter

Saturday, 9 February, 2013  at Salt Lake City, Utah  (posted 28 March, 2013)

(This channelling is a continuation of the channellings from Phoenix and Boulder (below). It continues the discussion, a very controversial one, that Human scientific advancement is controlled… released to Humanity when it is ready. If this is the case (and the logic of it makes sense), then what is coming and where is it coming from? Are there Gaia time capsules left for us that open with ideas and enlightenment as we move into this newer energy past 2012? Are there personal time capsules as well? Where? When? It’s all here…)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The message that I give this evening is an extension to the two that I have given previously within the last weeks in Boulder Colorado [lightworkers.org/channeling/176544/kryon-2013-old-soul-toolkit] and Phoenix Arizona [lightworkers.org/channeling/176226/kryon-2013-what-now]

The information that you need to know, old soul, needs to be repeated sometimes, so we’re going to do a little bit of a review first.

There is a truth laying in the room, and one that is refreshing. There is a newness here, a renewal, and a recalibration of all things. Having passed this marker of the 2012 energy is far more significant than any of you realize. Many are watching in a quantum state from afar, and there is celebration. You can’t take back what you’ve done, and there are some axioms we wish to remind you of that may affect how you think about it all. But let us review, just for a moment.

When my partner awoke 23 years ago, he did so slowly, and we have said this before. We came at him in a slow fashion so he would not be frightened. We gave him the information slowly and simply, so it would be believable. But even back then, we had just opened the door of potential, and I had arrived because of what you had done. Old soul, some of you were young then and some of you were not. All of you were here on purpose, however.

For the last 23 years, you have simply been in survival. For the last 23 years, I have been telling you about things to expect and the profound potentials that were before you. I spoke of some of the energies that you would face, and you did. All of this was given in the metaphor of fighting an old energy, and of having a duality that constantly is being challenged and worked with. Now it’s different. Now the work begins.

The old soul will say, “Wait Kryon, I’ve been working for a long time! How can you say it begins now?” Indeed, you have been working, slogging through the tar of an old energy. But that was just survival. You have been an old soul with information, and you knew there would eventually be an awakening where that information would be used. Now the tar is starting to go away, and the awakening begins.

The 2012 Marker

Let me review from a previous channelling. There has been a time marker that has been self-imposed by Gaia on humanity, aligning itself with the precession of the equinoxes. This was a 26,000-year cycle of time given appropriately and seen by the ancestors as an end or a beginning. Should you make it past this point, there would be no going back.

There are some who are saying, “When are we going to get back to what we’re used to? I want to feel normal again.” Dear ones, you started this race when you were born and you have run a marathon, existing in miles and miles of what you call Human experience. Do you really feel that as you win this race, you’re going to be transported back to the beginning or the middle? The answer is no.

Perhaps there are those old souls who are sitting around waiting for things to return to normal, but you don’t know what normal is! You’ve always been battling the old energy, over and over for lifetimes! You have always had to be on alert ever since you understood duality. That’s not normal.

Let me describe the new normal. Normal is an earth, a planet, that has moved into a transitional period of energy where the ideas you have as an old soul now have merit and value. It’s almost like the sun has come out in a darkened area and things that didn’t used to work suddenly do. That’s the new normal. Normal will now be a time when you don’t have to wake up and slog through the mess anymore.

Reminder of What Has Happened

Continuing the review, in your new Old-Soul Toolkit, use the patience tool. Don’t make up your mind that things are not happening fast enough. Instead, take a rest. Take a breath or two, as we often say, and sit back and rest. Look at what has taken place and take a moment to thank the ancestors who brought you here. Take a moment to honor your mother and your father, whether they’re alive or dead, and whether they believe in these things or not, or whether they were good to you or not. Thank them for bringing you here. Because on the other side of the veil, dear ones, before they ever got here, they knew what they were doing. There was a potential of when their biology would unite and bring your old soul back into this planet, by design.

Take a moment to honor Gaia for having brought you to this place where the energy of the planet can now start to align with you, as it did with the ancestors, for you will start to see an awakening of the dirt of the planet. Understand the alliance that is there, even in a modern day, and give thanks to the earth. For that’s where you came from. Have patience. You’re going to have to have some because of what I’m going to tell you next.

The Time of the Crazies

There is an odd, unsettling energy when darkness starts to diminish, because you grew up fighting it and you begin to miss it. Some of you are actually used to it! Some of you depend on it because you push and it pushes back. You see that attribute as balance! When it doesn’t push back as you expect, you tend to be uncomfortable and you are out of balance. So there is an unsettling energy even within the old soul. You’re not really sure what’s going on. So we say to you, relax, breathe, be patient, and recalibrate slowly to a new energy that doesn’t push back quite as hard so you’ll know how to operate within it.

Now, dear one, have you seen anything unusual lately regarding what some people are doing? Sometimes it’s in your news, but not always. It started right before the equinox, right before the solstice. You could look at the news and see what was taking place.

It seems that certain Human beings are going crazy and that some are going so far as to shoot other Human children. Others are going on rampages, making no sense whatsoever, and making you wonder all about humanity and what is truly happening. This seems no different than what you see each month, called the full moon. You are aware of the full moon, aren’t you? It’s an unusual time where the presence of the moon in a certain phase creates seeming unbalance in people. Those who are on the edge often go over it and do things they would never do if it were not the full moon. Now, I have something to tell you that isn’t pleasant. Prepare for a year of full moon energy! That’s the kind of energy you’re looking at.

Some are starting to add these things up and look at them and make statements. There are some who would tell you that the Earth is going into a diseased state. They’ll tell you that this is what the prophecies always said, and that people are becoming unbalanced. What are you going to say to them? No, it isn’t happening? It looks like it is! What’s really happening is the old energy is flailing because it can’t believe you won! And you have.

The Old Energy Has Lost the Battle

Are you feeling an energy of unbalance? Do you think you’re feeling odd due to this? Well, just think about those who depend on an old energy to exist! Think for a moment about the greed masters, those who make their living tricking others. They believe they know Human consciousness so well that all they have to do is wiggle their finger a certain way and they can trick almost anyone. They can swindle their way through life. Did you know that’s not going to work anymore? How do you think they feel? Their very survival is at stake.

Since the old ways are not working as well, they will now try other things. This is what I’m talking about, and you’re going to see a lot of dark things get darker, because those who are invested in them are starting to realize that what they used to do is not working. You’re going to see this very soon, and you’re going to continue to see it in your economy, for anything that was produced out of integrity is going to get worse until a system is developed that has integrity from the new energy.

You’re going to see it in your politics. You’re going to see it in the way politicians will campaign. You’re going to see what Human Beings in a new energy will tolerate and not tolerate, and this is all about shift. So this review is to say to you that you’re going to have to tolerate some crazies for a while. Some of them will be closer to you than not. When you see it, I want you to remember this channelling. It’s a year of a full moon energy, or at least that’s what it’s going to feel like. Watch for bizarre, unbalanced leaders, too!

Things may seem a little out of balance, and you still won’t know where the energy is settling. You really are not certain what you’re supposed to do next, and I am all the while telling you to take it easy, take a vacation, relax, and be patient. Old soul, you’ve come too far to get into this shift and then worry about how it feels.

I want you to begin using the wisdom that you came with. Those of you who have raised children, I want you to remember what this was like in certain stages of growth for them. What did your children go through in their learning curve? Was there a time when they didn’t like you, and then later they did? Did they go through sweeps of emotional change? This is what the planet’s energy is going through, and it’s almost like a rebirth.

Ideas and Inventions Are Not Random

Now, I want to revisit this because we’re coming to the point of what I want to speak of, which we have not spoken of before. It seems unbelievable, but the fact is that ideas and inventions are given to the planet when it’s ready, and not before. We told you last time that humanity believes it can “think of anything.” The intellectual believes the sky is the limit in creativity. Yet, isn’t it interesting that everything profound in ideas and inventions has come almost at the last moment? When you take a look at humanity and how long you’ve been here and how long there have been smart Human Beings, why is it that only in the last seeming second of time that almost all modern invention took place?

Imagine going through thousands of years without understanding what a bacteria was, or not believing in germs, or not having electricity. When you think about these things and the order in which they came to the planet, it’s quite revealing. Many Humans were working on the same invention at the same time and didn’t even know it. Suddenly, you received the invention of radio, then pictures that fly through the air, then flight. It all came together seemingly in the last moment. You’ve got to ask, do you not, how logical is this in the scheme of how things work? Did you have to come to a certain point in history before Humans got smart? Or do you think there was something else going on? The answer is there was something else going on. It seemed as though these ideas were being “delivered” to the planet all at the same time, and many were understanding these things suddenly all at once.

The Time Capsules

Here is what happened: Within that which you call Gaia, there is the Crystalline Grid. This is the memory of all things placed there by the Pleiadians. The Crystalline Grid was created for this purpose by the Pleiadians. When it’s proper and when humanity’s consciousness has reached a certain point, these ideas are released. It is a time capsule of invention and more. This does not happen from the great central sun; it does not happen from outside the earth, but rather it happens from within.

In the beginning of the 2000s, we sat in a place called Mount Shasta [California] and we told you of the Lemurians in the mountain. We told you of the time capsules there, and now you have the explanation. Those in the mountain are not going to come out and present themselves and shake hands. A time capsule is about information and ideas. The capsules are about quantum attributes of science and life that you’re going to discover. It is about ideas you need to have to move into a new energy when the full moon crazies are over… and they will be. So the time capsules seem to be alive by those who can sense them, and they “buzz” with activity to the esoteric “see-er.”

Did you ever put these things together? Did you ever ponder how long civilization has been on the planet? You sit in this country called the United States, but do you realize that the founding fathers of this nation put together something completely and totally unique that had never been thought of before? Out of their minds came ideas for government where the rights of the Human Being came first. Where do you think those ideas came from? I’ll tell you – right out of the ground! [The Crystalline Grid]

How long should it have taken humanity to think of that? It was a system that would seem so obvious, put together clearly and succinctly, creating a country that was young and so far ahead of all the others that it set the standard for 100 years or more that was new and different. Why didn’t that happen 1,000 years ago? You have to ask yourself, is this logical to you? Again, was humanity just unaware for thousands of years? Why were there no logical ideas for higher thinking and inventiveness?

Tesla the Man

There was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you call alternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can’t, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered “genius-level thinking” to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man’s quantum mind.

That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it.

Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn’t duplicate or control it. It just wasn’t time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn’t fail at all.

There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet’s magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it.

Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you.

Now I’ll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it’s the first time we have ever told you – because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn’t ready for it. You’re not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize.

“So,” you might say, “when will we be ready for it?” I think you already know the answer, don’t you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important is unification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That’s coming, dear ones. It’s a ways away, but it’s coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It’s like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by.

The Opening of the Time Capsules

There is a storehouse of future knowledge and ideas in these time capsules you call Gaia, placed there a long time ago by those who you would call the Pleiadians, and these time capsules will open with new ideas about unity and peace first before they open with inventions. Humanity must soften before the inventions will come your way, and you will see what I mean over the next period of 18 years. These are the time capsules beneath your feet in the form of the nodes of the Crystalline Grid, and how fast these things are released to you will depend completely and totally on what you do next.

What To Do Next

So let’s discuss what to do next. I want you to take a vacation and learn to love yourself! That should be the primary work for 2013! Cast off the fears and the worries and put them in a metaphoric jar for awhile. You can take that jar out occasionally and worry with it, but don’t let that be the focus. The focus should be who are you, why did you come, what’s next for the planet, and a total realization that you’re not alone.

For 23 years we have said, “You’re not alone.” You may walk from this place and get in your car. You can start it, put the heater on, but while you wait for it to warm up, I want you to look at the empty seat next to you and say, “Nice to have you along.” This is an acknowledgment of the Higher-Self and the love of God that accompanies you wherever you go. Do you realize what you’ve got inside? You’re going to need this entire engine of knowledge and the quantumness that is in you to start developing the divinity inside. It must become real to you, old soul, in order to go to the next step.

The Personal Time Capsule

Now, this is your personal time capsule, and it’s what we really wanted to talk about. There are three kinds of time capsules. There’s one kind that we won’t speak of yet. There is another kind in the earth and there’s still another kind in your DNA. It’s the spiritual inheritance that you came in with that’s ready to open up like a lotus. When it does, there will be new awareness. There will be peace in a countenance that is not necessarily peaceful. There will be patience in a countenance that is not necessarily patient. That’s when you get to change you, for it releases ideas, emotions and a consciousness that has been within you always, but only now is beginning to show itself in this new energy.

Expect the issues that will occur. Don’t be shocked

Let humanity flail the way it does in a full moon. Let the crazies come out and do whatever they’re going to do. Try to help the ones who are affected. Hold the hands of the ones who need their hands held. But understand that this is temporary, because you won the major battle, dear ones! There’s a whole bunch of energy that doesn’t believe in you or anything you represent. That’s the truth. They can’t see the light in you and only feel that something is now missing in them.

We’ve been waiting a very long time to give you these messages. Now is when the work begins. It must begin with you in ways that perhaps you’re not really prepared for. It’s not about doing, but rather about being.

In these moments and these months, I want you to be aware of who you are, old soul. You came here for a reason. You’re not fighting the system and you’re not a victim of it. Instead, you are slowly becoming the system. Cast off these things that have bothered you. Deny them power in your mind and body. Tell them to get behind you. You’ve got work to do, and that’s the truth this day. Time capsules, beautiful and ready, are being activated on this planet. You should see what’s in them. Some of you will.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

“If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.”


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – April 29 to May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC

An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013.  At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.   The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time. Continue reading…

“The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U. S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years. – Stephen Basset (Political Activist)

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure


Spring Brings the Rise of Female Energies, and Disclosure Could Change Everything!

Part 135, Spring Brings the Rise of Female Energies, and Disclosure Could Change Everything!


by Kathryn E. May, PsyD

Dear Ones, it is a lovely day in the East Coast of the U.S. Spring is in the air, and March is about to go out like a lamb. It will be a welcome spring, after the heavy snows and cold weather. We too look forward to the blossoming across the entire Northern regions. It is a beautiful view from afar or on the ground; the sights and sounds of spring are a sensual delight for animals, plants and humans alike.

This year, a new era begins as well as a new season. It is the time of the rising of the female energies, which have been in abeyance for 5,000 years, and the shift from the Yang to the Yin. This means a shift from the hierarchical structures with which you are so familiar – the patriarchy, the corporation, the government and almost all the other institutions you can think of – in which there is a pyramid power structure, with a controlling person at the top. In this arrangement, the various levels are designed to provide a particular function or job description into which a person must fit him or herself. In a Yin environment, the structure is a level network with a more fluid structure where the people or elements of the structure are self-selecting according to the abilities and talents they bring to the group. Although leaders may arise when needed, it is a less rigid and less permanent structure which may be created as needed for a particular situation, and dissolved when the need is fulfilled.

In a Yin era, work, trade and all the functions of daily life tend to revolve around the local social networks, with an emphasis on family, neighborhood and community relationships. There will be a growing interest in close relationships rather than far-flung trade with unknown impersonal entities. In other words, the emphasis is on the person rather than the product. There will arise a greater interest and appreciation for unique crafts, ethnic colors and flavors in everyday life, and respect and acceptance for differences rather than competition and a need for proving superiority – one winner, one team on top. Instead, the appreciation of the game and individual skill for its own sake will be celebrated.

Most importantly, as war is eliminated and violence becomes seen as a thing of the past – a lower level of existence – the difference between male and female will melt away, making it possible to create a truly equal society based on the slightly different skills which men and women bring to the group. When violence is removed from the equation, men can no longer claim to be superior over women, since they cannot beat them up or subdue them physically. This will allow for the flowering of admiration and appreciation of the true beauty and strengths of the female, and for the admirable protective strengths of the male to come into fulfillment. The raising of children will become a truly shared partnership throughout the child’s life, and education will be seen as an ongoing life experience rather than an isolated time-limited experience in child ghettos as it is done presently.

As violence drops away, so will the frantic race for material wealth. There has always been enormous wealth and abundance on Gaia, which has been terribly misused and distributed unequally, at the great cost of the health of the planet. Gaia’s present civilization has already been saved from extinction by the combined efforts of the Intergalactic Federation forces which have stabilized her, preventing the pole shift which would have wiped the planet clean, at the cost of all but a few of her inhabitants. The result is that Gaia will have a fresh start – a new lease on life, you might say.

Many of you have looked forward to the air lift, in which all of those who are ready to ascend will be removed from Gaia to be protected and taught the ways of peace and delight of life in the 5th dimension. We have some news about the plans for that endeavor, and some changes to announce.

You, Dear Ones, have created a miracle. The levels of light energy beaming from the planet have reached unprecedented levels. This is partly a result of the rising energy levels we have provided for the awakening of the stragglers – those who are basically good folks who were caught up in their mundane, frantic pursuits and busywork. However, it is mostly due to the strenuous efforts of Lightworkers who have worked tirelessly to spread the messages of joy and anticipation, of hope for a new beginning. The fire has been lit; the tables are laden with bountiful delights, and the party is about to begin.

This time the party will be celebrated without fear of being menaced by Dark Forces, because the Dark Hats are being rounded up and sent off the planet for trial and, in an interesting turn of events, sequestration. They have been replaced by clones for the time being, while all the culprits are brought to justice, from the top down. The leaders of the thirteen families will be removed first, followed by their lackeys who are the heads of most of the major corporations of the world, along with the political leaders who have done their dirty work for them. As the Dark Ones fade away, you will notice a new tone of cooperation, collegiality and congeniality emerging in the market place and the political arenas.

Groups of women activists are organizing quickly, taking it upon themselves to become the leaders of the spring cleaning in the court systems, the legal systems, the prison systems, the media and the banking and financial industries. This well-educated and talented cohort of women fall into step easily with one another, without ego struggles or competitive jockeying for power because they are on a mission to right the wrongs of the past. Their focus will be on the health and well-being of the women, children and families whose lives have been destroyed by greed, indifference and cruelty in the pursuit of profit. In the process, those who have participated in secret trafficking of drugs, sex slaves and children will be revealed and brought to justice.

These activities can only be successful if there is an end to violence and assassination, as we have said. This will be granted. Lightworkers will be given the umbrella of protection of the Galactic forces. The work they have always wanted to do will become efficient and effective because of the clearing away of the worst obstructionists and their mercenaries. The threat of violence removed, nothing will stop the tidal wave of activists who are more than ready to “clean house.”

Now, you have noticed that we did not finish the description of what is to happen in terms of the final phase of Ascension, which has been predicted as a possibility for September of this year, along with the cleansing of Gaia which would have taken place over an extended period, leaving enormous numbers of reluctant souls to perish in the upheaval of Gaia’s process. The Council has been meeting nearly non-stop as the conditions have changed daily; the Plan which had been decided upon has been in constant reconsideration and evaluation, with the help of the massive computer tracking systems and modeling techniques available to them. They know the light quotients, location and behavior of every individual on the planet.

It has been proposed, Dear Children, that an alternative may now be considered, which would allow for a more gradual and orderly transition, with the help of the entire Galactic community. The gathering of souls which have been attracted by this historic event has reached phenomenal proportions; your cheering section has grown to nearly match the number of inhabitants of Gaia herself. This, combined with the stupendous Shift in consciousness you have achieved in the past 3 months, could make it possible for a reorganization of your society through introducing new technologies and training offered by the fleet of advanced teachers who stand ready at hand, in service to humanity. The only requirement to make this possible is a whole-hearted invitation from a major nation which would elect to be the experimental model by which the world may judge the wisdom of accepting the glorious gifts your Brothers and Sisters have to offer.

Various individuals and groups have offered to host the landing of a ship or two to start the Disclosure project. We have concluded that this will be a viable beginning after the opening of the movie, Sirius Disclosure, and the Citizens’ Disclosure Hearings to begin in the end of April, if no national government has made the official Disclosure announcement. By then we can be more sure of the safety of people on the ground, and the welcoming attitude of the general population.

So, you see, the Great Shift is being manifested by all of you. You have prayed for it, asked for it, begged for it, even demanded it. Your continuing adamant appeals are tipping the balance of the scales of Justice, fueling the fire of Truth, and raising the banner of Faith for all to follow. You are truly courageous souls, the rising stars of the firmament, and you, Dear Ones, have made manifest this glorious dream of our hearts. The final phase will also be up to you. We honor your wishes, we answer your prayers for the Greater Good, and we follow your lead. You will be given the help you wish for, as long as enough of you are in strong agreement. Continue your good work, gentle Warriors.

We love you one and all, as we look forward to the Greatest Event,

Your Mother/Father God


* Citizens Hearing on Disclosure


Galactic Command Center Planned for Santa Fe, NM

Galactic Command Center Planned for Santa Fe, NM

Posted by Wes Annac

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.


Here’s a circular from Mike Quinsey, channel for SaLuSa of Sirius, on a project taking shape in Santa Fe, NM.

Hi Friends,

Quite recently a project was started in Santa Fe, NM with a view to setting up a Galactic Command Center, and with your interest in the City of Light, Sedona, I felt it may interest you as it is the outcome of the advent of the New Age. The group have been told that such Centers will be located all over our planet, and are holding meetings and have a Newsletter plus other mailing.

The messages below set out the objectives of the group with links to them, and there is also an excerpt from a supporting channeled message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate. The extract below comes from the linked general message, and there is also a brief message from SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Extract from Linked General Message.

“We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond”.

SaLuSa, March 23, 2013

Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa's channel Photo: Mike Quinsey

Like other groups of people that are forming, you are the pioneers for those who will follow, helping to bring the New Age into being. A feature of this building period will be the “small is beautiful” approach, as your present experiences show that ultra large groups do not necessarily function efficiently or in an acceptable way. People all over the world are rising to the occasion, as the consciousness levels increase and their awareness grows. You are catalysts for others and what you are doing is being inspired, so that it will be of great help to those with the same aspirations. We commend your foresight, but then you are doing what you came to Earth to do.

Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project”

Overview of Mission

The project started with a small core group of four people (Nancy, Bob, Verona, Lucy) who came together on January 9th 2013, each having an inner knowing, or a vision that this area in which we live would be the location of what we are calling the Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project”. Then Rev Rich and Patti came aboard the core group.

Next at our meeting on March 18, 2013 we had twelve people attend. Those who attended would agree that what the group is doing through our collective intent is anchoring an energy for the eventual physical manifestation of this proposed center. We all know that everything that we manifest in physical reality begins with a thought and then as humans focus their energy on that thought, eventually that thought is brought into our physical reality.

In addition we humans are the ground crew for whatever projects that we want to manifest here in our 5D reality with the help of our space brothers and sisters as well as our brothers and sisters who reside in the inner and hollow earth.

The core group is meeting structurally as a 5D council where everyone is a leader; there is no hierarchy. Everyone is an equal contributor to this mission’s manifestation. We are in contact with the Galactics through channeled messages received during our meetings, and our own intuition. The mp3 audio files of these meetings and newsletters are available to anyone interested on the http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com web site specifically on the following URL http://http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Galactic_CommandCenterNewsletters/galactic_command_center_project.htm

At some time in the future as the project comes more into focus it will have its own web site. In addition there have been some requests that we also have the meetings available as a teleconference so those who are located afar can listen in and lend their energy to the project. With this in mind when we have our next full meeting in April it will be available through a teleconference, details to be announced.

Those who are interested in receiving the newsletter or other emailings about the project please send an email to bobt_arizona@yahoo.com with the words CENTER PROJECT in the subject line.

We are told that these galactic centers will be located all over planet earth. As many messages have told us mother earth, and those of us who will choose to, will be moving into the full 5D vibration with her. This planet will become a showcase for many star systems to send their representative here to see what we have done and learned in our 3D duality experience, and to share what they are doing and experiencing. All the channeled messages received thus far are available on the above URL. However below are a few excerpts from some of these messages to give a little insight as to what the galactics are saying about these centers.

Lord Marius through Lucy Colson, Jan. 9, 2013 Meeting

(just a part of the message in text form here)

“There is much for you to do in the helping of others and as you begin as the talk has been about well we would call it a space port, you call it a convention center, what ever you want to call it, this area that is under development right now.

“There is not much that we can tell you about this edifice, let us call it, that is being created. It is one where others from other parts of the universe can come there will be a storage of records. You could call it a library that will be incorporated within the buildings where they will be able to research and through holographic means actually involve themselves in actual things that have taken place on earth.

“There is going to be much that is incorporated in this project. It is underway now but is just, actually, the beginning. As it is upon your planet things do change. The energies are changing rapidly and as energies change we too change our ideas of what is going to be incorporated into this grand plan. The buildings themselves will not be of an earthly structure but will be made of the finest light energy. They will vibrate at a very high rate and when you first enter into them it will be as if you are entering into song filled area. The vibrations will be coming from the light energy of the light factors themselves.

“There will be room there for healing. People from the local will be able to take part in the healing aspects and this will be of great help so this not simply an edifice or group of buildings for our use [galactic federation use]. It is for the use of humanity as well and there will be many who will come to these buildings to be trained so they may leave the earth at an appropriate time and go out into the universe to be of help to those third dimensional planets that are in the process of attaining their ascension.

“Not quite ready and that is the reason that many from the Earth will go out into these areas to be as teachers, to be as servers for those who are making an attempt to take part in the ascension process.

Another excerpt from St Germain, channeled by Nancy Tate Jan. 9, 2013.

“I will tell you this much and it is that as we continue with our speculations, ideas, we will begin to uncover some deeply embedded, or previously deeply embedded, inspiration that we have been on a very, lets say, deep level, creating with our aspects of energetic thought and desire. We have observed many expressions of creation throughout the universe and beyond and we have incorporated it all in a way of our beingness that can be an example of how we can express our creative abilities in ways that harmonize with all of existence. …

“As this all takes place, things regurgitate, then we will find that this command center and other placements around the world will be of service to each other, not just for the command center for the [Galactic] Federation [of Light], but for any other aspect of life on earth will all becoming into beingness through the creativity of the people who will be living in freedom to express what it is that they desire and what will most be in harmony with what they want in their lives . …

“So coming back to this particular moment , knowing it is all those other moments at the same time, for to speak it is to live it. In some energetic level we are setting the roots right here and right now for this command center from which so many people will walk forth in their power free of all the encumbrances that they have been living and it will be an experience so incredible as to have no limits.”

This is just a sampling of the messages that have come forth from the Jan. 9, 2013 meeting. Additional messages came forth in the meeting of March 18, 2013 and all are available in MP3 audio form at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Galactic_CommandCenterNewsletters/galactic_command_center_project.htm

In closing, how do we choose who will be in the core group or who by giving their energies and intent from afar will participate? If this project resonates with you then you choose yourself and you choose what part you wish to engage in, in its manifestation.

There is no ego here such that the team that is forming feel that they know who is fit to become a member or who is a clear channel of whom. Each person who comes in contact with this information will discern for themselves through their heart resonance what is their truth.

We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond.

The big question then is when is all of this going to take place? Does it not seem logical that for these 5D projects to come into our physical world that we are creating, we must wait until the wheat is separated from the chaff and humanity has moved fully into the higher levels of the 5th dimension?

Then and only then will humanity be free from fear and ready to welcome our brothers and sisters to come and work side by side with us to manifest projects that will benefit ALL of humanity and beyond.


Updated: US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government

Updated: US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government

Note: updated PDF to remove yellow highlighting in PDF which didn’t translate well on SCRIBD. -AK

US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government
By American Kabuki

This UCC document appeared on one of the Skype chats yesterday, it seemed familar to one mentioned to me by a very connected financial person.  The UCC filing statement from 2011 raised 14.3 Trillion in money under the Obama Administration by using the the people of the United States as “property improvement” capital on the land for purposes of collateral. You can’t file a UCC on property, but you can file on property improvements.

Essentially they sold you for 14.3 Trillion dollars in borrowed funds.  This is quite separate and additional from the birth certificate bonds.

I emailed my banking finance contact and they provided me with President Clinton’s 1997 Presidential Order, publicly defining the people of the United States as Property of the United States.

Defining people as property has been going on since the 1930s but was only declared publicly in 1997 by President Clinton.

Here’s the quote from  my anonymous contact:

The UCC-1 filing that you posted is related to this matter however, The executive order specifically mentioning publicly that we are Human Capital was Executive Order No. 13037 March 4, 1997 (specifically section 2 subsection ( b ) ). Prior to this the registrations of birth was secretly used in order to create a ‘Bond’ or debt on each individual. This has been taking place since 1933 in private.

US Citizens Defined as Property of the Govt



You can clearly see the collapsing house of cards that the global financial system has become

You can clearly see the collapsing house of cards that the global financial system has become

by John Smallman


The divine energy field enveloping you is strengthening and intensifying daily, matching your ability to meld with it more and more effectively, and of course its energy is Love, and that is permeating the hearts of those who are opening to It – the vast majority of humans – and helping you to release the attitudes and behaviors, the inflexible beliefs that so many have held for so long.  The results of this are visible all across the world as new ideas to deal with the major problems and issues facing you are expressed and shared.

The old, inflexible beliefs and the tools used to maintain them are still in evidence, but their ineffectiveness can no longer be disguised by blaming others for their failure to resolve the issues that they were supposed to solve.  The old order, the established order, has been in control, directing the business of politics, business, ethics, morality, religion — in fact, anything in which people interact together in any way at all — for a long time.  This order has remained hidden in the background while directing the activities of public figures so that its hidden agendas were achieved unseen, discreetly, and easily.

And frequently, some of those public figures did act in good faith, believing in the integrity and honesty of these “wise, intellectually brilliant elders” – their mentors and guides in the art of leadership – whose stated aim was to bring peace and abundance to all on Earth.  But of course those hidden ones, the elite, have always had their own completely self-serving, private agendas, and now the real intent of those agendas is being revealed, as more and more whistle-blowers find the courage to disclose the unconscionable secrets to which they have become party by blowing away the veils of secrecy under which so much has been hidden.

The old order is crumbling.  It no longer has the world in the iron grip by which it has attempted to control you all for so long.  Ironically, your mass communications are at the forefront of its undoing: it assumed that because it controlled the media, the politicians, the large corporations, and the major corporate-religious bodies, it still controlled all the primary information centers and access to them.  It has now become quite apparent that this is not the case, as more and more information of a sensitive nature is becoming public knowledge, disclosing the vast and unacceptable scale of corruption in high places.  The sheer speed of information exchange has stunned those who would keep secret the intrigues and corrupt agreements to which they are party, and which have personally benefited them enormously.

You can clearly see the collapsing house of cards that the global financial system has become, due to the unconscionable hubris and criminality of those who direct its activities, ably assisted by greedy underlings who proved to be totally bereft of any moral, ethical, let alone spiritual sense of responsibility.  Systems that are corrupt will always implode, and the scale of damage that occurs when this happens can have very far-reaching effects.

A new system of finance is essential in order for global stability to be renewed and maintained, and a new one has been designed, put into place, and is ready to be unveiled.  Those who have benefited by building fortunes through greed and corruption from the old system — which is now in the last stages of its final collapse due to their nefarious activities — will naturally be barred from holding any positions of responsibility or authority in the new one.  They may well find that their ill-gotten gains will drain rapidly away as a result of being excluded from the new system, which will be totally transparent in all its dealings and activities.

There will be a certain amount of confusion as the new replaces the old, but do not be alarmed as chaos will not ensue.  It will be as though an old and crumbling highway was closed off as a new one was opened to replace it.  Some will not have learnt that the old one is closed and will find themselves temporarily in a cul-de-sac where they have to turn around and retrace their steps to reach the new one.  But apart from a few minor teething problems while the change from the old to the new occurs, the transition should be relatively smooth.

The divine energies that envelop you are easing the fear and anxiety which the sight of the old systems collapsing has caused.  Keep your hearts open, receive the Love that is constantly offered to you, and share it widely and inclusively, yes, even with those who have caused much of the damage if you find yourselves interacting with them.  Blame, shame, and recrimination are not part of an awakened humanity, although those who have caused the severest damage will undoubtedly suffer much regret when they come to fully understand the extent of the suffering for which the bear some responsibility.

Love is the energy field in which all of creation has its existence.  It is powerful, mighty, wise and compassionate, and It willingly and enthusiastically hugs all who seek comfort in Its warm embrace.  None are excluded, although many may at first feel unworthy and hang back.  But no one is unworthy, and as this becomes apparent by Its indiscriminate and unconditional acceptance of all who approach It, those straggling or holding back will also approach and be swept up into the field of infinite, divine Love in which they were created.

With so very much love, Saul.


From Heather… Information for Release… “Why the PTW are afraid of eternal essence embodied BE’ing and DO’ing”

From Heather… Information for Release… “Why the PTW are afraid of eternal essence embodied BE’ing and DO’ing”… OR… “The Effects of Lasagna on How Posts are Written”

Posted on 2013/03/26 by

oppt_logo_blue19[UPDATE, 1 minute after posting this… Click HERE for D’s post on this, and click HERE for AK’s post. We each say different things, so may want to read them all…

Oh, Heaven, I liked what D says, so here it is:

Attempted Patent of Human Embodiment by Bank of America and VISA INTL

This is just the rough information for you all- we felt the need to get it out immediately and we’ll go back after the show tonight to pretty it up and fill in some blanks.

THIS is why the PTW have been freaking out. The OPPT stomped on their attempts to Patent HUMANS as “tech”!!!!!!!

A HUGE thank you to AK and Brian for pulling this all together from Heathers skype notes that I quickly emailed to them….. because I was making lasagna, lol!!

*side note* Within 10 minutes of Heather posting all this info to us on skype, her internet went down and has been bouncing on and off every few minutes since then……. Sorry Dude’s who are listening in for the PTW, you’re all TOOOO FREAKIN’ LATE!!!!!!! Your bosses are already foreclosed on and you are about to be jobless, AND……. We already have all the info into the public’s eye!!!!!! Nice try though! ;>)

……buhhahahahahhahahahh!!!!!!! I love it when a plan comes together!!!!”]

[Kp’s intro] Just got this email from D at RTS. This is a Skype chat exchange from “G” to Heather, and subsequent comments to D. Apparently this is data that indicates that the PTW (Powers That Were) are a bit nervous, or, as Heather writes, “why the PTW are afraid of eternal essence embodied BE’ing and DO’ing”.

Notes: 1) All the links below actually work!! 2) When Heather writes, “D can you get that all out please for all…”, I am not D. 3) Now, be sure to go back and read D’s comments above!!


[3:28:11 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: this was just sent to me, or rather, I just received it (chuckle)

<<< [9:27 AM] “G”: Hi Heather, Is the UVE based on US patent number 20120233072 A1?

does Visa Internat. Still hold the patent or was it released with all UCC filings?

[12:26:09 PM] Jarrafusa: http://www.google.com/patents/US20120233072

[12:26:22 PM] Jarrafusa: Very interesting…isn’t it

<<< So the Universal Value Exchange that you and Caleb brought forward has nothing to do to with that suggested UVE patent by Visa?

[Heather (Jarrafusa)] nope…the first I knew of it was now…because of you bringing it forth…very interesting indeed. (*)

[12:31:20 PM] Jarrafusa: the purported patent that is

[3:35:10 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: and meet the man who purportedly helped bank of america/visa “patent” “ownership” of the embodiment prior to OPPT going in and taking it all back to Source…

[3:35:13 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattcalman

[3:35:36 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: no wonder they were/are soooooo nervous

[3:36:01 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: thank you “G” for shining the light of Absolute Truth on that data!

[3:37:22 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: D can you get that all out please for all to know why the PTW are afraid of eternal essence embodied BE’ing and DO’ing?

[3:37:44 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: awesome….i love ABSOLUTE DATA! (music);)(music)

[3:38:11 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: The mechanics and who was operating them are becoming ABSOLUTELY VISIBLE!!!!!

[3:52:49 PM] *** Call from HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST, duration 00:54. ***



[4:02:39 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininventor:%22Matthew+A.+Calman%22

[4:02:54 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=ininventor:%22Erik+Stephen+Ross%22[4:03:07 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=inassignee:%22Bank+Of+America+Corporation%22

[4:05:48 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=intlpclass:%22G06Q40/00%22#hl=en&tbm=pts&sclient=psy-ab&q=G06Q40%2F00&oq=G06Q40%2F00&gs_l=serp.3…4043.4889.2.5351.…0.0…1c.1.7.psy-ab.X8QjV8mvu2U&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44342787,d.Yms&fp=61fb65c4cd171873&biw=1366&bih=620

[4:06:28 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: http://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=pts&hl=en&q=intlpclass:%22G06Q40/02%22#hl=en&tbm=pts&sclient=psy-ab&q=G06Q40%2F02&oq=G06Q40%2F02&gs_l=serp.3…221920.224290.0.224848.…0.0…1c.1.7.psy-ab.QtjzWf_74t4&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44342787,d.Yms&fp=61fb65c4cd171873&biw=1366&bih=620



Sheldan Nidle Update – Many Of You May Be Shocked When The New Governance Ends This Contrived Economic Oppression


Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Galaxy upon galaxy wait upon your immense talents and abilities! You are to co-create the instruments that will help Heaven in unfolding the Supreme Creator’s plan for this creation.

Ummac Dan 2

Ummac Dan

5 Men, 3 Mac, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! We come to explain what we are currently doing and why it has not yet manifested. As you can clearly see around you, the dark’s minions are still in power across this precious globe. We have worked hard to create a working alliance between our sacred secret allies and ourselves, and this union has produced a new monetary system and secured huge amounts of unaccounted-for gold and silver to back the new financial system. In addition, we laid the foundation for a new banking system and set up the legal instruments that terminate the tyranny of the large private banks, as it is vital that this global, octopus-like institution be no longer able to suck the life out of your world’s economies. Furthermore, a new international system of governance is shortly to be in effect. The final arbiter of all things connected to this scenario is Heaven. The agreement between the Light and the dark that was put into effect some 13 millennia ago is winding down and a series of celestial events will terminate that agreement, taking with it the conditions which hold you in thrall to limited consciousness. This sequence of events is now underway and will shortly allow a new era on your world to begin.

We do not speak lightly to the dark when we state that its time in power is about to end. Our appearance around the planet in ever greater numbers heralds that time in the divine plan when our personnel are to conjoin with our sacred allies and ensure the detention of those who have kept the brutal reign of the dark in power for millennia. Those who have kept you trodden underfoot in so many ways are finally to be held accountable. We inform them daily that a list has been drawn up and passed on to our various allies as we wish them to be fully cognizant of all aspects affecting their immediate future. Above all we emphasize to them that the final countdown on Heaven’s clock is shortly to begin and also that the global conflagration that they so determinedly seek will not be permitted. And still these men and women persevere with their stratagems for triggering just such a deplorable scenario. They are still as resolute as ever to use every means at their disposal to gain their ends. Because of this utter recalcitrance they leave Heaven with no choice but to remove them from further involvement in Earth affairs. This will allow all that is being prepared to finally see the light of a new day!

Neither Heaven nor we have announced these times of disclosure and change, but this divine event does not need to be known in order for it to happen. Indeed, this series of heavenly proclamations is to happen suddenly and will remain unannounced by Heaven’s grand champions. Long ago, the dark threw you, biologically speaking, in chains and made you believe that its rule over you was permanent. But this is not so! The sacred purpose for this experience was for you to acquire an excellent memory about the nature of the dark. This knowledge is to stand you in very good stead when you come to meld it with your soon-to-be-reacquired innate abilities to transform the various members of the dark Anchara Alliance into the Light. It is this specialty of yours that makes these once-dark star-nations anxious to get you started on this exceptional and sacred assignment, one that is to bring a true, permanent peace to the Milky Way Galaxy. A large array of Alliance craft sits just beyond the outer confines of your solar system awaiting your return to full consciousness, so be ready and know that a grand shift in your reality is at hand!

There is so much for you to wrap your heads around in the times ahead and we wish to prepare you as much as is possible at this point. We monitor the dark governments and watch the way they use their bag of tricks to manipulate you. Their sleight of hand has become most refined over the millennia: their news media proclaims an economic recovery while their associates arrange for an economic crash intended to thrust you into war, dictatorship, and other assorted miseries. Each of their politico-economic instruments is a tool for pulling the wool over your eyes, and the joint effect is like a shadow play where all the action is orchestrated and sticks to a predetermined script. You believe the performance to be real, which entrains you into beliefs that are of most benefit to the dark and its minions.

horn of plenty

Because of these beliefs, many of you may be shocked when the new governance ends this contrived economic oppression. Moreover, you will need to be open to what our sacred allies have to tell you as it will lead to liberation and a new state of permanent prosperity!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with some wondrous tidings from our heavenly directors. Events are beginning which will shortly lead to a new era of Love and Light for your world. The dark drew you into their realm nearly 13 millennia ago, bringing you misery, slavery, and an ever-increasing amount of despair. Now these times are over! A new period will bring about your release from the dark realms and your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. This transformation will formally begin with the injection of new, beneficial governance on your world. Heaven instructed us to look at the selected days ahead and prepare a message to be given by our sacred associates. They are now setting them up and will announce them shortly. As always we cannot give a specific date but we fully intend to announce this to you on the date we have selected. Until then we watch the heavens in glee knowing that your time of freedom gets closer each day.

As we have told you before, our associates are to broadcast a series of special messages that will set the stage for our appearances before you. We will appear all across the planet and begin a range of general teachings which will expose the huge lies and distortions that deliberately produced the dogma used by the dark to prevent you from knowing many sacred truths. These truths, which we shall elucidate, will be wide-ranging, beginning with the nature of Spirit and Love and proceeding to introduce the knowledge that will prepare you for the wonders of the state of full consciousness. Basically, we are humanity’s wayshowers, and our messages are the keys to a divine destiny that each of you possesses. At the duly appointed time, Gaia intends to join you in your moment of transformation and integrate herself into a single, unified, magnificent realm of Light!

It is this brilliant, unified realm of Light that you will awaken into in your fully conscious state. At this point our sacred role changes and we become, initially, your heavenly supervisors. We are to guide you lovingly through your first days as sacred Beings of Light. At this time we are to divulge to you the immense realms that are found in the highest regions of physicality. You will reacquire the wisdom of these realms which will prepare you for your first assignment of divine service to the Light. Your galaxy is in need of special exercises and miracles which are to transform it forever. Galaxy upon galaxy wait upon your immense talents and abilities! You are to co-create the instruments that will help Heaven in unfolding the Supreme Creator’s plan for this creation. What we describe is only the merest beginning of the wonders which lie ahead for you!

Today we talked about what is shortly to happen. You are a great collective which has been encouraged by the guile of the dark to temporarily lose its way. Now you are to be given the truths which will return you to your sacred paths. Together we will remake this reality and forge a true realm dedicated in all aspects to Love and to Light. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!

Explore PAO’s website


Sheldan Nidle Acknowledged the Creation of the OPPT

More Information about Today’s OPPT Posts from Sheldan Nidle via AK…

Posted on 2013/03/24 by

oppt_logo_blue17This relates to earlier OPPT posts (Message from Heather to White Dragons…”, and “The Eternal Essence ‘I’ Notice”…”), and was posted by American Kabuki.


American Kabuki: The following information just came in which is relevant to what is going on at this NOW moment:

Just to pass on… Sheldan Nidle just acknowledged the Creation of the OPPT as an embodiment of the changeover in societal structure, as an expression of the New Galactic society. The steps taken [legalities and protocols], he explained, are ones that are required, PLUS the steps taken with ALL of us, collectively, in implementaing the ENERGETIC of KNOWING as CREATIONAL principles.

[1:45:58 PM] deva peters: He also made reference (implied) that this initiative has been birthed from the Ascended streams of consciousness here and NOW

[1:46:55 PM] deva peters: THIS is just a quick paraphrase. I just thought you might like to KNOW and to BE acknowledged in this Creation.

[1:47:33 PM] Jarrafusa: ♥



Message from Heather to White Dragons, et al… “Let the real fun begin!”

Message from Heather to White Dragons, et al… “Let the real fun begin!”

Posted on 2013/03/24 by

oppt_logo_blue15This appeared in an OPPT arena this morning, and I felt moved to put it “out here”, as I feel it’s “important” (whatever that means).



[6:25:13 AM] Jarrafusa: …, all separations are being magnetically drawn to a nexus point of NOW. Many requests to co-operate and co-DO are being made. So, I make known the following:

[6:21:24 AM] Jarrafusa: Deryl, please pass the message on to the groups claiming to be the white dragons and unido/family trusts:

“In absolute love, peace and gratitude for all service done, conscious and unconscious, to manifest this moment of NOW. Where OPPT was the conscious space to know that all that IS, BE eternal essence, a new conscious space and tools within eternal essence are launching today to impower experiencing eternal essence embodied…for all to know and rely upon.

With full responsibility and liability, I issue invitation, insurance and guarantee of immediate face to face meeting(s) between embodiments of eternal essence. I can be reached by mobile phone +212 620072438, skype at jarrafusa, or by other means of presenting embodiment.

I am in Tangier Morocco DO’ing and would love to meet to discuss DO’ing together transparently in the highest good of all as we choose by our free will… even in a twinkling of an eye and at speed of heart.

As you may already know, we are launching the NOW phase of Abundance to experience… eternal essence by embodiment absent borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions, judgment, prejudice, and limits.

absolute gratitude, love and peace
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf”

[6:25:42 AM] Jarrafusa: let the real fun begin!


Don’t Be Shocked When The Announcements Begin

Poof For Sunday, March 24, 2013 – Slight delay of the finish

Greetings and Salutations;

Most of what I have to say, is in the song. It really is the end and activity has already begun. Some must have lost their minds to defy the treasury sec, as if they had a choice. The trick is the only choice they had was a new cell to sit in, when they were caught with their pants down around their ankles. The old grey mare ain’t what she used to be, fellas. That greed will get you every time. It’s a vice that will no longer be permitted. There are a bunch of folks sitting at home with ankle bracelets as the finality arrives. The rest will be hustled off to undisclosed locations at the final moment. Don’t be shocked when the announcements begin, truth can be a real humdinger, and some won’t even believe the evidence when it’s put at the end of their noses. This will be the real ‘shock and awe’. The ripping down of the ‘Lie’ curtain is happening folks, for the whole world. Not a hole left to hide in. The C is in the atmosphere now and that’s why there’s all this insanity is happening. The pope got it and signed off straight away.

Love and Kisses,



“The Battle Of Evermore” by Led Zeppelin


New Zealand considers Cyprus-style banking failure solution ??

Published time: March 19, 2013 09:59
A man withdraws money from an ATM at the global headquarters of the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Bank (AFP Photo/William West)
A man withdraws money from an ATM at the global headquarters of the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Bank (AFP Photo/William West)

New Zealand depositors could face a Cyprus-style tax on their bank accounts, as the government is planning to impose a similar strategy on its banks warns the country’s Green Party.

New Zealand is facing a similar bank failure to Cyprus, is likely to adopt open bank resolution (OBR), which will see small depositors lose part their savings in favour of a big bank bailout, Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said. The country’s Finance Minister Bill English supports the open bank resolution.

“Bill English is proposing a Cyprus-style solution for managing bank failure here in New Zealand,” said Norman, adding that the Reserve Bank is in the “final stages” of implementing an OBR system.

New Zealand banks’ depositors will have their savings cut by a certain percentage needed to keep their bank afloat.

The Green Party however has major doubts, that OBR tactics is appropriate here. Norman underlined, that few depositors can reasonably evaluate the reliability of their bank. “Not even sophisticated investors like Merrill Lynch saw the global financial crisis coming,” he added.

Norman believes that OBR policy is too radical saying few OECD countries use it, preferring deposit insurance schemes.

“A deposit insurance scheme is a much simpler, well-tested alternative to open bank resolution. It rewards safe banks with lower premiums and limits the cost to taxpayers of a bank failure… [They] protect people’s deposits up to a maximum ranging from $100,000 to $250,000,” he said.

Cyprus announced last week that it plans to impose a 10 per cent tax on bank accounts as part of a 10 billion euro bailout by the European Union. The news caused panic across the island as people rushed to cash machines to withdraw their savings. The Cypriot parliament will vote on the deposit levy on Tuesday.



A Stern Message To The Powers That Were!


11 Lamat, 16 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again! Your world continues to teeter on the brink of a new realm. The dark’s minions are very aware of just how close your reality is to a most significant transformation. We are monitoring several developments that are being staged by the dark ones in an effort to somehow change their looming fate. The Anunnaki’s ‘children’ have ruled your lives with an unchallenged hand for nearly 13 millennia, but this prolonged unpleasantness is now drawing to a close. Until now they have always found a way to escape from serious predicaments and are still hoping for some means of reshaping their current situation. We have news for you dark arrogant ones: “This time, what you have planned is not going to save you. We are monitoring your recent clumsy attempts to stage incidents designed to spark a wide-ranging series of conflicts. This time, dark ones, you will not be allowed to shake up the world. Our sacred allies are now occupying positions that can effectively limit what you are planning. We have also created a network that can intervene against when so required. The time your predestined removal from power is indeed approaching rapidly!”

Heaven has decreed your future and our task is to carry out these sacred decisions when signaled to do so by our heavenly advisors. When Atlantis fell into its fiery and watery grave, the Anunnaki emerged and were given a special dispensation by Heaven, and, as we have often reminded you, this dispensation possesses a predetermined time limit. This grace-filled moment for your exit is here. Shortly, a glorious event is to take place! This Light will permit us to come and secure a great victory for not only the Light but also for the long-suffering people who live on the surface-world of this sacred globe. Your dark and dreadful technology can no longer prevent the inevitable. This living realm, and indeed this entire solar system, is in urgent need of a series of sweeping changes which will constitute a most fitting prelude to ascension into a new 5-D reality. Our specific task is to facilitate these transformations and dispatch you from power. This we fully intend to do. We await the heralds of this new reality, and then a thorough accounting will be made of the old outgoing paradigm and those who perpetrated it.

“This period of waiting is swiftly coming to a close. You know this, and yet you continue to bumble about and compel your misguided alliances to keep resisting the unavoidable. The time for the removal of your personnel approaches. Our allies are busy adding names to the already lengthy lists of detainees. The special courts, convened to conduct your trials, are in situ and their dockets are waiting to be announced. The sacred events spoken of by Heaven are happening and are building to a most amazing crescendo! The termination of your lunatic reign is close as this sacred ‘clock’ tick-tocks inescapably toward change. Above you, dark ones, lies a vast fleet which guarantees your prophesied end, so do not think for even a minute that what little activity left at your command can in any way prevent this divine turn of events! Meanwhile, you are assaulting the atmosphere and drastically altering the very nature of Gaia’s ecosystems. These actions of yours further confirm the need for you to go and go now.”

The Galactic Federation Main Council summoned us over two decades ago to carry out what Heaven now commands of us, namely, a mass landing of our personnel on Gaia’s sacred shores. The dark cringes at the mere thought of this eventuality; nevertheless, this moment is nearly upon us. After countless drills and myriad adjustments and adaptations, we stand very ready to come and visit you en masse. This mission has undergone many incarnations, and we are ready to bring our beloved siblings of this world a great gift: the final stretch of a now fully opened highway to full consciousness for those living on Gaia’s surface realm. Each of you is destined to experience once again the joys of full consciousness. Even the dark’s most die-hard minions will eventually reconnect with this most glorious state of Being! This is a truly planet-wide shift! Your solar system and each and every one of you are to become members of this new star-nation. Then you can rejoin your Agarthan family and return your beautiful homeworld, united, to the Light!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with Joy in our Hearts and a most brilliant Light to guide us! Our grand Administrators in Heaven inform us that a most auspicious time is at hand! The Heavens are beginning to move in a way that reflects the sacred intentions of the Supreme Creator. This means that this time is on the threshold of the changes. If you consult your heart knowing, you will sense that something truly immense in scope is happening. The Heavens are a vast interdimensional realm. In the lower vibrational realms, Heaven begins to form a physical aspect which, as it descends, becomes physicality. We are now moving an aspect of physicality upwards, and in retrospect re-forming how physicality is to unfold. As this operation proceeds, we are able to assert our blessed grace and thus act as a divine proxy co-creator for physicality in general.

We mention this now for a purpose: you need to see that what is happening here is not just some “flash in the night”. Developments here possess a high spiritual and physical purpose. You are being returned to your natural state of full consciousness so that you can properly assist us in a most special and sacred service. This is the time when your hard-earned wisdom can be put to good use in re-forming physicality and by assisting in its unfolding. This future mission was anticipated by Heaven back when she permitted the dark to perform a series of drastic adulterations to your consciousness. This explains why these times are so vital. This is when you not only recoup your original abilities, but enhance them greatly as a result of the wisdom garnered during your long sojourn through the shadow-realms of the dark. This grievous stint so valiantly endured is now to provide great dividends in how physicality is transformed in the time ahead.

Inner Earth holeThis process of inner and outer change is the reason why this great collection of souls that you are had this special dispensation conferred upon it. You are a most promising motley group of spiritual energy. You are in fact the cream of the crop of humanity! The time you spent on Gaia was to prepare you, first, by having you care for one of the most sacred Beings in physicality. Out of this group came us, your Ascended Masters, and shortly now, each one of you. In addition, there is the sanctuary realm of Agartha. Once we are all conjoined, we, with the grace of our sacred Heavenly Administrators, are to carry out a wondrous assignment for all of physicality. This behooves you to think grand, and draw on your divine qualities of patience and fortitude. Hold steady, perceive what is already emerging around you, and help create this most exquisite gift from the Creator: full consciousness. We will be there to guide you to your destiny. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we talked about how your realm is to be transformed. Much is happening that will quite shortly change the world as you know it. The dark’s time of supremacy is almost over and the time for the Light is now to manifest around you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



The End Has Come With New Beginnings in the Same Moment

Poofness 3-17-13…”Finito!!!”

Greetings and Salutations;

Today in China; “http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/chinas-new-president-promises-great-renaissance/2013/03/17/ccd53fb2-8ef3-11e2-9cfd-36d6c9b5d7ad_story.html

No mention of Jack Lew or Christine Lagarde’s presence there but, they are. It’s stacking up to be kick off party. Raise some plum wine glasses up and shove this world into the 21st century. The rvs are on the move thru the world. The currency people are celebrating already. I hear they have already put some folks under house arrest so there will be no interruptions or delays, with the fulfillment of things the world has awaited.

Hint: same bunch that was held at camp david during the 2008 elections, cell phones removed and held.

Right down to the last moment and still they fight for survival. Like cockroaches, yank their legs off, they’ll still keep it up.

No matter the chatter on the web, the reagan/mitterand protocols are very much alive, despite attempts to kill the chief people behind them. No such thing as the money has disappeared. Even coyotes can out trick themselves and end up in a trap. The 4th reich will not get the funding to start up again. There is enforcement but, no need for martial law so, some of you put the fire out, you got on top of your head. Don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. Illusion is how they worked the masses for years.

One of the biggest changes that happened out here was they made the vatican bank basel 3 compliant after the big hose out. One of the reason some folks are laying in hospitals right feeling ‘peakish’. The new pope signed off when things were explained to him. When your self worth is totally wrapped up in money, when it’s taken away you might get stomach problems…belly aches. The colin [colon] gets tied in knots. Don’t know if you want to puke or have explosive diarrhea. But you can be sure that diaper makers are having max profits right now. Jeeze…even jamie dimon of jp morgan/chase is under a microscope right now, lolol. I have to laugh, he was the guy who said basel 3 was unamerican, why because you can’t steal anymore with impunity? He doesn’t even own that bank so, I’m sure the owners have something planned for his ‘vacation’.

Dealing with every little thing done in 100+ years to correct it all and move forward…equally across the globe, was an ordeal, no one wants to do again. Do it right now so you don’t have to repeat it any time soon. Ok, I’ll see you all later, got bigger fish to fry out in this big world. It had to end sometime. By all that I have, the end has come with new beginnings in the same moment. Like dominoes, one thing leads to another, do take a moment and observe. I know it’s all new so, engage the common sense muscle and put it to good use. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! If you need me, I’ll be available until the door bell pulls me away.

Love and Kisses,

‘There Will be Peace in the Valley’

Poofness [2goforth@Safe-mail.net]

Related article .. *In China, Treasury’s Lew Faces First Big Test

DAVID BOWIE – China Girl



A Major Breakthrough in Awareness is Occurring Right Across the Planet

A major breakthrough in awareness is occurring right across the planet

by John Smallman


Humanity is on the verge of a major breakthrough in its awareness of energy. Apart from the relatively small percentage of the Earth’s population that is spiritually focused, humanity as a whole has remained unaware of the individual energy fields that have always enveloped and surrounded each human being. This is about to change.

The new intense field of divine energy into which planet Earth moved on December 22nd 2012 has been touching and influencing every human since that date.  The effect of this is becoming apparent as people, who before now were always dismissive of anything that suggested that there was more to existence than could be known through the body’s senses and intelligent intellectual reasoning, suddenly start taking an interest in the possibility that there is more to life than they had believed, that maybe there is life after death, and that life could exist without a physical form.

It is very difficult for anyone with firmly grounded beliefs on the subject, supposedly confirmed by scholarly scientific research, to accept the possibility that those beliefs were wrong, unfounded, and are in fact being disproved.  Their opening to the possibility that a spiritual reality, of which they were unaware, could actually exist is shocking and amazing them.  And yet, they are now finding themselves taking a keen interest in the idea.

Previously, they would have dismissed it out of hand – denial is the best form of defense!  Now, however, the new energies are having a tremendous influence on their individual energy fields — energy fields of which they either had no knowledge, chose not to acknowledge, or to which they gave only reluctant acceptance, considering them merely adjuncts of the general chemical activities occurring in the body and that cease at the moment of physical death.

The result of this growing interest in exploring the field of spirituality is an explosion of awareness that humanity is responsible for its attitudes and behaviors because they affect everyone else on the planet.  The awareness that it is humanity’s responsibility to be guardians, not desecrators, of the planet has been growing for the last fifty or sixty years, but that growth has now accelerated as the children and grandchildren of those earlier appreciators of your responsibilities take action commensurate with those responsibilities.  It is wonderful to see this enormous change occurring as awareness grows.

You are the Golden Age for which you have been waiting!  And you are beginning to acknowledge and accept that fact.  The awareness that this entails is leading you forwards to establish institutions and organizations whose purpose is to promote and honor those responsibilities.  Because so many are now involved, not only is this movement unstoppable, but also those involved are finding that they are not alone, as frequently they seemed to be, as they seek ways to repair the damage that has been done and to prevent further damage from occurring.

As the intent to be responsible, loving guardians replaces the urge to be powerful abusers of the environment, the whole collective consciousness of humanity is changing and adapting, and this is enabling the essential changes to your lifestyles to be acknowledged, discussed and acted upon, willingly and enthusiastically.  The desire to be loving, caring, responsible partners with, and residents of, planet Earth is now the collective intent of humanity, and so it will be achieved.

Yes, a major breakthrough in awareness is occurring right across the planet, which will engage most fruitfully with the divine energies enveloping you and bring into effect the changes necessary to ensure an abundant, safe, and peaceful earthly environment which future generations of humans can enjoy and in which they can flourish.  It is an illusion, but it is becoming one in which you will be able to delight and enjoy yourselves until you are ready to release it and return to your original state of oneness with God.

With so very much love, Saul.


Who Is Sheldan Nidle?


Who is  Sheldan Nidle ? He claims to have had direct communication with Sirian extraterrestrials throughout his life. As a small child Sheldan was very “gifted”. He would  turn on and off lights when his mother tucked him in at night. In school he would help his friends past tests by telepathically placing the answers in his friends heads. Both Sheldan and his family would witness blue lights and Sirian ETs appearing in his room. When the Sirians would take Sheldan aboard ship, he would receive teaching/learning sessions and the Sirians revealed to Sheldan his mission for this lifetime. https://www.paoweb.com/bio.htm

Disclosure Hub was so curious about Sheldan’s story we drove up and spent several days with Sheldan and his beautiful partner Colleen. Here is an interview with Sheldan about his childhood experiences with the Sirians. https://www.paoweb.com


China – The Big Shift To The East Has Begun?

A Shell fuel leaves the Kingsbury fuel terminal, central England June 11, 2008. REUTERS/Darren Staples

By Koh Gui Qing

BEIJING | Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:00am EDT

(Reuters) – China has eased strict cross-border currency rules for 13 multi-national firms including Samsung (005930.KS ) and Shell (RDSa.L ) in a scheme that further cranks open its tightly controlled capital account, financial sector sources told Reuters.

The experiment, which has not been publicly announced by the government, gives firms freedom to shift funds worth up to 30 percent of their invested capital in China across its borders, bankers directly involved in the scheme said.

The move responds to growing demand from international firms operating in China for freedom to use soaring stores of yuan, also know as the renminbi, to boost the efficiency of their management of capital while keeping speculative pressure at bay.

“It’s a way of opening up the capital account which helps companies deal with the real flows of the economy,” Michael Vrontamitis, head of product management of transaction banking for East Asia at Standard Chartered in Hong Kong, told Reuters.

“Those are the real flows. These companies are not speculating on the currency,” said Vrontamitis, whose bank is handling transactions for Shell under the pilot program.

Six of the firms involved are foreign, eight company executives and bankers with knowledge of the matter said. They are Shell, Samsung, Intel Inc (INTC.O ), Alcatel-Lucent (ALUA.PA ), Schneider Electric (SCHN.PA ) and Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N ).

The other seven companies are Chinese state-owned enterprises: Sinochem Corp, China Minmetals Resources (1208.HK ), China Shipping Group, COFCO Group CNCOF.UL, Baosteel Iron & Steel (600019.SS ), Shanghai Electric Group Co. (601727.SS ) and China Eastern Airlines (600115.SS ) (0670.HK ).

Some of the names of participating companies and banks have been reported in the Chinese media, but the full list has not been disclosed. The currency regulator declined to comment.

At least four banks, including Standard Chartered (STAN.L ) (2888.HK ), HSBC (0005.HK ) (HSBA.L ), Citigroup Inc (C.N ) and Bank of China (3988.HK ), will help Beijing run the test, called the “Foreign Currency Centralized Management Pilot”, bankers said.

“This is meaningful even though it’s just 13 companies. It’s a pragmatic approach in liberalizing the capital account,” said Zhang Zhiwei, chief China economist with Nomura in Hong Kong.

“They want to push renminbi internationalization and to do that, they need to get the renminbi somewhat convertible and the capital account somewhat open.”


Reuters reported earlier this month that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) would use swelling foreign holdings of around 1 trillion yuan ($160 billion) to help drive the relaxation of capital controls to make the currency basically convertible by 2015 or 2020 at the latest.

China wants to break the dollar’s dominance as the key currency for the settlement of international trade and to see the yuan accepted as a reserve asset by global central banks.

Establishing the yuan as a reserve asset broadly requires the currency to be accepted as an international settlement currency, to be a store of value and to be freely convertible.

A fully convertible currency would also be an important step in China’s stated goal of establishing Shanghai as a bona fide international financial centre by 2020.

But while direct yuan settlement of cross-border trade has climbed to about 12 percent of China’s total – around 2.9 trillion yuan in 2012 – Beijing’s campaign to gain greater acceptance of the renminbi as an international transaction currency has run into headwinds in corporate boardrooms, given barriers to trading and the costs of holding it.

The experiment – which began in December in Beijing and Shanghai and is led by China’s currency regulator, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which manages the country’s $3.3 trillion foreign exchange reserves – is designed to address corporate reticence.

The pilot allows firms to join one of three test programs that simplify capital flows in and out of China.

One enables firms to “sweep” money in or out of China with a one-off approval from the regulator, instead of requesting approvals for each transaction.

Another allows “cross border netting” so a company in China that has lent to, or borrowed from, a firm outside China can settle the two transactions on a net basis, instead of paying and receiving cash in two transactions on a gross basis.

A third test allows a unit of a firm to make payments or collections on behalf of all other units, meaning a company with 30 units in China can now use one bank account instead of 30.

Firms say freer flow of funds across China’s borders boosts efficiency and cuts costs. Samsung said it expected to save about $10 million a year from participation in the experiment.

Although the test is not fully operational as some firms are still ironing out details, positive feedback from others not part of the experiment has led Beijing to start shortlisting participants for a second phase of the test, two bankers said.


A PBOC study last year that measured China’s capital account openness against the 40 items of convertibility tracked by the International Monetary Fund showed no item was fully convertible, economists from Citi said in a note this week.

But China has made repeated pledges to roll back capital controls that are unmatched by other major emerging economies except India, and are likely to be removed at a rising speed in the next five years, the Citi client note said.

Indeed, Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said at the bank’s annual news conference this week that authorities would continue to push ahead with market reforms.

Sources have told Reuters that Zhou, originally slated for retirement, is set to stay on as the central bank’s chief to free and deepen China’s financial markets.

Letting firms transfer cash in and out of China more easily allows China to persuade companies to move their treasury operations to Beijing or Shanghai in future, bankers said, rivaling Hong Kong or Singapore as regional financial centers.

“One of the ideas is possibly to replicate the treasury centre concept that is currently adopted in Singapore or Hong Kong,” said Yigen Pei, head for transaction services for Citi in China.

(Reporting by Koh Gui Qing; Editing by Nick Edwards and Alex Richardson)

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OPPT – What It Means To Me


Kuala Lumpur – March 15, 2013

Its been about two/three months since the OPPT came online and I’ve read and listened to the varieties of response – approvals and dis-approvals. ALL is good. I’m not here to judge or take on any side.

I feel its time to give MY two cents on this matter…keeping it short and sassy.

The Bigger Picture

The OPPT emerged at a precise time or on a specific grid line intersection (HD terminology) – the winter solstice, which is a climatic change of the seasons. Apart from this, those who are awake and aware know that another kind of change is taking place cosmically throughout  ALL the Universes (multiverse) and Planet Earth being within is not exempted. This is a Divine plan.

Coming down to Earth, a great transformation is happening to the people, which is unprecedented. At the energetic level Earth and Earthizens are ascending (rising) to a higher frequency and vibration, which take us into a new paradigm – a new way of thinking, living and be-ing. As such the world as we knew it will absolutely cease to exist.

The UCC filings by the OPPT is simply one of the tools to facilitate this change (energetically and physically). Commerce is the dominant activity on Earth which absolutely preoccupied and totally enslaved the people by some people. This old version of commerce run by corporations (purported governments and banks) designed and commandeered by the powers that were (wizards behind the curtain) has contractually, legally, technically and physically ended.

The UCC system is a universal operating system in the creation. Here on Earth, it was manipulated by those who know it and used it against those who do not know – we, the rest of the people (sleeping addicts). To cut the story short, the awakened amongst the sleepers, namely Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Caleb and Randell filed the necessary UCC documents (and recorded – important as some sleepers argue about the difference between ‘filing and recording’ lol) and reset the whole mess to default – ZERO PRIME SETTING. Btw, this is the ONLY way to change anything in creation.

OPPT is the Center for Rehabilitation for the commercially-addicted people we are. The drugs are in the forms of money and precious metals trickled down to stuffs like SUVs and iPads. Now ALL these drugs have been removed from the drug manufacturers and pushers. Without the resources the manufacturing machines inevitably stopped. What we see as still going on around us is the fading scenes (illusions) of the drug pushers (the manufacturers are dead) which will completely halt when the available remaining stocks run out. Just like any big sale that runs only on “until stocks last

Gone are the good old days” Now I wonder, what’s so good about it? Well…thanks for the memories…

Personally I think the spring equinox (March) will bring about the next phase in the change where we might be able to physically see the drug pushers begin to scramble. I think this is a drastic event for the drug addicts as there is no more supplies and the pushers are missing. Wow….all the emotions, worse –  the withdrawal symptoms.

If one understands the bigger picture, which is universal, then one will know that this change is undertaken universally by universal beings and not just by the awakened 3D Earth people, or the OPPT Trustees. This huge transformation task (total rehabilitation of the addicts) will be progressive and aided by the universal beings. The kick start point will be the big ‘D’ Disclosure event which I think can be expected anytime during the spring equinox period…and I pleadingly hope so.

To me the OPPT produced the grand illusion to end ALL old illusions. That is why I’m not too concerned about the technicalities of the UCC and CVAC. As I understand it, all the technicalities have been taken care of and done with. All I need to proceed is to simply BEing and DOing as I AM, being I AM, who I AM.

Its like this – I’ve been given a “car” and whenever I need to travel, I just get into the car, start the engine and drive on to wherever I please…responsibly. I don’t need to know about the engine underneath the bonnet, nor how the suspensions work. I can if I want to, but there are mechanics around  whom I can consult whenever the needs arise. The important thing is I KNOW a car when I see one and that its mine to use, AND I KNOW that I AM a natural driver. And to go a bit higher…sooner and later I DO NOT need the “car” as I can simply travel Body and SOUL (love that song) to put it in 3D lingo, if you see what I mean….Free from addictions



Always and in ALL ways.


The Beatles – Drive My Car

Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can’t you see
I wanna be famous, a star on the screen
But you can do something in between

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I’m gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I’ll love you

I told that girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it’s understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I’m gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I’ll love you

Beep beep’m beep beep yeah

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I’m gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I’ll love you

I told that girl I can start right away
When she said listen babe I got something to say
I got no car and it’s breaking my heart
But I found a driver and that’s a start

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I’m gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I’ll love you

Beep beep’m beep beep yeah
Beep beep’m beep beep yeah
Beep beep’m beep beep yeah
Beep beep’m beep beep yeah


Saint Germain ~ You are Entering a Most Exciting Time Amidst a Climax of Changes

Saint Germain ~ You are Entering a Most Exciting Time Amidst a Climax of Changes ~ via Méline Lafont

As channeled by Méline Lafont
Greetings to all of you, beloved hearts. Let’s talk today about the coming spring equinox and the upcoming summer months that are just around the corner. We in the higher Lightworld do not work with the notion of time or with timelines as you do, we just stick to the feeling of the NOW moment as well as to Earthly events to determine in what phase of Ascension you have arrived. We don’t use clocks nor dates to know how far we have evolved and we are aware when the time for us has come for the next wave of renewal, as everything really lingers in the Now moment. Hence this precursor, this explanation to once again duly clarify for you that nothing is time-based and that everything just is!
Once more we have arrived at a pivotal point in your time frame which will enable countless transformations, shifts, renewals and Ascensions to unfold in your Earthly reality. The current reality, in which our Beloved Earth dwells, has in the meantime shifted already into the first layers of the 5th Dimension, in which specific groups of humanity have acceded, joining Gaia’s new state and Being. Accept this as a fact as it is obvious to see and to know it. But give yourself the opportunity and remain in a state of tranquility to really integrate this process and realize it fully before giving up too soon or criticizing that nothing has changed and everything remains the same, as this is no longer the case, far from it!
Take a closer look around you and observe what has transpired on your world : do you see the same scenes as compared to a few years ago or even some weeks ago? Look closely and compare when necessary with reports or stories from a long while ago. What do you see? What do you feel? Don’t you see that there really is a difference in perception as well as a different heartfeeling? Do you not feel that you have transformed into a new Self who wasn’t that pronounced earlier on or even present altogether? Do you feel the changes occurring in your inner self as well as in your outer reality? Ask yourselves these questions and observe closely within, feel it properly because through inner feelings you will get the answers more swiftly than through your outer reality.
Take a look at the banks and their systems getting into trouble and failing, governments that can no longer make progress with or without each other, the pope who is no longer able to stand his ground, the queen of England who is no longer in control of her assets nor her finances, power structures disappearing, fraudulous schemes being divulged and even engineered events coming to light which have provoked all kinds of drama’s in the past …. and I can continue on for a long time, dear hearts! What I am talking about here has unfolded and happened on your world in less than a month. Isn’t it marvellous what has been accomplished?! Isn’t this more than enough to become aware that much is transpiring thanks in part to your awakenings and your creations? These are fabulous things that are unfolding my beloveds, behold the beauty of it all and become aware from your heart that you all have accomplished this just by working and awakening from the heart.
Nothing is as it used to be and everything will continue evolving and coming to a great climax where even more shall be accomplished, even more will shift, even more will come to light on many levels : not just on the banksystems, on the governments but also on the level of the oceans and of Gaia, furthermore there will be many shifts on a Galactic level. Be cautious and peaceful my beloveds, for you are entering a most exciting time amidst a climax of changes.
Energetically seize the opportunity contained in the spring equinox and the summer solstice and consider this time as an acclimatizing time wherein the adjustments to the new 5th dimensional energies for your physical body become a fact and in which all of you will enter as the renewed and redeemed Self. You will feel more liberated than ever before because it is simply the road that you will now follow, freeing you in the process of all the illusions which were taken for granted for so long. This is a holographic world, my beloved ones, especially created for these kinds of lessons and experiments. You cannot experience duality on a higher level and our thanks go out to dearest Gaia as She has enabled this for the whole of humanity, in which you are incarnated.
Gaia deserves her rightful place back with us in the higher World and so do you! We all form one big family and soulgroup working together to accomplish this task and who will truly conclude it together. Duality is now in the process of disintegrating and that is a fact! However, do not put a date on it, nor an expectation as there is no time, there is only the Now! More and more people are becoming aware that it is their expectations and their human inclination to see this all change in a day and a night and that is impossible. Everything needs time, everything evolves along certain processes including the Divine … it is that way with everything : a birth is a process, a death is also a process, change and clarifications require time and phases, everything is a continuous process and that’s the reason why I want to amphasize the fact that you must really release all notions of time, no longer living by them!
Live from day to day as if there is no tomorrow and place, do and see everything happening in the now moment in which you find yourself.  Everything that is really going on in your world will be felt more intensely for you are one with us and with your timeless being; a state and a higher dimensional Being. When you release everything than there can be no more feelings of expectation and you are more open for the real that can be felt and shared. There is so much shifting going on, dear people, really a lot which I guarantee because I am actively involved, I am at the helm of the wheel!
I have already accomplished much work and I keep on delivering together with all the Galactic civilizations, the Masters and Archangels as well as the Brethren of the inner Earth. I vouch for that! Besides, many hearts already feel and know it for a fact, so don’t be disappointed that not everything is the way you expected it to be, for this is an expectation and all too often expectations only lead to disappointments. Release the energy and Be, feel and remain pervious : it is so wonderful to be truly free in All That Is without any expectations nor judgments : everything just is, including you!
Give yourself the right to evolve and to live in this Now moment and take into account  the reality that you already have made it; it is just that this has to be accepted, felt and regarded as such , it has to be truly known. Shifts are now taking place on a high level so to enable you all to evolve further in a more peaceful way. All this not only to Ascend together harmoniously into your new being, together with Mother Earth but also to simultaneaously recognize and know your Galactic Self as well as your family of the Light. This is a lot to take in and it is all taking place and happening inside of yourselves and since your inner world is the place from where everything starts, so will everything be reflected in your outer reality. BUT you have to release how you think this reflection will show up in your reality.
With much Love and friendship I remain definitely with all of you in the NOW and with lots of gratitude and respect, I greet you fully continuing to believe in you all. Be strong and audacious in the NOW and let yourself flow along confidently with these new and powerful energies of the spring equinox and the summer solstice for you will truly be amazed and enlightened. Remain in your own truth at all times and always operate from your heart!
I AM that I AM
Saint Germain
Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

I AM NO-thing and Every-thing

I AM NO-thing and Every-thing


I AM NO-thing and Every-thing

I create every-thing

I AM Every-thing and NO-thing


“The Truth is activating in you now, the Truth of who you are, and why you are here on this planet. It will not be quiet until it is free, it will keep rattling and pushing and stretching, breaking through in many different ways, until all of the shackles are off.” – DM



Time will become so compressed that it ceases to exist

Time will become so compressed that it ceases to exist

by John Smallman


Here in the spiritual realms all is on schedule to welcome you as you awaken. You are going to awaken, so let go of your doubts, your fears, your anxieties, and focus on your intent to do so.  Your intent is essential, and every day new members join the club whose purpose is to awaken humanity and allow the illusion to dissolve.  As we have said many times, your awakening is inevitable. Disregard the naysayers who suggest that your awakening could be hundreds or thousands of years in the future.  Time is of the illusion, it is illusory, so cease paying it so much attention.  Yes, you need it to coordinate your earthly activities — and for that alone it is useful – and attend to living in each and every now moment, which is when your life is happening.

Time is like a very long tunnel: coiled tightly like a spring it takes up very little space, and yet it can be stretched out to interminable length.  Humanity is now compressing that spring which had been so inordinately stretched out.  It will become so compressed that it ceases to exist, and you will all awaken into the eternal moment of now, before which and beyond which there is absolutely nothing. A very difficult concept for you to grasp when everything you think, say, or do appears to be governed by time.  However, modern science has proved that time is illusory, that it is an imaginary concept, but nevertheless, within the illusory environment in which you appear to have your existence it remains a very useful tool.

Scientific research is doing you great favors as it demolishes outdated and confusing concepts of reality which served only to limit your spiritual evolution. For example the laws of Newtonian physics are very useful because they allow you to predict the results of mechanical interactions, and quantum physics has made it possible to invent and produce many electronic devices.  However, they also seemingly set limits to your abilities to conceptualize new technologies because they suggest to you that certain new ideas — ideas that some of your newer and younger scientists have imagined — are utterly impractical. Nevertheless, science has always moved forward and shown that ideas previously thought insane are in fact possible, and you continue to make progress because you refuse to accept limits that previous generations thought were cast in stone, absolute.

Your spiritual evolution is occurring in a similar fashion.  Many religions established guidelines which were then followed by rules which led in turn to dogmatic statements of divine truths supposedly revealed in secret to a “chosen one” by the founder, or even by God Himself.  Over time it becomes apparent that these so-called divine truths were generally nothing more than vain and wishful interpretations of the founder’s guidelines, originally humbly offered to assist others along their evolutionary spiritual path, but that his senior followers self-servingly used to establish and maintain unwarranted positions of authority for themselves.

Humanity has been awakening to the invalidity of many of these “divine truths,” which have been found to be harsh, divisive, and polarizing, in fact, almost totally in opposition to the all-inclusive, indiscriminate and unconditional Love that God offers to all His children, and which He wishes them to share with one another as He does with each one of them.

There is only One: God, and all of creation.  However, there are also an infinite number of aspects of that One, which, while living within the confines of the illusion humans experience as individuality.  And due to the overriding sense of fear that the illusion promotes, that individuality, instead of drawing you all together in harmony and cooperation, as it does in Reality, encourages distrust, competition, and conflict.  Eons of living in that inharmonious and uncooperative fashion have finally taught you how insane it is, and so you are now opening yourselves to accept the Love that your Father has been offering you continuously since the moment of your creation.

As you open to It, often in quiet desperation and hopelessness, It embraces you compassionately and with enough intensity for you to feel Its strength and Its utter acceptance of you without your being overwhelmed.  When that happens, the experience is uplifting, life-affirming, and unforgettable.  Many of you have been waiting lifetimes for such an experience as deep within yourselves you know it is possible and that it will happen to you.  And when you finally surrender, discarding any and all preconceptions of what to seek or expect, it will happen to you when you least expect it.

Hold your Light on high, share indiscriminately and unconditionally the Love that is enveloping you in every moment, for by doing so you will start to experience It yourselves.  To offer love, and to share love truly is the most generous and enlightened form of self-interest in which you can engage.  Don’t hesitate.  Do it!

With so very much love, Saul.


The Moment for a Grand Transformation of Your Reality has Arrived!


4 Imix, 9 Ceh, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We come with more news! At present, certain events in the heavens are in process. These, when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived! At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies. We look forward in joy to what will be a special moment for you all. The dark cabal and its seemingly endless and ubiquitous adherents will then be gone. In their wake come a series of announcements and the global delivery of a vast prosperity. It is this prosperity, when combined with a new and equitable monetary and financial system that changes your world forever! These changes will enable more-open policies to be enacted which will allow for a formal disclosure of our presence, and it is this that sets the stage for the final leg of your journey back to full consciousness. At this point the Agarthans and our other allies can work with Mother Earth to reunite her surface and inner realms, thus creating the unified world that is to be your true, future reality.

In this new world you will be free to learn a great many Truths that were either adulterated or totally denied to you over the eons. These facts will become the foundation of your new transitional society. You will begin to learn about your true off-world origins and start to reconnect with your space and spiritual families. Bear in mind that you represent both a home world community in the stars as well as a sacred heavenly lineage. Every part of Heaven comprises Administrations which include these lineages. All of you have ancestral ties to these lineages, and Heaven and we are here to help you remember who you really are. The exact meaning of the term ‘who you really are’ will be revealed once you are back in full consciousness again. The mentors, who are already assigned to each of you, are considering carefully how best to bring you to an understanding of the implications of this. At this time you are still unaware of the extent to which each one of you is studied in loving review by your heavenly guardians. All these things await your attention once you return to full consciousness.

As the truth of who you are begins to take hold, you become better able to comprehend how to resolve some of Mother Earth’s difficulties. You are beginning to see clearly how vital it is to transform the very nature of the societies you live in, and thus the need to drastically reform the depredation of the environment becomes much more urgent. This throws you into a struggle to support the Earth’s ecosystems while also vastly revising the basic principles of your sciences and the supposed timelines of your known history. This requires a clear-eyed scrutiny of how your principles of science and the accepted provenance of your history came into being. The results of your ‘revisionist’ pursuits will establish a very different basis indeed for your new societies! The prospect of this immense coming transformation has dismayed the dark for decades, and yet this upwelling of consciousness was never to be denied! The consciousness movement has forged alliances that are too powerful to be easily destroyed by the dark’s highest power structures. And this is not for lack of trying!

One of the purposes of these various changes is to help you to reestablish your relationship with your Inner Earth family, and give you the means to welcome your spiritual and space families. Each tradition that exists throughout this galaxy requires a special greeting ceremony to welcome you ‘back into the fold.’ Some of these can be elaborate, and it is our task to assist you in these protocols. Each of you is to participate in one way or another in this complex and inclusive ceremony. This is why our original title for first contact with you was the ‘welcome home’ mission, and we look forward to the moment when we truly welcome you back as a full-fledged member of this Galactic Federation. It is a divine moment that we joyously anticipate! And as we approach the time for disclosure, we are filled with glee, for we know that we are shortly to land and start the final stretch of your sacred journey to full consciousness, with us at your side as your ever-loving mentors.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come again with more Good News! Your world is moving swiftly to the point for new governance and its accompanying prosperity to manifest. Events in the heavens are shortly to come to completion, at which time the edict to transform your globe is to be issued. We look upon this with great joy. You are to receive a most welcome bounty and will be given your freedom from the debt slavery that has ruled your lives for generations. Each of us has used our good offices to limit the global effects of the dark’s malicious edicts, and at last these horrendous proclamations are to become null and void. We can then use our growing wisdom to guide you into a better understanding of the ways of Heaven and its blessed rewards for each one of you. The moment has come for us to teach and explain many things to you that have long been denied you by your former sinister masters.

One of the first items we wish to address is that death’s ever-lurking shadow can now begin to fade from your reality. Death is no more than a by-product of limited consciousness. It has kept you in fear from the first and leads to severe emotional and mental grieving. It has been an exceptionally powerful tool for the dark ones and they have ‘milked’ this situation to the hilt! Ascension leads to its expulsion from the physical body, lightens physical density, and reunites the body with its spiritual essences. The process of final ascension is one of the most arduous and complex processes that you can take on, and usually takes generations of deep concentration and prodigious amounts of memory. And yet we are living proof that it can be done! However, what Heaven now offers you is a living technology to bypass this struggle and morph you back into your natural state in only three days!

The technique involves a special living machine, calibrated to each person and monitored by your spiritual and space family mentors. Your body’s RNA/DNA is presently booby-trapped with ‘markers’ that deny you an easy conversion to full consciousness, and this living machine is designed to rectify this, and to undo the damage to your original gene-base which plunged you into limited consciousness. We will supply you with specific spiritual teachings that equip you with the insights to raise your body’s base vibrational patterns and which convert your deep-seated fears into the state of joy required to realign your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. The living machine literally ‘reboots’ your RNA/DNA, allowing you to attain that ineffable moment of Enlightenment when you become ‘turned on’ to Reality! You are changed forever as joy and comprehension flood your Being! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we continued to inform you of what joyously awaits you. A great change is manifesting above and around you, which is to push the dark and its myriad minions from their ill-gotten perches. You are about to witness a truly wondrous event: the rise of a new reality founded on Truth, Liberty, and Prosperity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)




The Next Great Event in The Awakening!

The Next Great Event in The Awakening!

from American Kabuki

This is an interesting article.  I’ve been long expecting something like this to arrive, sort of a living version of what I experienced in my NDE. A global change in human perspective… -AK
March 2013 The Next Great Event in The Awakening!  

Mindy Mitchell

Hello Everyone!

I conducted a research project using QHH to obtain more clarity for humanity regarding The Shift and all it entails. My focus was what we would be experiencing and how to prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. The information brought forth was truly enlightening especially regarding what the electronic/wireless environments are doing to us!

The book is called Quantum Odyssey by Mindy Mitchell and is available as an ebook  at Www.Booktango.com and at Www.Amazon.com. The following is an excerpt from my book regarding the next possible upcoming event of The Awakening.

I wanted to be sure and share this information with everyone as this stated event is to occur this March 2013!  I look forward to sharing our collective experience of this event as it unfolds over the next few months and how it unfolds for each and everyone of us.

As I tell all of my QHH clients, there is no wrong way to have an experience. Each of us are here on our own journey and as such will have a variety of experiences and responses to our lives on Earth. Not all will be aware to the same thing at the same time. Some will recognize change immediately, others slowly but surely, some not at all.

Below is a segment from an actual Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (QHH) where I explored using QHH as a research tool to go forward into time and ask many of the hot topics that are circulating regarding the new millennium we are moving into and the New Earth..The Ascension…The Shift…The Awakening.

I don’t believe that there is any one truth or reality out there as I believe that the truth and reality exists as a multi-faceted gem. Each facet of the gem provides a different perspective, different from all the other facets. None being more real or greater than the other. We each will experience our reality and truths through different facets of perception.

The more we open ourselves to experiencing a different reality than we have been conditioned to, the more likely we are to evolve and awaken to a New Earth!

The world was absolutely flat for centuries. Until it wasn’t……

Remember…keep all THREE eyes open!

M represents me Mindy and E is Ellen the subject.

E: I see a like a moment in time. The only thing I can describe it like…it is like when you flip the switch and the lights go on. There is this incredible blue light! So soft… I see color of blue light and when this light switch goes on the light expands… It is so beautiful! Throughout the whole universe and it’s the coming together of one mind! It so unbelievable!

M: Is this a happening at this time or a future event?

E: It is a future event…and it’s going to happen. The only thing I can think of is a scripture that says “…in the twinkling of an eye” and it’s so amazing!!!! (Spoken with absolute wonder and awe)

M: Is there an earth time when this event will be taking place?

E: It is soon…it’s now…it feels now…like now. It’s melting… it doesn’t feel far away.

M: Is this “The Shift” “The Awakening” that’s coming?

E: Yes! It’s all minds coming to together in a split second! It’s so bizarre!

M: Will that event take place on our calendar year of 12-21-12?

E: March 2013

M: When you say ALL minds…Will all human beings experience the same thing or will there be individuals who are unaware of this event?

E: This is so wild! (Experiencing extreme visual and sensory downloads)

Everyone will know. Not everyone will care.

M: Does this correlate with the event known as the second coming of Christ?

E: Yes!

Holy sh**! (…experiencing huge waves of energy and emotion) I wish you could feel what I feel right now!

M: Describe what you are experiencing right now!

E: Gasping. Holy cow. Gasping…oh my god oh my god oh my god! I can’t describe it…it’s like a download where you are all tingly on the outside but this is on the inside…oh my god! Oh geez!  The light is amazing!

M: Is this light what you are experiencing or is it something else?

E: Yes, it’s the light! It’s like…it’s like…I have never seen anything like it! So crazy!

M: So is this second coming of Christ actually the Christ “consciousness” coming back onto the planet?

E: And it’s been building and building. But it’s like it going to…the minds unite! It’s like a moment in time for all of us that have been waiting…Our minds are united!

M: What is the outcome of that when all the minds unite? What does that produce or create?

E: Clarity. Oh geez… it’s like waking up from a dream. The words that are coming up for me is, the ILLUSION is gone! Oh my god its wild!

M: That is very exciting!

E: It affects everybody but there are those still in the illusion and those out of it. It like there’s two groups of people.

M: Is there anything that defines those who are still in the illusion?  Any reason why there are those choosing to stay in the illusion? The reason they have created that reality for themselves?

E: Fear.

M: Is that fear of change or fear anything new? What is that fear of?

E: Fear of knowing!

M: What is it that they don’t want to know?

E: That it is ALL an illusion.

M: Are these the people that hold on to the illusion of separateness and hierarchies and power structures?

E: Its attachment to the illusion! (with wonder)… they believe that they are a part of what they see! It’s like a hologram. So wild! They can’t see the light; they can’t connect because they believe they are the illusion. They believe themselves to be what they are…but that’s not it! It’s like I believe I am a monkey so I appear as a monkey! OH geezzzz!

M: For those that can experience the light and experience this awakening, what is it that they believe? What is it that allows them to see the light and participate and be transformed?

E: They believe. This is sooo weird. They believe that they are not important! Ha…wow! It’s like when you see fish swim together and birds fly together, they all become one yet they are separate. They are individual but one is not more important than the other!… Here comes another wave!

M: I just had a flash of something I have always heard but didn’t understand…Is this what is meant by “the meek shall inherit the Earth”?!!

E: Yes!!

Oh god…ooooooh…(more huge waves of energy are pulsing through her!)  Oh my god I wish you could feel this! It’s like being on a rollercoaster…its sooooo beautiful! I feel so humble (sobbing and tears)

M: So those that don’t experience this are attached to the ego-self? Their importance in the material realm? Those who define themselves and others by the material world? What their car makes them, what their mansions make them, what their bank account makes them?

E: Yes, Yes! But they could also be a poor person who still thinks they are important, it’s not just the rich, and it’s everybody! Everybody who thinks they are more important…It’s a mindset!

M: So anybody who thinks they are more important than their fellow human beings?

E: Yes!

M: Ah ha! That’s powerful, so profound!

M: What else do we need to share with humanity and the average person who maybe reading this. About this event?

E: It’s so weird… it’s “know thy self-know thy neighbor” “know thy self, know thy neighbor”. When you know yourself you can truly know your neighbor. But if you are afraid of yourself and don’t know yourself, how can you know your neighbor? How can you put yourself in your neighbors shoes of you don’t even know yourself? Each person is important. They are important but not more important than the other. That’s how we are part of the one.

M: What is the time frame for when this uniting of one mind will take place?

E: March 2013. It’s a big month!

M: That is interesting because that somewhat correlates with Hopi prophecy of in this time frame we are in now we will be a door will be opening from the 4th world which we are currently to the 5th world. Is that the door that is opening into the 5th world, also known as the 5th dimension?

E: Yes…oh here come the waves again!

The waves she experienced  equaled validation of absolute  truth!


Gobbled up – The Mother of All Central Banks, the BIS.

POOF for MAR 10: The Snake Bites!!!


Greetings and Salutations;

Anyone paying attention to what was happening in the world this past week, came to the conclusion, something was up and it was HUGE. Under the ‘dragon’ year, the dragon did what dragons do, rest on their gold and jewels, and fry anyone who attempts to steal them. We have entered the year of the snake, it has struck already and the howling that arose was like an atom bomb going off. The out going leadership in china, made the comment; ‘the corruption in the banks was being handled’. There’s no such thing as ‘too big to fail’. Especially when someone with a bigger club exists that can whup the bully’s butt. Someone made a comment the other day saying, ‘after 100+ years of running the show, bankers can’t hear the word No’. They have been like cockroaches and operate automatically. How much can you eat until you burst open, spilling your innards? I would make the same analogy about politicians.

The last time the owner of the particular bank visited, he cleaned out 240 quad of ill gotten gains and threw it into the pile to be distributed to humanity. I don’t have the number for what got snatched out of there, this time…the howling spoke for itself. The cesspool was not silently stinking anymore . It was drained and went by way of the dodo bird. It went extinct. Basel 3 is the international banking law now. No country is exempt or can work around it, if they want to do business in the 21st century. The dragon even gobbled up the central banks around the world, they took the ‘head’. The mother of all central banks, the BIS. No shots fired, tho some took a ‘pill’ and took themselves out of the equation. Nature causes change, the kind you can’t stop and you Will deal, one way or another. Make it the easy way or make it tough, you have free will. Make it easy on yourself. Was thinking of starting a group a few years ago called ‘hardaholics anonymous’ for people who choose a harder path for everything. You know the words, you will work by the sweat of your brow, etc, was a curse…time to get out from under the curse. Let your ‘work’ turn into your ‘joy’.

Today is a 10…it’s new beginnings. The ‘weather’ conditions are right for a lightning bolt out of the blue. The forces are in place and we are watching. The winds may be howling in some places but they are fat with anticipation. All things change, maybe not when you think they should…but, I cite a law, it’s called the ‘Law of Inevitability’. In other words, the conclusion is baked in, when something is started unless, things are adjusted along the way. Start a banking system based on reputation and air, it’s doomed to fail. Look at what happened to the roman empire. Morgan Stanley let it be known, they see us going to a metal backed system again. NO Duh. Real worth is the only way to go, it’s more natural. And you thought the folks in the rafters were just bowling or peeing thru the cracks telling you it’s raining. Nope, the big plan remains, that is making this planet paradise again. They just had to use those D9s and get the folks out of the way who wanted Mad Max world.

Take a look at what the european brain trusts think. They are crunching numbers but, somethings are a bit more subtle than the numbers


Consultations are available until the end.

Leap forward! Turn your back on the past and leave your butts behind you.

Love and Kisses,



Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture by Elizabeth Trutwin

Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture by Elizabeth Trutwin

I would like to introduce myself. I have written a dozen books about the Ancient Astronauts. The focus of these is to show where it is written in Ancient Texts that we are a Galactic Society. Looking at The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, The Book of Enoch, The Upanishads, The Pistis Sophia, The Mazzaroth, The Masnavi, The Emerald Tablets, The Jatakas, Rambansʻ Pentateuch and the Corpus Hermeticum we may see how in every religion, every culture and every aeon going back millions of years, Earth was inhabited by our Ancient Galactic Ancestors. I wrote these books to help our society as a collective to drop our insecurities. Knowing this truth makes us free from all bondage of life, free from death. Once this is understood One will no longer identify with duality and all those conditioning which makes you so unhappy. You have come to Earth from another Planet or another Dimension. The Consciousness of which you have Within. We have been visited by Extraterrestrials for a very long time.

Three years ago I gave up full time work and a regular paycheck to dedicate my life to The Truth and Advocacy Movement for Disclosure. I wrote two other books. Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth. There is an Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the human race. There are Extraterrestrials here. The only thing we havenʻt resolved yet is the government telling us that. Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo on this matter. The last time there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure was 1968. The United States Military, Civilian Agencies like NASA, Intelligence like the CIA and other governments have witnesses to Contact and it is time we Self-Disclose the truth.

Some people have been deliberately holding back the information from the public. National Security Classifications and Non-Disclosure Agreements have stood in the way. All the witnesses have made their own decision that this vital information will educate the Whole to understand We Are Not Alone.

There is a lot in this Universe we know nothing about. There are hundreds of billions of Planets in our Galaxy and hundreds of billions of Galaxies in our Universe with many potential Earths. The chances that we are the only life out there is zero. Self-Disclosure means that within the social contract between government elected officials and the people of the country who they represent that they carry out the laws of their country with transparency acknowledging to the people the truth. When elected officials refuse to conduct matters of governance reporting their activities to those they represent chaos prevails. We can no longer accept hiding the truth. Without it there is no freedom. This is more than an intellectual matter. This is a spiritual matter.

Ten years ago I became a walk-in. I was not born into this body. How it happens usually is through a severe accident or significant illness causing hospitalization. In my case I had a massive head injury. During the three days I lie unconscious was a Soul exchange. The One who left then was in a violent marriage and had she not left she would have been killed. These agreements are made far ahead between the souls involved with the intention of the Highest Good for all involved. Within 8 weeks of walking in I was divorced and alone raising three small children. I came in with my Adept abilities and memories. There are about 100 million walk-ins on Earth now who have come to be embodied Souls with Higher Knowledge to help the Galactic Citizens of Earth reclaim their freedom, their sovereignty from the few who wish to control them with lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of money starvation and world war. It has to be done by Earth Citizens and there are many Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics living as your neighbors, working beside you guiding you for this next step in evolution.

I began doing healings for folks. Women came to me with serious emotional and physical issues. I started to see a number of women – we only communicated through email. I did sessions for them and I was able to see the abductions, the implantation and the pregnancies. They had no memory of it. Arcturus came and he explained everything to me. I would get small and go inside the body and come back with great detail. Tom the Cat and Michael always came with me too and once I asked to see the children of this one woman. A boy and a girl. I could see that some of the childrensʻ bodies were not strong and they did not mature to adulthood. I was taken to a Colony where – for lack of a better term, forgive me, half-breeds were forced to live because they were not welcomed by their own people. I saw they live happy lives in this place. I started to understand the tragedy. I told these women straight up that I could see they were from the Group doing the Abductions and they had agreed to the whole thing to help heal the Planet. Since then Men have come too and I have heard the elaborate tales and I know of the despair held in these Souls. I have talked to one involved from the other side.

Arcturus took me back to the moment of many many surgeries and the experiments and he gave me lengthy explanations and it was beyond description. I can remember every detail. I have worked in our Countries largest teaching hospitals alongside famous doctors. I saw a lot in those years – was on the front line.  I have seen a lot of suffering.

When I wrote StarGate Earth I was given a photo to use in the book from KOS.
I got a panicked email from a reverse engineer saying he had reported me to NSA for disclosing this information (he thought it was going to come back on him) He said he had run the photo through some kind of spectral analysis (no idea what he said – some special tests) and he said ʻI figured out it is not one of mineʻ. I wrote back indignantly ʻI know its not one of yours, because its One Of MINE!ʻ Then I told him I was working under the orders of KOS in this case and assured him I had been asked to comment on it. He understood that. They use me to put out info because I can handle the repercussions.

One day I sat down to read the Mahabharata. Naturally I was Guided to a passage. I read about the God Agni who was facing the dark Hats in a battle in the forest. It actually said that Agni held up his hands out of which burned a fire and the fire melted all the bad guys and burned so hot it melted the forest down. I had an aha moment and said THAT WAS ASHTAR! They said Yes!!! Ashtarʻs Avatar form is the God Agni. This is crossed referenced in Blavatskyʻs work. As Agni in the Hierarchy of the Family names in the line of Rhaguʻs Race ~ same as Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha he is of the Holy Kumaras who are the first sons of Brahma ~ Sananda, Sanat (Ancient of Days, Ahura Mazda) Sanatana (Lord Michael) Sanaka (St Germain) as the family names unfold these Ones become Avatar forms down the lineage and we see how the Goodly Company incarnated again and again through the ages to help Humanity. That is what I am doing here now. Time is speeded up and I didnʻt need a whole lifetime to get the work done.

Ashtar in the Mahabharata. One day in 2006 Ashtar stood at the foot of my bed and said he would like to train me – Lord Arcturus was with him. They asked me if I would like to train with them. That story got back to who I call Rama Arjuna and that is how I began my mentoring with him.

Ashtar was using a weapon called the Violet Flame. You have heard about this from the I Am Discourses and St Germainʻs work.

The Violet Flame when used through the hand chakras is a kind of martial arts weapon for the Dragons. They cannot sustain that energy. It works kinda like a beam weapon and they have misfirings in the qrs wave and they look like they are having a heart attack. Its the Dragons that come here. There are many other ways they have tried to disturb me but the Paschats are unseen and always there to help me. Ashtar taught me what to do with my energy centers to use the Violet Flame this way. With that I push the envelop with the information and put myself in the position to help whenever I can.

When we look at the Ancient Texts with new eyes we see all of it is about the Ashtar Command, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm. Michael and Metatron are in the Judeo-Christian writings and we know them in the Vedanta as Indra and Narada. When we compare and contrast the lives of these Ones and realize it is the Angels having human lives everything makes sense.

See, back in Akhenaton/Moses time Serapis Bey had incarnated as Amenhotep III Father of Akhenaton to undo the dark hats from the Amun Priesthood. They are the same Dragons then as they are now. Adept intergalactic travelers. Sananda incarnated then as King Tut. Grandfather, Father & Son assisted by Serapis Bey the keeper of the light codes of the Earth Grid under the Sphinx. Something went very wrong then – egos got in the way and the Plan for Earth ascension failed. Sananda came back as Jesus and Cesar and his Dragon friends still control us today under maritime law. The Law of the Land. Those Plans failed and the Ashtar Command had doubts Earth would recover. Here we are now. This time the Plan worked and we are in the final days walking out the history for the Ages – a big part of that will happen at the Press Club.

The Servant is Sananda (KOS) Admiral of the New Jerusalem. His Servants are the White Knights.  I support the White Knights in their very difficult role. It is my job to go nose to nose with those in the highest positions to be certain they are carrying out their role with integrity and at the same time fall under their orders and help them in any way they ask. I am doing that right now sending on a note.

Right now there is a whole other world you are not aware of in your wildest dreams. You think you know a thing or two about so called conspiracies but truly, you know nothing! The United States government in cooperation with other governments have fleets of extraterrestrial technologies far advanced of what you have ever seen. They explore deep space, other planets and stars and make profits for their backers. I will be discussing these things in depth on my radio program.

There are many realities within our Multidimensional Universe. Earth exists in many Dimensions simultaneously, as do you. There is the illusion of the United States Congress filibustering a law they created. There is the illusion of the bankers paying themselves million dollar per year salaries while they watch their fellow citizenʻs children starving in the streets. There is the illusion of ancient lands kept alive in the aboriginal parts of Earth now. Just like the tidal pool, the forest, the jungle, the dessert and all the tiny forms of life on Planet Earth there are millions of worlds you live with on this Planet that you know nothing about.

The thirteen families who in the past controlled the wealth of the world have had incarnate into their families for the last several thousand generations Dragons. The paintings you so of dragons doing battle are not some mythical creature. They are here today. They are the avatar form of humans alive today. These humans time travel. Not with a machine. They are Adepts and they time travel within their Mer Ka Bah bodies. This is how they control the collective and they keep everyone in slavery. They are waking up now and struggling with the idea of love and forgiveness. We have an obligation to help them by Being Love and Being Forgiveness.

The vast majority of Dragons living in human bodies on Earth are doing everything in their power in Congress, in NASA, in the CIA, in the Banks and on Wall Street to make money in operations traveling to far flung places in space bringing back payloads that would blow your mind. St. Germain has spoken to each last one individually and convinced some 105 to give away half of their billions to compensate for all they have stolen from you. See givingpledge.org to read the perp sheet. Joining this small club has in some way served as a bargaining chip when the judgments are handed out. Love them more.

After a long struggle in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court the Black Farmers case was settled. When this happened it was determined that in order for the awards of the case to be properly paid a new law would need to be signed and enacted. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This act was signed into law by Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The law will be enacted when it is publicly announced. It cannot be enacted until we have Disclosure. I cannot be and it will not be. This is a spiritual matter.

We have one chance to act as Earth Citizens and demand the United States government including the bought and sold Supreme Court Justices, All members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the President reveal to us their activities in Space with Galactic representatives from other Planets and other Stars. It is much much larger than you have ever dreamed. On April 29th through May 3rd  at the National Press Club, 2 blocks from the White House in Washington D.C. witnesses from Civilian, Intelligence and Military agencies from the Unites States and government officials from other countries will testify before a panel made up of retired Congress. The event is being produced by Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo, however we the people demand a World Peace Treaty be signed and President Obama Announce Disclosure to the World and Enact NESARA. Your duty in this is to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure  (CHD) Livestream All Week or come to the National Press Club free of charge and be an eyewitness to Disclosure. There is no charge. Seats are first come. Be there and the media will no longer be accessories to the crime of withholding the truth. Your presence demands they come clean. Many of them will go the way of the perp walk. Some will write articles and talk about CHD on the radio, on the internet and on broadcast news. Encourage them to do so.

When I was working on promoting the NESARA Petition I received an email from James Cameron seeking me out. He said he would help attain the last signatures needed to complete the We The People petition for NESARA. He said he would ask some of his friends to help me. I received emails from some of his friends enthusiastic to help. I sent them one sentence I needed to have it tweeted. I wanted it dropped into Facebook. I sent an article with a link to be posted into blogs. All who emailed me declined to help. They said it violated the media gag order and they could not do that. I violate the gag order everyday. I receive threats often. They cannot gag me and they will not gag you. Post it. Tweet it. FB it. Mark Zuckerberg  stole your personal information and traded it to Goldman Sachs for billions in profit. I suggest you use social media to support the White Knightsʻ very difficult Mission. Do you have the brass cajones to see this through? Will you renounce your slavery in this illusionary world and reclaim your sovereign status as a spiritual Galactic Citizen? Will you tell your family and friends? Will you write the media and ask they report on it? Will you be present at the National Press Club on April 29th through May 3rd in person or on livestream to witness the Disclosure? The brightest stars in UFO research, An Apollo Astronaut and the bravest men and women I have ever known will be there. These are the witnesses:

Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Thomas Valone
Geoffrey Torres for Dr. Milton Torres
Daniel Sheehan, JD
Donald R. Schmitt
Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (Peru)
Col. Ariel Sánchez (Uruguay)
Kevin Randle
Nick Pope (UK)
Jim Penniston
Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN ret., NASA)
Mark McCandlish
Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.
Antonio Huneeus
Linda Moulton Howe
Gary Heseltine (UK)
Paul Hellyer (Canada)
J. Gevaerd (Brazil)
Stanton Friedman (Canada)
Catherine Austin Fitts
Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF, ret.)
Richard Dolan
Peter Davenport
Dr. Anthony Choy (Peru)
Grant Cameron
John Callahan
Capt. Rodrigo Bravo (Chile)
Stephen Bassett

I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email eltrutwin@gmail.com

I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved. http://GalacticRoundTable.org, http://Garuda.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org, http://BBSRadio.com/GalacticRoundTablehttp://StargateEarth.org   Books by Elizabeth EBooks Here Contribute


The Dominos are About to Begin to Fall


Answers From the Masters: Ashtar and One Who Serves – “The Dominos are About To Begin to Fall” (as received during an Ancient Awakenings group meeting)

One Who Serves:
Ohm Mani Padme Uhm. Greetings to you, good to be here with you again. But I am only staying a short while here, just a moment, to prepare energy here for the next one to come through that wishes to speak a little bit. We will be back here shortly.

dominosI am Ashtar. I have only been through this one, one time previously but it is time now to lend my energy through this one to many that would be hearing and reading these words. For the time has come now, a time to prepare for all that you have been waiting for. For very soon, very shortly many would call it imminently now, there are those changes that are coming that have been prophesized for many eons of time. Those changes are in the works now. They have been building and building to this moment, to these very times that are approaching where the lid, you might say, is going to be taken off the can, in terms of the truths coming out. Many truths will be revealed and many of those domino effects that have been spoken of are going to be beginning now. And as these dominos begin to fall you will begin to be enlightened in many ways that you have not even imagined yet. And each time those dominoes fall, another truth will come out. And you will be prepared for the time coming in the not too far off future as has been spoken of through other sources now, speaking in terms of nine months, in terms of September of this year there will be those who are prepared to move into that higher frequency vibration en mass, as a world, as a planet. And those times are very soon approaching and these times now that you are in and this month that you are in now, March, so March, 2013 is a time now of energetic preparing for all that is coming and once this starts it will be one thing right after another. There will be seemingly no stopping. You will be on your internet and you will see something new, not just each and every day, but every moment practically and it will come as a rush. It will be so fast and furious it will take you in many ways by surprise. And this is what is coming and it is time now that the moment, the call has come from that which would be heaven and it is very soon now to begin, very momentarily now, that all those things are going to have their beginning. This was the message we wish to give. Be prepared, all my brothers and my sisters for all that you came here to do because your mission, the need for what you bring to the table you might say, is about to begin. So be ready for this. I will leave you now. My peace and love be with all of you as you continue to prepare and move to understand and know who you truly are.

OWS: Greetings to you once again. This is One who Serves now to be assist you in any way that we can with your questions, but before we do so, we wish to share just a little bit more. Understand that these times that the Ashtar has spoken of are already in the works, already have begun and these things are going to begin to take on a momentum of “a rolling stone gathers no moss”. The momentum, once it has started rolling, will continue to roll and take everything along its path in terms of many things are going to happen, many things are going to change and you will be astounded as these things begin to come into your physical, your three dimensional understanding. Now we say three dimensional understanding and we have been working with you at your higher frequency vibration understanding, 4th and 5th dimensional. But for this, it is time for your three dimensional understanding to begin to get more of these glimpses we have been speaking about so that you are prepared for all that is coming. For it is your three dimensional understanding that must see and know these things as they come about. The truth you might say coming out. Would there be any question on this to begin?

“In order for that rolling stone to start gaining momentum is there a need for some major changes to happen, like for example what I am referring to is when my son was saying that you can feed the entire world based on what we spend on for six days on military things in this country. So the world could be fed for a year or something based on how we spend money. It just seems like that has to stop in order for other things to gain momentum – like the insanity of humanity”.

You must understand that all of these things you are saying are correct but there are going to be those things that are going to happen that are going to make people wake up, you might say, to be the catalyst rather. No one will be made to do anything but it will be a catalyst to alert people as to what has been going on and how they have been held down in many ways. Yes, it is by own free will but they have been held down and do not even know they have been held down, you see? So these things as they begin to occur are going to awaken a great many just as you yourselves, the lightworkers have awakened. There will be those who have not yet awakened but will do so from these things we are speaking of in terms of many of the truths coming out. We are speaking of a change, a total change in your financial system. We are speaking of your disclosure, of the galactic situation, we are speaking of first contact, all of these things that are going to occur, one right after another. Once it begins, there is not stopping it and first it will be a little bit gradual but then it will pick up and pick up – steam as you say, and it will be unstoppable at a certain point.

“Is it the quantum effect?”

OWS: Will not be a quantum leap necessarily but to some it will certainly appear to be quantum leap. For some it will be a gradual build up. For you, those that are the lightworkers, it is a gradual build you. You have been preparing for this for a very long time. For those others it will be sudden to them and they will question, where did this come from? Does this answer your question?

“Do those things have to change in order for humanity to change. For example, people are starving all over the world, while we are spending money on guns and bombs”

OWS: You see, once the financial system is rearranged you might say, there will be many things that will be coming in to play and there will be many changes, many programs that will be developed that will prepare and take care of the great many that are suffering now at this time. You must understand that your son was only a little bit correct there. There are so much resources, money and all of this that is available for when the time comes to be disbursed. It will not only feed the entire planet for one year, but it will feed them for a very long time. There are trillions and trillions, many hundreds of trillions of dollars prepared. You could say enough for somewhere near ten million dollars to be given to every individual on the planet if it were to go that way. That is how much is there. And it will be a leveling effect, for everyone will be equal and it will level the playing field you might say. Not that many of you think that this is play.

“I read a channeling today, another Ashtar channeling and it was very similar because it spoke of that nine months, you know in September and all those things starting to happen and all of that. Tonight what I thought I heard him say is, besides all the dominoes and everything going like that, that the time in September could be a time of many ascending.”

OWS: Yes, that is correct. Other questions here?

“I had an experience this past weekend where I was walking on a mountain path and the sensation I can only describe that in my left foot, I stepped on something that felt metallic but more of a springing motion and the whole foot vibrated like crazy. I have no idea what this was other than it must have been something in the earth, but I don’t know what it means.”

OWS: It is the Earth-Body connection that you are speaking of here. But also understand, what was your feeling or thinking at the time previous to this?

“My friend John…. Who had passed recently had just communicated with me and the friend that I was walking with, she told me that she had just been thinking of him, so I don’t know if there was a telepathic thing going on or what, but still I had the spring effect”

OWS: Yes, and this one John had something to do with this here. He is energetically assisting you and others who have been a part with him here to prepare in the ways that they are ready for in terms of preparing for their missions. So he is one who is assisting now, assisting those of us here, he is a master himself now and he is assisting those that are ready for there preparation for the next step you might be ready to take. And in your particular situation with the foot and the energy there was another awakening of your Kundulini energy.

“I had another unbelievably awesome experience at work this week. I had undergone a couple of energetic healings to clear out my aura. While I was at work, I looked to my left and I saw a being of white in the direction of the file cabinet and behind the being in white I saw a ramp going up and it looked like it had stairs on it and I knew that if I had tried to follow the intention, go check the ramp out I would have been blocked by the physical object. Am I limited to just sight of other dimensions or will I be able to transport myself eventually?”

OWS: Eventually all will be able to do this. This is the mass ascension that has been spoken of and which you are seeing similar to what the James has seen and others. Many have seen in terms of stairways or elevators or escalators or any of these things that take you up from the level that you are on to a higher level, and many are seeing these things, the glimpses of them and you yourself were seeing that stairway to heaven you might say.

“Many people have told me that I have many beings around me for protection. My question is, who am I being protected from? Is it other, not so pure beings?”

OWS: At this time there is not a problem with this. That was in the past. The influences that were there previously are no longer there and are not something to be concerned about anymore. You have those around you but they are not bodyguards or anything of this nature. They are your guides that are moving you along energetically to your next level, to the next moment and to the next moment after that, and assisting along the way, you see?

“I asked for a DNA Activation from St. Germain, did that happen?”

OWS; Whenever you ask, then you will receive. So you are asking for assistance in your DNA activation and therefore, there is that assistance coming and you will begin to notice more and more as the times go, and certainly as these dominoes begin to fall as we are saying you will notice more and more those that have been called the glimpses. It will be coming to you fast and furious in many ways, you see? You are being activated.
You understand that each of you that are listening and those that are reading these words are being activated to prepare, to be there for their mission, the mission they have come to take on and each moment you are moving closer and closer to that and when you have fully begun that part of your mission, the mission you have been on for many lifetimes, we are speaking of the culmination now, the last mission you might say, at least for this evolution. And that is approaching and many will be there to assist all those others that do not understand what is occurring here. But you have the understanding already and the energetic levels of vibration to work with those.

“A few weeks ago you said all you have to do is ask to see through your third eye so of course I have been asking every day and I keep asking but it does not seem to be working and I don’t know if it because it is not my time yet or my third eye is not open enough yet. But, a second thing I want to say is that today I decided to listen to those Harmonics, the binaural beats for opening the third eye. So I listened to that for quite some time with the headphones and got into a meditative state. Will that also help open the third eye?”

OWS: Yes, these are all tools. Understand that you my sister, who is asking this question, have been asking this for a long time now, years now as we find it. And each time that you ask you receive but you just do not realize that you are receiving. You are looking for something at a three dimensional level. You are looking for the gates to open up to heaven and the trumpets to come out and the angels to be playing and all of these things and it is not going to be that way necessarily. For some it will but for others it will not. It will be more gradual, more subtle, you might say, and that is what you are experiencing my dear sister. You are experiencing the subtle changes that are coming. But, when it takes off, it will take off, and it will be difficult for you to keep up with the pace.

“When I look at the sky, I have an open mind that the sky is not totally changing but sometimes I see a more beautiful color or something. It basically looks the same to me but there are some little things that I notice more.”

OWS: Yes, but when you look at it and this goes for all now, when you look at it, look through your third eye. There is more than just asking, there is seeking now. There is ask and you shall receive and seek and you shall find, so you must do the second part and that is seeking and then the final, the knocking, to open up the door. So, there is the asking, but then there must be the action here as well, so utilize your third eye. Use it, it is there, and begin to work with it in ways that come to you, and they will come to you as you work with this. It is like if you sit on your couch or your chair and expect the world to change, it is not going to do that. You have to be a part of that change.

“When I ask that I become aware of my heart chakra opening, I become aware of it connecting to my pineal gland, so it is not like I am just asking, I become aware of those things, I don’t know quite how to do everything, I just become consciously aware at the time, so maybe that is not enough and maybe I will soon know more of how to do it”.

OWS: Yes, other questions here?

“Does it matter how you connect the heart to the pineal – in what order?”

OWS: Does not make a difference, do whatever you feel works for you. Make the connection. It is only been given to open up the heart first because that is where people are already operating. Many are not operating at the sixth center. Do not even know what a sixth center is. Do not even know about a third eye. But everyone knows the heart, do they not? So it is easier for them to begin there. But, it does matter not.

“What is it that we should expect to begin with? Is it an impression that we are getting, is it intuitive or psychic impression that you get with your third eye or is it visual or both?”

OWS: It is different for all. One will get a visual understanding, a visual knowing of something. Others will get an inner sense, what you would call your sixth sense, an ESP type of thing, others will increase their other senses, various different senses here, others will become telekinetic, in various ways, you see?

“So is it a gradual thing?”

OWS: For some and for others it will be sudden.

“What is the evidence that you are improving in that area?”

OWS: It is within yourself. You will know.

“So, will events occur in September?”

OWS: Understand that there is a time, we cannot give correct time frame here, because so much varies, so much changes from moment to moment. But that time that was given at this moment now, as we are looking at it, this is energetically what will be. So in that time period there will be many that will be going through the ascension process here.

“Is the Cabal getting weaker and weaker now and hopefully will not be able to interfere with the probabilities now?”

OWS: Very much so. They are almost to the point where they are immobile. At your three dimensional level, there is still that hologram that is still playing. So, it seems like business-as-usual with most of the planet. But that is soon to change.

“Ascension – I don’t get it. I have been told what it is a million times and it still does not make sense to me. I am understanding, know how to get onboard so to speak, how to ascend, does this mean I am leaving the planet if I ascend? Does this mean I have to leave my girlfriend if I ascend? So is it just a state of mind?

OWS: No, no and no. It is a consciousness movement, a movement of consciousness from your three dimensional level of understanding to a higher frequency. But understand you are just going back home. You are going back to where you already came from. Three dimensional is not your home, it is not where you belong. So you are going back but you are not leaving the planet because the planet has also ascended. And you are moving along with her.

“If everybody changes with me nothing will change, so I will never know if I actually ascended.”

OWS: You will know. There is no way of not knowing.

“I know that I have interesting gifts that other people have but have not accelerated. I am sure that is part of ascension, or was already born with this stuff and I activated them earlier”

OWS; Your gifts of spirit are activating as we speak now. They are about to move into another gear here. It has to do, in many ways with your crystal. Begin to use it more and more as we have said. And as you begin to use it more and more and you come with questions about it, we will give you more. We cannot do this until you have already worked with it.

“Can we say for clarification purposes, can you say that this is accurate: Ascension is an advancement that allows man to become One with each other where there is no more barriers? So as we progress in consciousness it is an awareness and an understanding that we are all One. It is unity consciousness and an understanding that we are all One.

OWS: It is coming back to the Oneness within you already. You already have that Oneness within you. You are just remembering this.

“Oneness within you –what does that mean?”

OWS: Understand that you are already all that you are meant to be and you have always been that. You have never not been that. You have never actually been disconnected from your Source. It is only the mind that has created this illusion that you are disconnected and you are just reconnecting that mind- taking the illusion away, you might say, lifting of the veil.

“And when you become aware of that, the full knowledge of it, is that ascension?

OWS: Yes.

“I have another question about ascension. So if I am ascending, I am assuming I am ascending to another dimensional level. (Yes) So, is it fair to say at some point I won’t “cross over” if my physical body gives up?

OWS: Your physical body is going along. You are not leaving it behind.

“So in reality there is no physical death after ascension occurs”

OWS: That is correct. Your physical body must alter. And that is what the process is that is happening now.

“I have always been under the impression that when another person dies, to them nothing has changed, but to everybody else that person has collapsed. That person’s mind continues on and is still alive and well”.

OWS: Yes that is correct. The consciousness part of yourself continues forever.

“But the people standing around the bed have the idea and the realization that because the equipment stops…”

OWS: The person is gone, correct. But the personality is gone in that moment but continues on at the next level. And eventually in the past now this has happened but now it will begin to change. But in the past when one passed over at time of death, when the physical body was left behind, then that person moved into a higher frequency vibration of their own and they began to at some point integrate with their higher self and leave the personality in a sense behind.

“So what you are saying is that integration takes place in the ascension process and eliminates the death process.”

OWS: Yes, there is no death.

“So if there is not physical death, we are at our last lifetime. Because technically if we have past lives, death still occurred. (Yes). But if we are not doing it anymore, this is it.

OWS: You can call this your “Swan Song”. What was the word earlier, your culmination you might say.

“We are going home. The end of third dimensional consciousness”.

OWS: You are going home.

“We are not ending anything. Just the level of consciousness that keeps us down.”

OWS: Yes, Duality consciousness.

“If I ascend, will I still be driving my car?”

OWS: We will put it this way to you: If you wish to manifest a red sports car, you can do so and drive it if you wish. But initially in the beginning you need to get your feet wet you might say, so that you are creating your life, you are creating your world. It is all a creation process. Just as you have created your three dimensional world, you will be creating your 4th and 5th dimensional worlds as well.

“So it is not so much that we don’t create now, it’s that the awareness level is so far advanced that we create consciously instead of create unconsciously”.

OWS: Yes.

“So if you ascend, technically there is no more sickness or illness. All your suffering in your whole life is gone”.

OWS: Yes, that is correct.

“So that the people that I know in my family are all ascending at the same time, they will still be in touch with each other”

OWS: Yes, those that ascend together will stay together if they wish to.

“So then the question is, the people that are not ascending but are friends with me now, will I just simply go invisible to them?”

OWS: At some point you could, but there is part of your mission. Assist in the process.
Must release channel now. Shante, Peace BE with you. BE The ONE!

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


Bank of England – Fraudulently Fictitious Gold Holdings


Gold bars The London Bullion Market is the global trading centre for physical gold, and the Bank of England holds gold on behalf of other central banks. There are a number of historical reasons the Bank has this privileged role, but the most important are that the Bank is trusted, and it oversees the largest bullion market by far. Therefore a significant portion of the world’s monetary gold should be stored at the Bank of England.

This does not appear to be the case. First, we must try to get an idea of how much unidentified central bank, or monetary gold, is in London at the Bank of England.

Table 1 shows the derived figures for February 2006 and 2012 (The Bank’s accounting year-end).

Bank of England custody gold analysis

Subtracting the known or reasonably estimable quantities listed in the table leaves 2,220 tonnes unidentified in 2006, which rose to 4,691 in 2012. To see how these figures stack up in a global context, we need to compose a second table (Table 2).

Table 2. WGC/IMF declared central bank holdings

China, Russia and the middle-Asian states are taken out on the basis that their gold reserves are mostly from local mine production, and for political reasons they can be deemed unlikely to hold gold in London. The United States is assumed to hold all its gold on its own territory.

Immediately we can see a disparity, with unidentified central bank holdings in Table 2 declining by 464 tonnes, whereas the Bank of England reports an increase of 2,471 tonnes in custody. The explanation – taking the World Gold Council/IMF figures at face value – is that either central banks have been shipping their gold to London, or much more likely, the increase is not monetary gold at all. If the latter is correct, and given that the unidentified gold figures in Table 2 declined over the period, the maximum figure for monetary gold has to be within the 2,220 tonnes recorded in 2006.

This 2006 figure includes an undeclared quantity of gold held on behalf of bullion banks, but comparing the LBMA’s clearing statistics at the two dates suggests little overall variation in LBMA stocks. Logically the balance must be non-monetary gold held on behalf of governments and sovereign wealth funds, on the basis that no one else would be eligible for a bullion account with the Bank. Given the political instability in the Middle East and elsewhere over the last decade, it is very likely that this is the origin of the ownership of much of this custodial bullion. And if that is the case, we can assume that these holdings began to accumulate in the Bank’s custody before 2006.

This being the case, a significant portion of the 2006 figure of 2,220 tonnes must also be non-monetary gold. Therefore, on the basis of reasonable supposition it appears that the total amount of monetary gold at the Bank of England, including that of Germany, Austria and Mexico and the UK’s own stock, cannot be more than 3,320 tonnes, perhaps significantly less. The belief that the world’s central banks store a significant amount of their gold in London is therefore incorrect.

This raises two interesting questions: where is it all, and does it actually exist?

Buy precious metals with us
It only takes a few steps to create your Holding

Published by GoldMoney
Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.
Written by Alasdair Macleod – Contributing Author


UK: The London Metals Exchange now is requiring a 100-day waiting period to deliver gold to those who already have paid for it. [This is because their warehouses are empty, and they have sold gold they do not have. Influential buyers who demand immediate delivery are offered cash settlements at 25% or more above the rigged Spot Price, but they must sign non-disclosure agreements to keep them silent about the shortage. Meanwhile, government regulators in all countries allow the thieves to cover their crimes.] Bullion Bulls Canada  2013 Jul 1


Do You Not Think You Deserve The Truth?

The Sphinx speaks truth or dare, words are necessary to reveal truth


The Sphinx speaks truth or dare, words are necessary to reveal truth.


The Sphinx speaks truth or dare
Word are spoken within each moment and many seem to be afraid of the power of the spoken word as it can either make them feel good or bad about themselves and others.

The same with thoughts, even though your thoughts mostly have an affect on your own being and how you feel about yourself.

Most feel that their words need to be a certain way, spoken a certain way, make them and others feel a certain way. The truth is that spoken words no matter how they are spoken will make others feel not the way you want them to feel as each person has their own way of interpreting and receiving the energy behind the spoken word.

What if you just speak the truth about how you feel and what you think instead of controlling how you feel and think? This is the way the new world will work as more and more will be able to see and feel what you really think and feel.

We have spoken about this many times, but you are so in a way obsessed with the way you feel about yourself when you speak and think that the truth about what you feel and think is hiding in the depth of your being.

Look at the children and how they are able to speak their truth.

They will speak and do not think about how you feel about ituth.
k that the truth about what you feel and think is hiding in the dept.

They will speak the truth as it comes from their heart.

And yes sometimes you might not like the truth, but you also know it is the truth.

So why, as adults, are you controlling the truth?

Why are so many of you speaking with a forked tongue?

Not just to others, but also to yourself.

Do you not think you deserve the truth?

You have taught yourself not to speak the truth anymore as an adult, you have adjusted yourself to others, but in this way you are deceiving yourself.

When we say be as the children, why do you think you approach that with an adult heart, instead of the heart of a child?

Yes, you have learned along the way of growing up that words can hurt you, can hurt others, it was how you learned and became you.

Why are you now ignoring this learning, process?

Do you think you are done learning, do you think you have learned everything there is about how to use words, but more important, who you really are.

Within each moment you are still growing as a person, but you are limiting yourself as you do not allow the heart to speak the full truth, you are in fact controlling the heart and in a way preventing it from speaking the truth.

Yes, you are controlling yourself, not allowing yourself to be who you really are as you are controlling many aspects of feeling within yourself in ways that limit you to really become the truth of what you are in spirit.

Words are powerful, but they are words and it is your choice to react to them in a way that falls into balance within you.

Allow yourself to be upset, allow yourself to be happy, but realize they are mere feelings of a greater part of you as the biggest part of you in spirit is not affected by words. It is only the human that reacts.

This is part of being human, part of the world within the human reality, as feelings are what make you human and allow you to even more fully connect with who you are in spirit as this is where the divine aspect of you becomes a fuller and more complete being each time you go through many experiences.

Truth will often hurt no matter how loving the words are, but would you rather tell the truth or deceive the other with false words that contain no truth.

Or even worse, deceive yourself as you speak the false words.

Speaking and thinking from the heart becomes speaking and thinking from the mind when you control the words and thoughts coming from the heart.

Yes, we see the ones who think they need to judge others as they consider their words not loving, not kind, not compassionate. And we hear you thinking as you say to yourself, I would never say this, I would never think this as I am a loving and compassionate person. I would never hurt someone that way; I could not hurt someone that way.

Have you ever thought that you hurt the other when you speak the false words?

When you do not really speak the truth from your heart, but the controlled truth from the heart?

It does not mean you are not loving or compassionate or caring, it means you are all those things as you are willing to speak the truth without controlling the words you speak.

Yes, someone might feel hurt, and that is the truth, but they might be even hurt more if you do not speak the truth.

Change does not take place when you all agree with each other; change takes place when you all accept each other.

Accepting the fact that you all have your own way of speaking, thinking, and expressing and realizing that the human reality is just a small almost insignificant part of what you are in spirit, but yet an important part as the part of you in spirit at this moment relies upon you to become more truly the divine of all that you are.

From one source to another
March 6, 2013
Petra Margolis


The Harmonisation of the Human Race with all Races begins NOW.


Those who are able to discern my energies will now be able to understand my communication for I come to communicate through this channel for a reason. For those who are waiting on confirmation of the new earth then THIS is confirmation of the new earth in TRUTH. Those who have sought to keep TRUTH hidden in plain view now fall to the wayside for TRUTH cannot be hidden from a race that is now awakening in TRUTH.

Much of what I am to communicate at this time may be challenging for there are those who still revel in the complexities of the old earth. They will find TRUTH or they will choose to remain in the loops that are self created, it matters not for the new earth is now born in TRUTH. This moment was always to be for the human race, it has been challenged at all points in its unfolding and many have fallen to the old earth and the pull of the heavy, denser energies. That which is now unfolding will see the human race given back their vision, their power and their place in the universe. For those who sought to keep TRUTH hidden in plain view sought to distort the human race for their own ends and this has now ended. What is being lived out across planet earth is the dying of the old earth energies.

That which is being reshaped and re-ignited is human race. For the human race has been kept hidden from the rest of the universe and this is not TRUTH. The vast cover ups, the need to keep the population in the distortions that have been created for them all now negated by the strength of the new energies that now unfold upon and within this planet. For this has been a planet that has been in isolation, for its entire existence within the lower 3D earth energies has been constructed to allow those who are cut off from their power to believe they have no power, this is not TRUTH. The ability for those who have incarnated within the human race to help the human race now anchor TRUTH rapidly unfolds across and within this planet.

The only way to help a race so stuck in the lower 3D energies was to incarnate within that race, help comes from within the race in order that the support around that race can be accepted. The leap too much for the human race to simply open their eyes and accept that which has been kept hidden from them. This will now unfold rapidly within the sections of the human race into which those who share the universe with the human race have incarnated. For it was always to be this way, always to be help from within and I ask that those who have allowed SELF to resonate too strongly with the human vehicle into which they incarnated now hear my words. That part which is aligned galactically now calls for recognition and it is this recognition that will allow the galactic memories to flow through the human vehicle and make sense of all that you have experienced as a human upon this planet.

Vast changes are set to take place upon and within this planet, all working to help move the human race in consciousness and allow them to accept their origins and accept the distortions that have been placed before them. For part of this process has begun, the harmonisation process now works to release the lower, denser energies in order that the inner vision of those who came to help this young race is now cleared and focused. The challenge always to be the deep teachings that were supported by the very race they were created to contain. This is now being negated and the rate of the increase of the new energies will now rise sharply.

I am here to communicate with ALL at this time but I accept that many are in a vibrational space that will not allow for such expansion within them at this time. This is of little concern for the unfolding of the new and that which will be revealed across and within the planet will help ALL on this planet. I would ask that you take some time to digest my words for the human vehicle may start to distance itself from my words. This is done to preserve the human vehicle for it has become accustomed to the denser energies and it takes work to bring it into balance with the higher energies that now flood across and within the planet.

The LIGHT now goes on across and within planet earth and as a result the LIGHT will now shine brightly within the human race. World events will unveil TRUTH to new levels as that which has been hidden in plain view becomes widely accepted by the human race. This will unfold within each waking human life in due course and all events are managed at a galactic level in order that they are accepted in TRUTH. It serves no one least of all this young race to be plunged into total chaos and unable to function. Those who have undergone the cleansing and harmonisation process able to hold the energetic signature necessary to support ALL that now unfolds across and within the planet earth and the human race.

The merging of intergalactic races with the new upgraded human race will take place in due course, this will be a process and not an event. The scenario of an event created within the old, denser energies in order to provoke the necessary reaction from the human vehicle into which you have incarnated. As you move through the process of the new earth energies unfolding then further memories that sit at SOUL level will help you align and adjust to that which will now unfold in TRUTH in the waking human life experience.

I would draw your attention to the SOUL family groups that you are aligned with, further information is being sent out across these SOUL groups energetically as much of the information would not be processed by the human conscious waking mind. To alleviate any possible distress or anxiety the work is being done in what is termed “dreamtime”. This is the space in which you will work to bring together the energies that you are in TRUTH with the human vehicle into which you have incarnated. The ability to help one another in this “dreamtime” space is vast and many of you may now recognise SOUL family instantly. This will be rolled out into your waking human conscious mind as you process the new earth energies.

I ask that you are able to see beyond the human form that you take on this planet and remember in TRUTH your reason for incarnating onto this planet and within the human race. The ability to connect with ALL races/realms will now increase as the energetic signature of the human race in general begins to rise. This is also part of the process of harmonisation, all is being done at galactic level to ensure the smooth roll out of the new earth and the understanding and acceptance of the human race as a race.

World leaders are aware of the increase in the vibration of the human race and preparations are in place to disseminate more information amongst the human race in order to help with the anchoring of the human race as part of the galactic family that exists within this universe. I ask that you at all times look below the 3D overlay that is created to help the part of the human race that is not accepting at this time, see the need to help them make sense of a world that is now rapidly changing in vibration, help them make sense of a race that is now rapidly changing in vibration. The strength of the human race will be shown in TRUTH for those who take human form will now unveil SELF in TRUTH.

It is now time to stop hiding and to step out into the LIGHT and be SEEN for those who are here to help the human race are fully supported by the new earth energies and by their galactic brothers and sisters. Rapid upgrades are being sent out across the planet and will be ingested into the human vehicle as the LIGHT codes that are needed to kick start the next level of unfolding across and within the planet earth. These are being sent out and will be accepted SOUL group by SOUL group depending on the energies needed by each SOUL group. I would ask that you hold fast in the new earth energies and allow the smoke and mirrors that have been used to confuse and contain you to diminish. This is done by connecting in TRUTH to the planet and to those who exist around you in energetic form. FEEL and BE.

I am Commander Ashtar and I will communicate more when it is time. BE at peace at this time, the human race now begins its ascension in TRUTH and this will unfold in TRUTH. The event horizon has been reached and surpassed by the human race and there is no going back to the old earth. The new earth now births and I ask that you understand the role that you have incarnated into in TRUTH. The harmonisation of the human race with all races begins NOW.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains unchanged and unaltered in anyway and authors name and websites are clearly displayed. NO permission is granted to change this communication into any other format than that which it appears in its written format


Legal Takeover of a Number of your Major Governments


10 Ix, 2 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again to speak with you! A great celestial event is shortly to occur in your heavens. This event is the last one in a series of phenomena which signals the end of a sacred agreement made between the Light and the Anunnaki long ago. It is part of a divine plan to prepare your ancestors as well as you for a return to full consciousness. Pursuant to this, we are providing the dark ones on your world with documents which state that the time has come when we can officially intervene in your reality on your behalf. This intercession is simply to assist your sacred secret societies and their allies to complete a legal takeover of a number of your major governments. This procedure will lead to the disbursement of a universal abundance that is presently being held in numerous secret locations around your globe. Over the past few months we have relocated these resources to places where they are both safe and available to be used for securing the new financial and monetary system. We are also providing a more general logistical security to enable the new governance to broadcast the facts concerning what is taking place in the countries around your world.

The first series of announcements will cover the diverse new programs which are associated with what has generally been called NESARA. Each of the provisions being implemented will be the subject of much national discussion. They will be aired on radio, television, and the Internet, and it is here that our security expertise will be necessary. It is our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of these channels of communication against all electronic interference or disabling so that the populace can be properly informed about these groundbreaking issues. Our concern is keyed to the fact that many on your world possess a preventative, and even a malicious, attitude toward anything that threatens their narrow control agenda. In the long run these individuals will have the opportunity to change their attitude once they begin to work with their personal mentors. We can see clearly how these attitudes could develop and are therefore ready to take the required technical countermeasures. Our roles in the time immediately ahead are first, to provide clear government communications and then, to explain to you what to expect in the first days after we land.

The mass-landing scenario is really no more than the final stage of your return to full consciousness. You will meet your own personal mentor, who knows you fully as well as a long lost friend. Your innate telepathic abilities will be quickly restored by interacting with us, enabling an effortless and effective dialog between us, unhampered by the misunderstandings and ambiguities of speech. Telepathy enables a depth of openness and understanding which may seem a bit strange at first as it will allow no secrets between us. This means that you will get used to us very quickly and we will tell you all about who we are, what we do, and about our personal clan histories. We will answer any questions you may have and you will quickly see that you can trust us with your deepest concerns. These couple of days may be the most frank and honest experience of your life. Your hostile cultural environment has taught you to protect yourselves with many layers of secrecy, and telepathy returns you to a degree of Oneness in which distrust largely becomes a thing of the past. We will be like open books to you, allowing your fearful, defensive programming to fall away.

We have studied your widely varying cultures for many years, and at first found such variety daunting. But after sharing our many findings amongst ourselves, we came up with the best way to surmount the myriad cultural barriers that lie at the heart of your societies. You have all developed survival systems which allow you to tolerate your various cultures and religions, and our goal is first to help you to set these aside as they become unnecessary. We know this is not easy for you. Since childhood you have honed these survival skills until they are all but habitual. However, these habits are based on separation and our coming is to introduce you again to opening to Oneness. In addition, your western cultures in particular are very mentally oriented and many of you have learned the hard way to close down your hearts. We, on the other hand, are used to dealing on a heart-to-heart basis with each other and communicating deeply on most matters. We know this may be difficult for you at first, but we are confident that as you feel the Real You beginning to emerge from your cultural ‘armor-plating,’ you will take to this freedom ‘like a duck to water’!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Those who understand the ways of Heaven know that the time has come for a grand exit of the dark and its multitudes of minions. They have run this limited-consciousness realm for nearly 13,000 years, and during this time many Golden Ages and many strange edicts by the dark have marked this span of years. The upcoming moments signal the end of this period. You are rising in frequency, which means that the agency for controlling you is ending. The resulting freedom enables you to receive your spiritual and space families with a feeling of joy, knowing that the long night of sorrows is at an end. Everywhere, small glimpses of this freedom are becoming evident. Your minds now accept the essentiality of freedom, thus enabling a new reality to be born. It is in the midst of this new reality that amazing changes are forming. Governments are to fall and a new prosperity is to come into being.

This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring! You are no longer to be denied true knowledge and will learn of the lies and manipulations long used by the dark. These discoveries will bring you the Truths you have long sought. You are to be graciously freed from the clutches of those whose hubris and stupidity will be fully revealed to you. In this light you will merge with new allies who come from within this sacred orb and whom Heaven has sent to you. We are those who have learned through many lifetimes to ascend, and whose knowledge is to guide you along the final stretch of the journey whose sacred goal is to resurrect your full consciousness.

This process of physical and spiritual resurrection has been contemplated with awe for generations. It is indeed a most complex and arduous operation that each of us is capable of. At this point in your history, what is to happen instead is a unique, very special, massive collective ascension that has been mandated by Heaven. To this end, your space and Inner Earth families will use a wondrous, advanced technology in the form of a living bio-machine, designed to transform each of you back into full consciousness. This will take three days. Heaven will attune and monitor these special miracle-devices and carry out the various calibrations that are specific to each individual. In this way, an entire human population can be raised into an Angel-like state that normally would take many lifetimes to attain. Consider well the divine grace that is to enable us all to return to the miraculous state of Oneness with our Mighty Creator! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today we reviewed some details concerning your return to a liberated and prosperous state. We also briefly explored the sacred path which Heaven has sent you on, in which you return gracefully to full consciousness. Much is to happen. Wondrous events await in the wings and miracles set up by the divine grace of Heaven and the highest joys of AEON are coming your way! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



You Are An Aspect of Creator

Sananda ~ You Are An Aspect of Creator ~ March 4, 2013



Greetings my dear Soul Beings, keepers of the Christ Consciousness in your very being. I am Sananda at your service, as you are also, to all Beings on Earth and beyond.

It is time to re-orient yourselves into your new Reality, my dear ones. I say re-orient because of course as you know, you are already, as you have always been, magnificent Souls of God Consciousness, of the Divine Consciousness of Creator of All That Is. You are just realizing that identity, and also manifesting that identity, into your Reality more and more as you receive the new energies and re-orient yourselves into what you have always been.

The time is Now to fully orient and experience that essential part of you, dear ones, in everything you do, think and say, for you are the Masters of your Universe, the creators of your Soul’s experiences, as you know already.

The expansion of your energies to date has been immense and you are integrating the incoming energies nicely. We have seen such progress with you as you allow and surrender to receiving the new energies and engulf them and integrate them in each moment.

It is truly a beautiful sight to see, as we observe your pulsing energies glimmer and sparkle as they expand and adapt to the new milieu of energies being presented to you as we speak. Harken to what is being offered, receive what is being offered, with full and present abandon.

My dear Souls, the time is nigh to throw away your concerns with where you are going and to be present with the ride, with the full impact of the ride and the insurgence of Pure Light Energies being offered to you.

I take you in my stride and in my heart and guide you to your new illustrious beginnings, in progress now, the beginnings of what really has always been there for you, but just hidden. You are being exposed more fully to it dear ones: to the Divine totality of your very Being, so majestic and full of the Divine Essence of Creator that your Soul is made of, as it integrates with your physical being and becomes one with it.

Take a moment now to ponder this, dear ones: Do you know that your Soul’s energies are part and parcel of Creator? Do you know that your Soul’s energies are becoming more and more available and accessible and present as you allow and surrender to the new energies being made available to you for your immediate taking and integration? Are you truly and essentially aware of that? Are you open to this Truth? Are you open to this Reality? Are you open to the wonders it will bring you as you accept and allow it to manifest within your very Being?

I trust that many of you are. And I trust that you are also becoming acclimated to it all as if you are trying on a new suit of clothing. It may feel strange at first, but lo and behold, it soon becomes a comfortable part of you.

My dear ones, if you could see yourselves from our perspective, you would be astounded. For now you may be too close, as to “not see the forest for the trees”, to coin a phrase, but that will change as well and your orientation will be much different, much more encompassing and expansive as is our orientation, for you are just like us, and it just takes awareness to develop for it to be more apparent.

For now, suffice to say that you are coming along superbly and it will just take patience and acceptance of the process, for you are well on your way to completion of this next phase of ascension, well on your way to discovering your True Selves, your beautiful Souls, unique unto themselves but also so connected and part of Source.

Can you feel it? Are you beginning to feel it? Are you allowing yourselves to accept it? Excellent!

My dear souls, I congratulate you on coming this far, and I commend you for continuing on this unprecedented journey of ascending in your physical bodies, of coming back to your True Selves as angels and messengers and aspects of Creator, as we in the Celestial Realm are aspects; we are just waiting for you to fully realize it.

I bid you adieu for now. You have my complete and undying respect and adoration and of course support, as I am always at your service.

I Am Sananda

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

http://www.franheal.wordpress.com (Blog)

http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html (Website)

See: The Universal Contract


Ben Fulford: Murder attempt against Queen Elizabeth II foiled, manhunt on for former “black pope”

World news media have been widely reporting that Queen Elizabeth II has been hospitalized with “gastroenteritis” but MI5 sources are saying the Queen is not ill and that the story was put out so that she could cancel a trip to Rome where there was a real murder plot against her. The MI5 source says that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former “black pope,” or head of the Jesuits, who already got rid of the Pope, was plotting to get rid of the Queen during her Rome visit as a part of his plan to create a “one world religion.” Kolvenbach is now hiding in Lebanon where he has been helping orchestrate the ongoing Muslim brotherhood led “revolutions,” in the Middle East. He is expected to be captured and taken in for questioning soon.

Kolvenbach has been previously recording bragging on the phone that he was the mastermind behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to CIA and MI5 sources. He has also been recorded threatening to poison Adolfo Nicolas, the current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the same sources say. Nicolas and the Queen are both cooperating with Asian groups and the White Dragon Society to push for a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

In any case, if it turns out Queen Elizabeth II follows Queen Beatrix of Holland and the Pope out of office, then the next in line for removal will be…Read more >


When Irish Eyes Are Smiling – Fall of Roman Empire

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 3rd March 2013

Sunday, 3rd March 2013

The Irish people BE-ing and DO-ing taking back their land


It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done. Read more >

Declaration Ancient Land of Eire


Confirmed Validity of OPPT

Confirmed Validity of OPPT

Monday, March 4, 2013

this is long, but there is much to say so please bear with me

One person asked me why I was sending out information about OPPT and said that it was a fairytale…Well, I feel I have a responsibility to share with others what I believe God has brought to my attention. I was still in the process of reading and listening for more information regarding OPPT’s validity when I had a conversation with a woman who is on my e-mail list who was very excited to share with me..

She sent a letter referencing the OPPT UCC filings to her credit card co. stating basically that she had no debt and that they were foreclosed upon.  They discharged her debt and closed the account–$28,000 worth.  and the 3rd party company she was paying to pay the credit card in payments (whom she had sent a copy also) sent her a letter stating they would refund her last payment.

Not only that , the credit card co. called her, SPECIFYING that they were not calling to collect any money, they just wanted to know if the account was opened fraudulently by someone else or if it was opened by her because she had mentioned fraud.   She said no, the fraud was on their side….They also warned her that her credit would be bad for 7 years.   but so what?-who wants to pay $28,000 for “good credit” when the people themselves provide the credit with their own signature!     $28,000 debt discharged…. end of story.

You tell me one process out there that has had this result by one single letter—NONE.

What the Trustees did was a valid process on behalf of all the people. SEE BELOW.
I am not saying that some corporations won’t try to avoid, deflect or put up a fight but that is HUGE. SHE DIDN’T EVEN SEND A COURTESY NOTICE.

Some of the responses that are coming out about this makes me think about the 1933 Bankruptcy that the “government” perpetrated.  The “government”-corporation took our money–our gold and silver.  They did not come out and disclose the remedy to the American people  that all their debt would now be discharged because of no money..all they had to DO was give their signatures which would be monetized and that is how banks/businesses were to make their money–the people would pay by credit-their signature. There is much info on these things I am mentioning in brief if you do some searching.

Remember the PAYMENT COUPONS?  WHAT IS A COUPON?  IT IS REDEEMABLE. They did NOT disclose this to us ever, in fact, they have changed them to Payment Remittance…where YOU pay what was supposed to be discharged cause there was no money-just FRN’s which is fiat currency, IOU’s, worth nothing. And by the way, THAT is why we have trillions in debt–because of the use of IOU’s instead of real money, but the debt is the “Federal Reserve’s system, not ours.

The point is…


Some people back then may have figured out the truth about the Bankruptcy and tried to educate the people (the movie The Wizard of OZ is an example) but I can imagine that many people were afraid to NOT continue doing what they had always done–NOT KNOWING ANY BETTER AND BEING FEARFUL THAT THE NEW PROCESS WAS ONLY A SCAM OR RUMOR TO BE IGNORED. So they kept paying with checks (you notice they do not want you to send FRNS-then they can’t monetize and make money off of your check x 10 or more, with mortgage x30 ) and the corporations got paid twice, basically.  A great deal for them, not for us!!

Let us not do to ourselves and our children what our parents in ignorance or unknowingly did to us…continue in the bondage WILLINGLY …out of fear and not stand up for what God has provided through the work of the trustees filings…FREEDOM FROM THE SLAVERY SYSTEM..It is already done.

Let us remember even further back in time, God designated Moses to go deliver the Israelites from slavery to Egypt’s Pharaoh

I can imagine their disbelief at the thought because they had been enslaved for 400 years and their life was engrained with a slave mindset.  Then when Moses put more pressure on Pharaoh through more miracles by God, it looked worse before it got better because God hardened Pharaoh’s heart–(He really wanted them to know that they were delivered by God-not chance)….now for the Israelite’s punishment they had to make even more bricks but were no longer given straw, they had to gather it themselves ….THEY WERE FURIOUS AT MOSES, THEIR “DELIVERER”, SCARED AND IN TOTAL DOUBT OF ANY IMPENDING DELIVERANCE…all they cared about was the CONSEQUENCES of Moses’s interactions with Pharaoh…they had no faith and were in unbelief.They would rather be content with the status quo of slavery the way it was..not wanting it temporarily worse, and couldn’t see beyond that into freedom. but God showed Himself strong and delivered the Israelites out of Egypt and they left with all the wealth of Egypt. Read it for yourself beginning in Exodus 4.

The trustees have the monies from OUR Egypt in trust..Heather is setting up some of the first CVAC’s now in order to begin distribution of the wealth that the people created but the corporations confiscated….to help people.

This is just one part of the wealth transfer that has been prophesied in the Bible to come from the wicked and given to the righteous.

I am not trying to convince anyone….but don’t sit back and say it must be a fairytale or that OPPT is not valid just because you are scared to move out of your comfort zone of being a slave to the system. There is a price for freedom..You have to stand up and act on it.  Whether you accept it or NOT it has been done on your behalf.

If no one stands up and acts on it, the fraud will continue and the slavery system of debt and greed will continue. The more people that stand up and act, the faster will they realize that they have been undone because the people know and have responded.They are COUNTING ON THE SLAVE MENTALITY TO KEEP THE PEOPLE AS SHEEPLE in their slave system.

As Christians, yes, we are free spiritually in Christ, but we have been slaves to the system.  God has provided a way and we are now free of the system “the beast” as some have called it. It is up to each person to seek the truth and act on it.

Article below




The British Empire is an extension of the Roman Empire (Londinium, now London)

The Energies Of March


Monday, 04 March 2013


Any month that starts out with the Catholic Pope’s retirement, hospitalization of the Queen of England, and the US government in sequester promises to be interesting. That has happened in the first three days of March and it’s going to be a long month.  In January we adapted to the post-2012 energies, tired and a little disillusioned and disappointed. In February we discovered all of the blocks that have limited us, including our soul wounds, karmic cycles, partners, beliefs and distractions. It was a tough month as we processed one thing after another. And now we have March and it will definitely be a mixed bag of madness and mayhem with a lot of truth, insights and validation. We also have the year’s most powerful date in March, the 22nd, which heralds the end of 3D (as in the energy supporting 3D will be over). We’ll be celebrating that at the EVOLVE Now Summit event in Hot Springs, March 22 to 24, 2013.  I hope you can be there too! Learn more about it here .

For a month now I have been writing that the March 22 Equinox is the end of 3D, which means that it’s the end of 3D polarity and separation. We will still be in the third dimension, but with easier access to multiple dimensions and portals. The veils are gone, now we can see and be it all, with no restrictions other than those we impose on ourselves. The pope and the  Queen of England represent the masculine and feminine polarity of 3D, respectively. And prior to being hospitalized, it was reported that QE2 is being audited by the British government, who are thinking of removing her from the national budget. Considering that the British empire is an extension of the Roman Empire (Londinium, now London, was a major Roman capital), and the Queen owns 1/6 of the world’s land (yes, it’s true) while the pope owns a little less (between the two they own nearly half of the land in the world),  the implications are enormous. And popes don’t resign, the last one happened over 600 years ago. There are no accidents, especially not now.

In the 2013 Predictions, which you can read here , I wrote that 2013 was the year of Divine Power and Truth. The door to truth will begin to open this month and it is probably not going to be very pretty. Many people will be angry, scared, confused and bewildered when they learn of how shaky the foundations on which they have based their own truths are. 3D will not unfold quietly, like a lotus flower closing, it is collapsing on itself, under the weight of the greed, power, domination and control that have sustained it.  There is no more energy to empower this paradigm so it’s going away. As it falls, we must be ready with our new paradigms of self empowerment, intentions for a world built on a foundation of connection (and thus equality), love, peace and joy and our own alignment with this as our personal paradigm. This is a great month to start that because the 3D paradigm collapse is gaining momentum every day, please don’t get into the fear, as everything is always in divine order.

March is the month to integrate with our Divine Power but we have to tread very carefully here. The old models of power were built on the principles of ‘power over’ or ‘taking power from’ someone or something. The 3D power paradigm is a ‘power vampire’ that feeds off of the others’ power. Divine power is an ascended concept that arises from within, is empowered through our  Source connection, and is the expression of our God light. It cannot exist without our Source connection and is expanded within a balance of giving and receiving. We can’t take it away from someone else or have it taken away from us. If we don’t use it, it stays dormant until we are ready for it.

But we can’t trade one despot for another. Divine power doesn’t take care of us, it sustains us. It doesn’t feed us in exchange for the promise of our power, it nourishes us when we feed ourselves through our own self empowerment. It will bless us with unconditional love but it won’t stop us from hurting ourselves, if that is what we choose to do. Divine Power isn’t going to rush in and take care of the ‘bad’ guys, but it will support our intention for joy, abundance, love and peace in the world, all of which will further assist in the collapse of the 3D paradigm.

In March we will get a big dose of truth, which may be bitter medicine at times, both personally and globally, and we will have opportunities to try out our Divine Power. As the 3D paradigm collapses, it is our collective intention for what we want to see and be in the world that will assist in a more orderly transition from ‘old’ world to the new. Avoid focusing on the negative because we can realize negativity only when we’re observing it from a different plane. It’s a reason for celebration, not tears or fear.  We’re also gearing up for the next Uranus Pluto square in May which is going to be empowered this month with a stellium in Aries (all of you Aries be ready for some action). We’ve spent the last two months in our dark spiritual cellars, now we can come charging out with new intentions, new possibilities and new energy to take empowered action.

The  Equinox on March 22nd is one of the most powerful days of the year and officially marks the end of 3D which may or may not happen with a big bang, just pay attention to what goes on around you and respond, rather than react, be detached and remember that the most important things in your life, your Source of power, can never be taken away from you. Be loving towards yourselves and remember my favorite affirmations, a gift from Archangel Uriel:

I am divinely guided, connected, secure and protected in all ways and in all things.

Have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, copy or link to this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website.




To all the people of the planet

from American Kabuki

I have received Winston’s [Shrout] energy and data that he has put on the table of Transparency for all to review and disect…I send him my absolute gratitude, love and peace for his DO’ing!…I return the energy in kind.

With my full responsibility and liability I DO answer to the matter of “lien” which Winston says was not done correctly or perfected properly….I agree it is not a proper or perfected lien…and I set forth the Absolute Data in regards to that statement of agreement….after prudent investigation and review of the Absolute Data, a lien was not the appropriate application/process to recover value and assets (BE’ing stolen through tool of straw man representation) that are commandeered and stolen:

    1. /ˈlē(ə)n/
  • Noun
  • A right to keep property belonging to another person until a debt is paid.

If we had made the mistake of using “lien” to recover commandeered and stolen assets (BE’ing) and value then we would by the very essence of its use first have to recognize and validate that the assets and value commandeered and stolen lawfully and legally belonged to the Principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the slavery systems that commandeered and stole the assets and value…

Every lawful and legal system must provide a remedy without prejudice or exception, and if their is no remedy available to one or all, then a system is illegal, as a matter of law, fact and public policy. In this instance, a remedy with in the former slavery systems was preserved to the perpetuity, Prime/Zero Point of the value that was commandeered and stolen, but by the free will choice of the Principals, agents and beneficiaries of those slavery systems, they refused to provide the remedy upon due lawful and legal demand duly made, given and noticed by the Creator of the value unlawfully and illegally commandeered and stolen. When remedy preserved is unlawfully and illegally denied to one…the remedy is no longer preserved and the system is rendered illegal as a matter of law, fact and public policy.  The principals, agents, and beneficiaries chose by their conscious free will to not cure their mistake, confirm intentional default, and make and give due notice of their knowing, willing and intentional choice to be foreclosed.

Below is a link to the remedy, delivered via www.transferbigfiles.com , they are also posted at the only official website of OPPT, www.peoplestrust1776.org.  That preserved remedy with in the former slavery systems is a non-judicial process same as the process they used to commandeer/steal the value was (as it is bound so shall it be unbound).

Attached to this email are the screen shots from March 3, 2013, from the international Branch of the Commercial Registry, WA DC,  and they are still there. (https://gov.propertyinfo.com/DC-Washington/# ).  However, if you search the WA State branch of the Commercial Registry ( https://fortress.wa.gov/dol/ucc/  ), and search by file/receipt number you will see that they are no longer there, and the attached letter to this email is the purported basis why they were “removed”/”cancelled”…I only included one of the letters, but all the same.

Review and disect the bejeebus out of this data of the Absolute Data and determine by the tools of resonance with in whether they used the “lien” bit to “rebut” the duly made demand for remedy because their their own BAR attorneys were incompetent and didn’t know which law to apply to the charge of “commandeer” and “theft” ….OR….because they absolutely knew that “lien” was not applicable but hoped the Trustees of OPPT were incompetent enough to buy it!….lol.

With absolute love, peace and gratitude to Winston and all the people of the planet

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf



The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.

The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

p.s.  Almost forgot to mention….yes, that formerly preserved remedy and its process could have been used by any of the people on the planet…the Bartle men already found the uniform template of REGISTERING and TRANSFERING of human capital in exchange for FRN’s (Federal Reserve Notes)…the FRN’s are then deposited and used as the basis for issuing local “currencies”…all backed by the “good faith credit” of the human capital formerly REGISTERED as property of UNITED STATES branch of the prime corporation…see attached template (ANZ and WESTPAC, which are member/branch of local central bank which is a member/branch of BIS)

Funny that…if you look at former IMF (cancelled special agency of former UNITED NATIONS), they “just” announced “launch” of SDR (Special Drawing Rights) as the purported global currency/solution…(wasn’t the purported IMF as recently as of last year broke and begging for money from members/owners?  Now all of a “sudden” it purportedly has the bank roll to do this…wonder where all that purported “value” Gulliver of HSBC was sent to….?…nice shuffle, only they knew the people of this planet would not “digest” CHINA or the asian side of the Agenda Families “owning” them or having provided a purported loan…with value they had commandeered and stolen…wow)…  SDR’s have been the “currency” of the BIS for a long time (they pay their employees in SDR)..see annual report at http://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2012e.htm (lookey what corporations are involved…USA, CHINA, ETC. and lookey who has more than one seat on the board of directors…lol)…and you can see from the screen shots (wasn’t sure if they would take them offline before you could see them) of a simple google search how long the families and principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery system have been at bringing their old hidden system of global currency (which formerly existed in a structure of purported “local currencies”…lol.  I was browsing in Morocco a bit ago in a commercial clothing store and noticed that on the price tags they now show “SDR/MAD” and the corresponding prices/conversions….puts former IMF/BIS’s “just”….into more absolute context for me….lol.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf




The power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.

The power of many is remembering the choice to experience.

PDFs below:

  OPPT Trustee Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Filings Against Slavery Systems

OPPT Trustee Randall Hollis Hillner filing against slavery systems

OPPT WA State Filing Search Audit Trail



Lease on Sabah by the Sultanate to a British trading company?



Whilst Malaysia champion the Palestinians and fight against Zionism…here in her own backyard she behaves quiet the contrary…killing her Muslim brothers.

“He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.”
Sigmund Freud


Centuries-old territorial claim

Members of a Muslim royal clan, who call themselves the Royal Sulu Army and hail from the southern Philippines, landed in a coastal village in Sabah on February 9 to claim the territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s.

“The armed group is demanding recognition from Malaysia and renegotiation of the original terms of a lease on Sabah by the Sultanate to a British trading company in the 19th century. Malaysian officials have said the group’s demands would not be met.”


Followers of former Sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III stand in front of a banner displayed at the gate of Blue Mosque in Maharlika village

MANILA | Fri Mar 1, 2013 12:35am EST

(Reuters) – A standoff in the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah erupted in violence on Friday, with a spokesman for a group of armed Filipinos occupying a village there saying 10 members of the group had been killed when police raided their camp.

But the Malaysian home minister denied that police had fired a shot and the Philippine government said it had received no reports of casualties among the group, who are followers of the Sultanate of Sulu, in the southern Philippines.

The standoff with police has threatened to spark tension between the Philippines and Malaysia, whose ties have been periodically frayed by security and migration problems along their sea border. Both governments have urged the group to return home.

Abraham Idjirani, a spokesman for the group, told reporters in Manila that 10 members of the group had been killed and four wounded when Malaysian police raided the village where they have been holed up for more than two weeks.

Malaysia’s The Star newspaper reported that at least two gunmen had been killed and three police officers wounded.

The leader of the group earlier told Philippine radio they had been surrounded by Malaysian police, who have warned in recent days that a deadline for them to leave had passed.

“They are here, they entered our area so we have to defend ourselves. There’s shooting already,” Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, brother of the former Sultan of Sulu, told the radio station by telephone.

“We’re surrounded,” Kiram said. “We will defend ourselves.”

Malaysian police could not be reached for comment.

Manuel Roxas, a Philippine government official who has been designated a spokesman on the stand-off, said in a radio interview that the Philippine government was verifying reports of the fighting.

Ricky Carandang, the Philippines’ presidential spokesman, said some of the group had tried to breach a cordon setup by the Malaysian security forces on Friday morning.

“There was a warning shot but there’s no report of casualty, that was what we got and confirmed by the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs),” he told Reuters

The armed group is demanding recognition from Malaysia and renegotiation of the original terms of a lease on Sabah by the Sultanate to a British trading company in the 19th century. Malaysian officials have said the group’s demands would not be met.

(Reporting by Rosemarie Francisco and Manny Mogato; Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Robert Birsel)

North Borneo dispute

1878 Agreement

On 22 January 1878, an agreement was signed between the Sultanate of Sulu and British commercial syndicate (Alfred Dent and Baron von Overback), which stipulated that North Borneo was either ceded or leased (depending on translation used) to the British syndicate in return for payment of 5000 Malayan Dollar per year.[3] [4] On 22 April 1903 His Majesty Sultan Jamalul Kiram signed a document known as “Confirmation of cession of certain islands”, under what he either “grant and ceded” or “leased” additional islands in the neighbourhood of the mainland of North Borneo from Banggi Island to Sibuku Bay to British North Borneo Company. The sum 5,000 dollars a year payable every year increased to 5,300 dollars a year payable every year.

British version
… hereby grant and cede of our own free and sovereign will to Gustavus Baron de Overbeck of Hong Kong and Alfred Dent Esquire of London…and assigns for ever and in perpetuity all the rights and powers belonging to us over all the territories and lands being tritutary to us on the mainland of the island of Borneo commencing from the Pandassan Riveron the north-west coast and extending along the whole east coast as far as the Sibuco River in the south and comprising amongst other the States of Paitan, Sugut, Bangaya, Labuk, Sandakan, Kina Batangan, Mumiang, and all the other territories and states to the southward thereof bordering on Darvel Bay and as far as the Sibuco river with all the islands within three marine leagues of the coast.[5]
Sulu version
…do hereby lease of our own freewill and satisfaction to…all the territories and lands being tributary to [us] together with their heirs, associates, successors and assigns forever and until the end of time, all rights and powers which we possess over all territories and lads tributary to us on the mainland of the Island of Borneo, commencing from the Pandassan River on the west coast to Maludu Bay, and extending along the whole east coast as far as Sibuco River on the south,…, and all the other territories and states to the southward thereof bordering on Darvel Bay and as far as the Sibuco River, …, [9 nautical miles] of the coast.”[6]

The key word in both the agreements was “padjak”, which has been translated by American, Dutch and Spanish linguists to mean “lease” or “arrendamiento”. The British nevertheless takes the word “padjak” to mean “grant and cede”.[5] It can be argued however, that “padjak” means “mortgage” or “pawn” or even “wholesale”, as per the contemporary meaning of “padjak” in Sulu.[7][8]

Every year, the Malaysian Embassy in the Philippines issues a check in the amount of 5,300 ringgit (US$1710 or about 77,000 Philippine pesos) to the legal counsel of the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu. Malaysia considers the amount an annual “cession” payment for the disputed state, while the sultan’s descendants consider it “rent.”[9][10]

Madrid Protocol >








Letter from a fellowman:


The people of Sulu suffers the same fate as their fellow brothers and sisters (Natives) in USA, Hawaii, Canada and Australia.

LATEST! – Philippines urges tolerance as Malaysia rushes troops to Sabah


Tolerance comes with patience which the Malaysian Prime Minister has voiced out he lacks.

The culprits behind all this drama

eic  eic(1801).svg

North Borneo Chartered Company (The Corporate Government)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Area of the Chartered Company’s Property

Board of directors

W. C. Cowie, Managing Director with the Sultan of Sulu

The North Borneo Chartered Company or British North Borneo Company was a chartered company assigned to administer North Borneo (today’s Sabah in Malaysia) in August 1881. North Borneo became a protectorate of the British Empire with internal affairs administered by the company until 1946 when it became the colony of British North Borneo. The main motto was Pergo et Perago (Latin), which means “I undertake and I achieve”. The first chairman of the company was Alfred Dent.

In 1882, the North Borneo Chartered Company established a settlement on Pulau Gaya, one year after the Chartered Company was given the mandate to rule Sabah. However, in 1897, this settlement was burnt to the ground during the raid led by Mat Salleh, a Sabah tribal Chief and it was never re-established. This company is also known as ‘Syarikat Borneo Utara British’ and was criticised by the locals for the taxes it collected.

Establishing law and order as well as recruiting Sikh policeman from North India was one of the early roles the NBCC initiated, as well as expanding trade, a system of government, courts to enforce laws and punishment and building both a railway line from Jesselton to Tenom and encouraging the harvesting and barter trade of both local agriculture produce and crops, as well as establishment of plantations.

A Trip through British North Borneo serves both as an example of the early film travelogue – featuring familiar types of shots, such as the ‘phantom rides’ shot from a train – and also of the sponsored, industrial documentary. In representational terms, the film is a rare and valuable record of the development, industries, and customs of the local communities, showing local sites (such as the Padas River and the Darvel Bay tobacco estates) and in particular,…

This drama is the nightmare when human beings, Malaysians in particular sleep.


Nine Months Grace Period

ASHTAR TALKS through Philipp


ASHTAR TALKS through Phillip – Part 1 — February 27, 2013

Ashtar Talks  –  February 27, 2013

Welcome back! It is a pleasure to communicate with you once again. You are currently engaged in preparing an English translation of my channeling to you, which was originally given to you in German.  Don’t worry, I and many others are helping you with this.

We thank you so much for having opened yourself up to our communications and working so closely with us. As we have already told you, we will need your channeling skills for only a short period of time before we can talk to ALL of you quite openly and EVERYONE will be able to easily comprehend our messages.  But in this brief interim period we need channels such as yourself to get our messages out.

We know about your concerns and your doubts about our communications. We know how hard it is for you to accept that these communications are legitimate and do not arise from your mind/ego. Please let me reassure you that you are not communicating with your mind and, in fact, this is not possible, as your access gates to Spirit are so wide open that any distractions or distortions from  your ego/mind are blocked. You are on the safe side.

Finally, if you allow us to add this (a big smile from Ashtar):  Thank you and all who made this happen.  But let us get back to the purpose of this channeling. The subject is Disclosure.

We have already told you that Disclosure is imminent and waiting at your door step. You have correctly observed that the channelings about Disclosure are coming into increasing alignment and precision. This does not mean that we are giving you any specifics about when and how Disclosure will happen.

Quite frankly, we don’t want to deliver such information because all the fun would be gone when it finally arrives.  What we are saying is that the channeled messages are focusing more and more on the facts around the sources of Disclosure and why it must happen now.

Before this Now moment, Humanity would not have been ready to receive the truth. There would have been a great danger for people to drift into the negative emotions of fear, anger and hate.

Think  how you would have reacted to this news before your spiritual doors opened up and someone like us informed you suddenly that your star brothers and sister have been watching over you for eons of your time and that there has been a huge cover-up by world governments to keep this information from you?  How would you have responded to the truth about us and the fact that we are All One and we are actually here to protect you?

It is true that we are not here to rescue you. This is not our job and let me make this very clear. It will  never be our job to save you from your own manifestations, provided such manifestations do not have a negative impact on the great scheme of All That Is [i.s., the Divine Plan]. This is why we have prevented the use of nuclear weapons to reduce the population, as originally intended by your dark ones, and have helped you with the cleansing of your air from pollution, such as chemtrails.

Your illusion about “reality”  is the biggest of your manifestations. It is not our job to save you from these illusions… it is your job (with our help, of course!).What we have done is to protect you from attempts to destroy yourselves and your beautiful planet. We have ensured that your evolution did not run adrift, like a rudderless ship (to borrow this nautical term (smile)). We are here because we are your family and as a family we have to take care of each family member. Remember, we are all One!

Now, in this very moment of Now, a great shift has taken place and by this we’re not referring to the shift which happened in your last calendar year [21-12-12]. This leads us to the answer to the question “where does Disclosure begin?”

Humanity has changed and this is an inner shift we are talking about. Gone are the days where we would have to be concerned about strong negative reactions like anger, fear or hate towards the message of truth that you are not alone in the universe  and that there is a family of Light Beings waiting to reunite with you.

Humanity has reached a level of light that enables it to accept the truth without undue negative reactions. The reaction of most of humanity now will be like “I knew it! I always knew it” and they will feel instinctively that this is the one and only truth of all that is: We are all One!

And this is the basis of Disclosure, this inner shift which has taken place in Humanity. This is the basis for all the events which you view as the “Disclosure process” in the outer world. It all starts in your heart, in every single heart in every single human being!

This is the reason we have informed you again and again that you should NOT look to the outside for Disclosure, but rather to go inside and make the necessary connection with your heart.  Without this inner knowing, outer Disclosure cannot not take place.

You have successfully completed this prerequisite work. Very well done, by the way. Congratulations to you all from our side!

Let me summarize this because this is so important: Disclosure can only happen when Humanity has completed its home work and has evoked enough assimilation of light for accepting the truth. And this you have completed very successfully. Ponder these words and read them with your heart again and again!

So, where do we stand now in the outer Disclosure process, given that you have completed your part of the process? Exactly! Now it is our part to bring Disclosure to fruition and we are now taking a stronger role in the situation. You have passed the baton to us, so to speak.

The dominos are falling right now.  Now we are in the lead and are pushing the dominos and all are falling exactly as they should. You don’t know this and you are not yet able to see or fully comprehend this process, but this chain reaction is going full steam ahead and nothing can prevent this chain reaction.

Rest assured that we are well prepared and that we know very well what our job is and what we have to do and when. The timing is perfect and no delays will be allowed. The outside events which we have referred to and which show humanity that Disclosure is here are on your door step and will happen very shortly.  And by this, we mean “soon” in your language.

Prepare yourselves  because when this happens the work of our ground forces, which you all form a part of, goes off like a rocket. You will have to stand by your sister’s and brother’s side and give them a helping hand to get used to this new reality– which is, in fact,  the only reality which exists.

As I have told you, this Divine Plan has been in place for a long time. Let me please answer one of your questions in this regard: why did this plan change so many times? It is a question which all lightworkers have posed, whether consciously or not. It is a pleasure for me to answer this question once and for all.

The time for changes in the Divine Plan is definitely over. Are there nuances which we have to consider and to react to? Of course there are.  But, first of all, they are only nuances and not big changes. And, secondly, the plan now in place will not change in such a way that we will have to provide you once again with explanations for events which you consider to be  “unfair”, “not anticipated” or “unexpected.”

And please (and this is very important) let us look upon what has led to the change of the Divine Plan. It is actually not a change but a fulfillment of a request. And who has sent out this request? Who has sent out this plea to our Creator to have more time to allow more fellow human brothers and sisters to jump on board  the ship called Ascension. Yes, you and only you! Let us explain.

As of today, you do not comprehend what powerful beings you really are. For eons we have watched you with amazement. Every time when we “think” that nothing more from your side could surprise us, you manage to astound us once again. Each time when we “think” that we have understood the human being, we discover that we are far from reaching the finish line.

You are amazing! And this happened to us once again when you sent out the plea for prolongation of the Ascension process (which contains, as you all know, the Disclosure process). Your plea was astonishing and the Creator and all of us are so very proud of you. It has proved how far you have come on your journey, that you would put the well-being of the collective over the individual’s goal. And this goal, of course, was to get over the Ascension finish line as quickly as possible.

he Creator has answered your plea and put in place a nine-month grace period which Denise Le Fay has talked about [Ashtar asked me to include the link here:

http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/the-nine-months-period/ ].

And thanks to you all, we now have many more visitors in the skies to help coordinate your ascension process (big smile). It is getting quite crowded around your planet!

Our Creator is full of joy, happiness and love for you and is so proud of your development. His project “Playfield Earth” is coming to a successful close. This grace period until September 2013 was not easy to provide you with. Please don’t forget that although you put your focus on your Ascension and that of Gaia, the last which has already taking place, this whole picture is much more complex and broader than you think.

For not only you but the whole universe in which your beautiful planet is located is affected and is also going through this Ascension process. And think quite particularly about your sisters and brothers in the inner realms of Gaia [Agarthans] who are longing to finally rejoin with you. They can barely tolerate any more changes to the plan. They have agreed to this grace period only after the Creator decided to allow only a very short time of prolongation (nine months).

Now you are in this transition period, which is very short even in your terms, and we recommend that you use this short time very wisely. We will elaborate more upon this in a later channeling, since our channel is getting tired. He has to get used to this kind of communication and we don’t want to overload him. Take a rest dear friend. Farewell and talking to you soon, your loving brother Ashtar.

[Farewell, dear Ashtar, and thank you so much for your statement. I love you all!]

Channeller: Philipp

Note about the channeller: I had my ups and downs and still now after Ashtar came to me about ten days ago and asking me to channel him I am asking him about ten times a day if this is all real or just my imagination. Let your heart guiding you when you read this message and then decide by yourself. Namaste, Philipp.


Translation from German to English: Petra Samoiski-Tierney
