The Ultimate Regulatory Reform: Abolish Fractional Reserve Banking!

Unfortunately, as long as there are central banks, we will be the victims of the monetary central planners who have the monopoly power to control the amount of money and credit in the economy; manipulate interest rates by expanding or contracting bank reserves used for lending purposes; threaten the rollercoaster of business cycle booms and busts; and undermine the soundness of the monetary system through debasement of the currency and price inflation. – Epic Times

Antonius Aquinas

fractional reserve banking II

The Trump Administration has presented the first part of its plan to overhaul a number of Wall Street financial regulations, many of which were enacted in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.  The report is in response to Executive Order 13772 in which the US Treasury Department is to provide findings “examining the United States’ financial regulatory system and detailing executive actions and regulatory changes that can be immediately undertaken to provide much-needed relief.”*

In release of the first phase of the report, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin stated: “Properly structuring regulation of the U.S. financial system is critical to achieve the administration’s goal of sustained economic growth and to create opportunities for all Americans to benefit from a stronger economy.  We are focused on encouraging a market environment where consumers have more choices, access to capital and safe loan products – while ensuring taxpayer-funded bailouts are truly a…

View original post 563 more words

IMF Teaches Governments How to Wage War on Cash

Creepy IMF Paper Teaches Governments How to Wage War on Cash

by Peter Schiff

There’s been another shot fired in the “war on cash.” Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a working paper offering governments suggestions on how to move toward a cashless society even in the face of strong public opposition.

Over the last several years, we’ve seen a steady push to eliminate, or at least limit, the use of cash around the world. In May of 2016, the European Central bank announced it will stop producing and issuing 500-euro notes by the end of 2018. Not long before the EU announcement, a former Obama economic adviser/ex-Treasury secretary floated the idea of eliminating the $100 bill in the US.

Banks have also gotten in on the act. Last year, Chase capped ATM withdrawals for non-Chase customers at $1,000 per day. Recently, ATMs in Mexico stopped issuing 500-peso notes, leaving the 200-peso note as the highest denomination available. CitiBank Australia stopped handling cash transactions altogether late last year.

Indians also felt the squeeze last fall. On Nov. 8, the Indian government declared that 1,000 and 500 rupee notes would no longer be valid. They gave the public just four hours notice. Why? To force so-called “black money” into the light.

About 90% of all transactions in India are in cash. It is an overwhelmingly cash economy and virtually every Indian has currency stashed away in their home. The government can’t tax transactions using black money. By making the 1,000 and 500 rupee notes valueless, government officials hope to force the black money into the economy so they can get their cut.

Officials always justify their war on cash with talk about “customer preference,” and fighting terrorism and drugs, but the drive toward a cashless society is really about control.

By controlling access to your own money, banks and governments increase their control over you. They can collect maximum taxes and fees, they can track purchases, and they can even manipulate your spending habits by imposing negative interest rates that effectively charge you for saving.

Needless to say, many everyday people like cash and the relative freedom it provides. In a worst-case scenario, they can at least shield their wealth by shoving cash under their mattresses. You can’t do that if there isn’t any cash.

Well, the IMF wants to help governments crack down on cash in a kinder and gentler way. In “The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing,” IMF analyst Alexei Kireyev explains how governments can overcome the objections of their citizens as they wage their war on cash.

“Although some countries most likely will de-cash in a few years, going completely cashless should be phased in steps. The de-cashing process could build on the initial and largely uncontested steps, such as the phasing out of large denomination bills, the placement of ceilings on cash transactions, and the reporting of cash moves across the borders. Further steps could include creating economic incentives to reduce the use of cash in transactions, simplifying the opening and use of transferrable deposits, and further computerizing the financial system.”

Kireyev suggests governments will encounter less resistance if private institutions lead de-cashing efforts. After all, governments don’t want to give the impression they are trying to control their populace.

“In any case, the tempting attempts to impose de-cashing by a decree should be avoided, given the popular personal attachment to cash. A targeted outreach program is needed to alleviate suspicions related to de-cashing; in particular, that by de-cashing the authorities are trying to control all aspects of peoples’ lives, including their use of money, or push personal savings into banks. The de-cashing process would acquire more traction if it were based on individual consumer choice and cost-benefits considerations.”

Note: the paper does include a disclaimer. “The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF.”

Nevertheless, the suggestions in the working paper are creepy, to say the least. They certainly confirm the powers-that-be are very interested in limiting your access to cash and exercising maximum control over you.

One way to protect yourself from becoming a victim in the war on cash is to just buy gold and silver. The intrinsic value of precious metals can never truly be condemned by any government.



How the Government Conditions Citizens to Obey

The Daily Bell

Can you count how many ways the government manipulates people to be the type of citizen they can easily control?

I think that would be impossible to come up with an actual number when every facet of government is dedicated to shaping the citizen in ways contrary to his or her nature.

It ranges from tax credits for having kids to increased welfare for being a single mom; from subsidies for growing corn to mandates to eradicate invasive species. The government is changing citizens’ behavior with incentives and disincentives, which destroys the natural spontaneous order society would otherwise fall into.

The government has basically turned society into a pinball machine which bounces citizens from here to there, taking away control of their destiny. And then, they use their own coercion as an example of why we need more coercion: because people cannot control their own outcomes in life!

Governments and corporations alike know that the best way to mold a person is to start in childhood.

That is why children younger than 6 are being prescribed anti-depressants by the government health care system in Great Britain. Almost 200,000 prescriptions for antidepressants are handed out to children under 18 in Great Britain, almost 13,000 of which go to kids from 7-12 and over 600 go to children under 6 years old!

Yet as disconcerting as these figures are, the UK isn’t the first country to have them. In 2009, five deaths have already been linked to antidepressants in Australian children aged 10 to 19; moreover, 89 recorded adverse reactions in children under nine were associated with antidepressants. Dr. Joe Tucci, Chief Executive of the Australian Childhood Foundation, said: “I cannot think of a good reason why any six-year-old, or younger, should be treated with antidepressants. I think it’s gone up because medication is being used to treat the symptoms and not the cause.”

The actual cause is where the story starts. Why are children so young depressed?

Coercion is arguably the leading cause of all mental health issues. In modern society, children start to feel this coercion as soon as they are born into a society shaped like a cattle pen.

Increasing suicide attempts by children are concentrated around the times when school is in session. The unnatural environment in which they are placed causes extreme stress for many children. The “well-adjusted” ones take to the authority like good sheep, and everyone else gets loaded up with drugs to make them a better citizen.

Later in life, a good citizen will take this lesson to heart. Don’t feel like you fit in? Not happy with your job, spouse, environment? Anxiety, depression, helplessness, anger over things that you cannot control because you feel forced into a life you don’t want?

Drugs. Do illegal drugs and enrich the CIA (and give the government an option to lock you up if they want), or do legal drugs and enrich the government connected pharmaceutical corporations.

It is, however, encouraging to see an increase in home-schooling in the USA, (which could actually be inadvertently fueled by forced vaccination for any children attending public school). About 40 years ago, 40 million children attended public school and under 100,000 were homeschooled. By 2005 48 million children attended public school, and a whopping 2 million were being homeschooled.

Parents who raise their kids to not blindly follow authority are doing a great service. It is tempting for parents to snap, “Because I said so!” to children, but it is better to explain why the rules are what they are whenever possible.

The kids rewarded in school are the ones best at following directions, and the teacher always hates the kid that asks why they have to do what they are told when it doesn’t make any sense. I once had to write a letter home because I didn’t wear my coat at recess. My parents responded by letting the teacher know that at the age of 12, my nerve endings had developed enough so that I could choose if a coat was necessary while running around in 50-degree temperatures for 15 minutes.

But police do the same thing to adults conditioned by the public school system.

If you get pulled over or are otherwise unfortunate enough to come into contact with the police, your life is literally in serious danger if you do not immediately and obediently follow all their orders, even when they have no legal standing to make those demands. Moving your hands out of site, asking why you are being arrested, or simply not hearing or understanding an officer are all offenses worthy of execution in the United States.

The teachers and police who expect blind obedience simply because they are an authority figure are programming the same thing into citizens: that the state must be obeyed, or there will be consequences.

And this same philosophy of shaping the citizen is seen everywhere to varying degrees and molded for different types of people. The newest trend is to police thought crimes by claiming that hate speech is not protected free speech. If you offend anyone, you have committed a crime, if you have a contrary opinion, it is fake news, if you desire any internet privacy, you are probably a terrorist.

Great Britain is especially intense on their push to socialize the citizens to behave exactly as the government wishes. The National Health Institute has been key to drugging up kids and programming the citizens to let the government choose when citizens live or die.Individuals must purchase licenses to watch television, and the government is super serious about ferreting out anyone without a license.

But without the little things, people would never have slipped to the point of letting the government decide who will get lifesaving medical procedures and who will be waitlisted to death.

One of these little things is that individuals must purchase licenses to watch television, and the British government is super serious about ferreting out anyone without a license.


Why do they make such a big deal about something so small? Because it trains the citizens to do exactly as they are told, and not bother with any pushback. It ingrains the idea that the state can and should regulate every facet of human behavior.

It is like the old marketing trick, where if you get someone used to saying yes, they will keep saying yes when you ask if they want to buy.

And of course, China has already gone full blown 1984 with their social credit system to regulate the behavior of citizens by taking away rights and extending privileges based on a citizenship score which takes into account what your neighbors think of you, what you say about the government online, and how involved in social life you are.

But the most extreme examples are only possible because for so long people have accepted the government’s authority to regulate the little things. Seatbelt laws, required permits, and even complying with the TSA for illegal searches are all ways that are more about control than keeping you safe.

That is why it is important to push back at every little rule and regulation, and question every authority. People may think you are making a big deal about nothing, but unless you push back on the little things, you will be unable to resist when it comes to the important issues.


The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields


Junk Science is the real crisis we face as so many people think that Global Warming is caused by man and Co2. Of course, those who really believe this is the problem that will destroy the world perhaps should just commit suicide and take the dog with them. Since we exhale Co2 that would reduce the problem in their mind and save the world by setting a good example.

Junk Science plagues us in every field of science be it economics to health. For 25 years we were told that eggs are bad. How many people ordered egg whites only. Then the Junk Science was revised, but after 25 years, nobody noticed. When scientists learned that high blood cholesterol was associated with heart disease, they immediate black-listed all foods with high cholesterol content. It took 25 years of study to figure out – oops, we were wrong! You just didn’t really hear the “oops we were wrong” but instead you heard of another great danger – saturated fat! It became evident that cholesterol in food by itself was not the culprit after all — the real great evil was saturated fat, This is what had a much bigger effect on blood cholesterol when it was discovered that full-fat dairy products and fatty meats are loaded with saturated fat and that triggers the body to produce cholesterol.

This is the problem with analysis. The can conclude that everyone who has eaten a carrot eventually dies. That is an absolutely correct statement. They study one component and draw a correlation and thus produce the definitive relationship. They did that with interest rates. Higher rates means the stock market will decline. Oops. The Fed just raised rates and the Dow made a new high. Interesting! See it is the carrot paradox.

Money Theory

In economics, we had the Quantity of Money Theory that has driven central banks into Quantitative Easing expecting inflation and after 10 years of desperately trying to stimulate inflation, they have been beaten to a pulp by deflation. As always, they make a false simple assumption at the outset which then leads to the false result. They also fail to comprehend that there is the contraction within the economy creating deflation from technology advances. The work force is stagnant and unless they stay current with technology, they will quickly find themselves UNEMPLOYABLE with no useful skills.



Governments create ‘laws’ to make you a criminal.


How Much Criminalization Will You Tolerate From Your Government?

It doesn’t matter how hard you try to not be a criminal. Your government has turned you into you one anyway. They want it that way, and you have no choice.


“Message From God” Warning Terrified The Bilderbergers?


“Message From God” Warning Throws Western Elites Into Absolute Terror

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A paradigm shifting report presented today to the Security Council (SC) by the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FM-BA) states that a “Message from God” was recently relayed to the most powerful group of Western elites ever assembled (termed the Bilderberg Meetings)—the importance of which was so “terrifying ” to those who heard it, they instantly pledged their nations “total resources” in order to stop what they know will be the “end of their rule” over Earth. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the Bilderberg Group that has hosted these meetings for around 130 of the most powerful elites in the Western world for 63 years, was founded, in 1954, by Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, who, prior to World War II, was a member of the Nazi Party of Germany and Reiter-SS officer whose “main/central” duty was securing Western nation funding for Waffenamt (German Army Weapons Agency) scientific projects—most particularly the Heidelberg Cyclotron.

Upon the outbreak of World War II, and the Nazi German invasion of his home nation (Netherlands), this report continues, Prince Bernhard fled to Britain where he eventually secured a position in British intelligence due to the “influence” of his cousin King George VI—who overruled both Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Allied War Commander General Dwight Eisenhower, both of whom gravely mistrusted” Prince Bernhard due to his Nazi past.

In the aftermath of World War II, this report details, Prince Bernhard financed a private investigative force of over 200 former British and German intelligence operatives to scour Germany for all documents and scientific literature related to the Heidelberg Cyclotron—and upon the completion of this “task/mission” in 1954, he founded the Bilderberg Group, on 29 May, and whose Western elite attendees, seven months later on 9 December, agreed to form and finance the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and adopt as its logo the “666” brand known as the “Number of the Beast”.

With CERN having built under Prince Bernhard and his Bilderberg Group leadership the world’s largest and most powerful cyclotron particle collider (Large Hadron Collider-LHC)—that is the most complex experimental facility ever built, and the largest single machine ever built in human history—this report explains, its “true/real” purpose was shockingly revealed in 2009 by CERN’s Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, who proclaimed: “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it”.

As to “whom or whatCERN is attempting to contact, this report notes, was made more “clear to understanding” last year (2016) when dozens of its most highly prized scientists were captured on video by Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) “assestsperforming a human sacrifice before a giant statue of the “destroyer of worlds” god Shiva.

Leading this CERN human sacrifice ritual, this report details, was its Director General Fabiola Gianotti—who is the first woman to hold the position of director-general at CERN, on 4 July 2012 announced the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle, and, most critical to note, became the first leader in CERN’s history to attend a Bilderberg Meeting, as she did so on 1 June (2017).

Barely a fortnight ago, on 1 June, this report continues, CERN Director General Fabiola Gianotti addressed the entire assemblage of the Bilderberg Group where she delivered the “Message of God” that had been “received/deciphered” by the Large Hadron Collider-LHC—and that so “horrified and terrified” those hearing it, they immediately pledged their Western nations to funding a cyclotron particle collider three times as big, and seven times more powerful, than the Large Hadron Collider-LHC—and whose cost can only be measured in the trillions-of-dollars.

Critical to the Federal Medical-Biological Agency being able to “fully ascertainCERN’s attempting to establish contact with other dimensional entities, this report astonishingly reveals, is Scientist-Doctor Anatoli Bugorski—who on 13 July 1978, became the only human being in history to have ever stuck his head inside a cyclotron particle accelerator while it was in operation, and has left him with the ability to mentally transverse dimensions.

After having a particle beam shoot directly through his head, this report continues, Doctor-Scientist Bugorski became paralyzed on the left side of his face—and which over these past 39 years has refused to normally age, and since 2009, has seen his ability to “connect/converse” with unknown dimensional entitles expand as the left side of his brain is now apparently re-wiring itself.

Stunningly supporting by scientific evidence what is now occurring with Doctor-Scientist Anatoli Bugorski, are the words of the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, Max Planck, who stated that human thought was the basis for all matter, and in 1931 stated: “I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Concurring with Max Plank whose quantum theories are accurately describing what is now occurring to Doctor-Scientist Anatoli Bugorski, this report says, are a “staggering number” of the world’s most accomplished scientists (including 20 Nobel Prize winners” who, in 2014, openly published their stunning document titled “A Call For An Open, Informed Study Of All Aspects Of Consciousness” wherein they warned the that the truth of God and humans was being suppressed in the West.

Of the “truths of God” being suppressed in the West, this report says, is that when a male sperm meets a woman’s egg, a “brilliant flash” of light instantly appears—and is the splitting of an as yet unknown particle, with one part being left in the baby, and the other becoming interdimensional.

Known as “quantum entanglement”, this report explains, this “split-apart” particle created when life begins has the ability to communicate with both halves of itself instantaneously though separated by trillions-of-millions, or even other dimensions—and that the father of modern physics, Albert Einstein, called “spooky action at a distance” and spent his life trying to disprove, but never could.

In fact, this report notes, Einstein was conclusively proved wrong that particles not only exceed the speed of light, but can communicate instantly though separated by any distance (or dimension) in 2015 by researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology—and whose astonishing findings were further confirmed this past week by Chinese scientists too.

As to what this all means in its most simple rendering, this report explains, is that the entire basis for all matter and human existence has been proven to be 100% false and built upon nothing more than falsehoods and deliberate deceptions—with the “real/true” truth being that at the instant life is created in the womb, an inseparable and instantaneous communication link between human beings and God is created.


So powerful, in fact, is this “human-God” link (aka “prayer”), this report says, new research is proving that it can even change our very DNA affecting not only our mental states, but also can protect our body against disease, including cancer.

To the most powerful affect of this “human-God” link, though, this report continues, is new research, also, proving the validity of the decade’s long research conducted by Doctor-Scientist Pjotr Garjajev proving that words, and words alone, whether read or spoken, not only can change DNA, but underlies all matter too—which may be astonishing to many, except those of Christian faith whose Bible stated thousands of year ago what is now being “discovered” by its simply stating: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

And to the “Message of God” delivered to the Bilderberg Group barely a fortnight ago by CERN Director General Fabiola Gianotti that caused such terror among these Western elite master rulers, this report concludes, was an image produced by the Large Hadron Collider-LHC that formed a single word in the ancient Hebrew language תקלthat’s pronounced as “TEKEL” and, basically, means, “you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient”.

June 17, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


#Apple listed in Terrorist Financier list?

Apple’s Company in Doha, Qatar, has been added to a list of 59 people/institutions that are considered to be funding terrorism (directly/indirectly) by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain, according to Al Arabiya . It has stunned many to see the Doha Apple Company listed among the financiers of terrorists. It is not clear why the Gulf states have included Apple among the financiers. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook had said in a recent interview with Bloomberg that Apple helped the UK government investigate the terrorist attacks in the UK. – Armstrong Economics

The list posted on Al Arabiya:

List of designated individuals:

1. Khalifa Mohammed Turki al-Subaie – Qatari
2. Abdelmalek Mohammed Yousef Abdel Salam – Jordanian
3. Ashraf Mohammed Yusuf Othman Abdel Salam – Jordanian
4. Ibrahim Eissa Al-Hajji Mohammed Al-Baker – Qatari
5. Abdulaziz bin Khalifa al-Attiyah – Qatari
6. Salem Hassan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari – Qatari
7. Abdullah Ghanem Muslim al-Khawar – Qatari
8. Saad bin Saad Mohammed al-Kaabi – Qatari
9. Abdullatif bin Abdullah al-Kuwari – Qatari
10. Mohammed Saeed Bin Helwan al-Sakhtari – Qatari
11. Abdul Rahman bin Omair al-Nuaimi – Qatari
12. Abdul Wahab Mohammed Abdul Rahman al-Hmeikani – Yemeni
13. Khalifa bin Mohammed al-Rabban – Qatari
14. Abdullah Bin Khalid al-Thani – Qatari
15. Abdul Rahim Ahmad al-Haram – Qatari
16. Hajjaj bin Fahad Hajjaj Mohammed al-Ajmi – Kuwaiti
17. Mubarak Mohammed al-Ajji – Qatari
18. Jaber bin Nasser al-Marri – Qatari
19. Yusuf Abdullah al-Qaradawi – Egyptian
20. Mohammed Jassim al-Sulaiti – Qatari
21. Ali bin Abdullah al-Suwaidi – Qatari
22. Hashem Saleh Abdullah al-Awadhi – Qatari
23. Ali Mohammed Mohammed al-Salabi – Libyan
24. Abdelhakim Belhadj – Libyan
25. Mahdi Harati – Libyan
26. Ismail Muhammad Mohammed al-Salabi – Libyan
27. Al-Sadiq Abdulrahman Ali al-Ghuraini – Libyan
28. Hamad Abdullah Al-Futtais al-Marri – Qatari
29. Mohamed Ahmed Shawky Islambouli – Egyptian
30. Tariq Abdelmagoud Ibrahim al-Zomor – Egyptian
31. Mohamed Abdelmaksoud Mohamed Afifi – Egyptian
32. Mohamed el-Saghir Abdel Rahim Mohamed – Egyptian
33. Wagdy Abdelhamid Ghoneim – Egyptian
34. Hassan Ahmed Hassan Mohammed Al Dokki Al Houti – UAE
35. Hakem al-Humaidi al-Mutairi – Saudi / Kuwaiti
36. Abdullah al-Muhaysini – Saudi
37. Hamed Abdullah Ahmed al-Ali – Kuwaiti
38. Ayman Ahmed Abdel Ghani Hassanein – Egyptian
39. Assem Abdel-Maged Mohamed Madi – Egyptian
40. Yahya Aqil Salman Aqeel – Egyptian
41. Mohamed Hamada el-Sayed Ibrahim – Egyptian
42. Abdel Rahman Mohamed Shokry Abdel Rahman – Egyptian
43. Hussein Mohamed Reza Ibrahim Youssef – Egyptian
44. Ahmed Abdelhafif Mahmoud Abdelhady – Egyptian
45. Muslim Fouad Tafran – Egyptian
46. Ayman Mahmoud Sadeq Rifat – Egyptian
47. Mohamed Saad Abdel-Naim Ahmed – Egyptian
48. Mohamed Saad Abdel Muttalib Abdo Al-Razaki – Egyptian
49. Ahmed Fouad Ahmed Gad Beltagy – Egyptian
50. Ahmed Ragab Ragab Soliman – Egyptian
51. Karim Mohamed Mohamed Abdel Aziz – Egyptian
52. Ali Zaki Mohammed Ali – Egyptian
53. Naji Ibrahim Ezzouli – Egyptian
54. Shehata Fathi Hafez Mohammed Suleiman – Egyptian
55. Muhammad Muharram Fahmi Abu Zeid – Egyptian
56. Amr Abdel Nasser Abdelhak Abdel-Barry – Egyptian
57. Ali Hassan Ibrahim Abdel-Zaher – Egyptian
58. Murtada Majeed al-Sindi – Bahraini
59. Ahmed Al-Hassan al-Daski – Bahraini

List of entities:

1. Qatar Volunteer Center – Qatar
2. Doha Apple Company (Internet and Technology Support Company) – Qatar
3. Qatar Charity – Qatar
4. Sheikh Eid al-Thani Charity Foundation (Eid Charity) – Qatar
5. Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah Foundation for Humanitarian Services – Qatar
6. Saraya Defend Benghazi – Libya
7. Saraya al-Ashtar – Bahrain
8. February 14 Coalition – Bahrain
9. The Resistance Brigades – Bahrain
10. Hezbollah Bahrain – Bahrain
11. Saraya al-Mukhtar – Bahrain
12. Harakat Ahrar Bahrain – Bahrain Movement


REVELATIONS: Muslims, Jews, Christians – Wake up! We Have ‘ALL’ Been Lied To!

Monotheism, which is the worship of one god, whether or not the existence of other deities is posited—to the term henotheism.

Henotheism as a religious concept is at home in cultures with a highly centralized monarchical government. It was especially prevalent in some periods in the history of Babylonia and Egypt. – Britannica

by Anna von Reitz

What I said is that the Muslims have been misled and lied to about their own religious scriptures just as the Jews and the Christians have—- which is verifiable fact well-known to linguists competent to read the words of their Prophet in his original Aramaic language.

We have ALL been lied to and that has caused people to believe things and do things that are heinous. Does everyone think that the Inquisition was “Christian”? How about the Crusades? How about the Pogroms? Buchenwald? — All done by Christians who were misled into committing horrifying crimes against helpless people and all strictly against the teachings of Jesus and against the Ten Commandments. It has all been papered over again and again with sophistry and excuses by people merely pretending to be Christians.

I tell you, I knew the truth, when I saw a priest look up at a life-sized crucifix and smile secretively. You see, you can look at the Crucifixion two ways. You can be appalled by the sacrifice and your own sins and be inspired to overcome them, or you can do what that priest did, and side with Lucifer and secretly mock the sacrifice of Jesus as a triumph for Satan.

In view of the widespread nature of this circumstance impacting all the major western religions what do you think? That otherwise trustworthy scholars all developed insanity at the same time and in the same way, and just “happened” to misrepresent and prevaricate about their own holy scriptures in exactly the same way—to promote hatred and violence and warfare and bloodshed and grudge-keeping and misery?

Or is this incredible common lack of honesty and precision of translation and omission of crucial text evidence of Satanists at work in all three western religions— deliberately subverting them and their scriptures over time, so as to promote hatred and warfare in the name of God? The same Satanists that profit themselves from selling arms to both sides of every war? The same Satanists who put on yarmulkas and pretend to be Jews, and who buy prayer rugs and bow to Mecca and pretend to be Muslims, the same ones who put on clerical collars and pretend to be Christian priests while they diddle little children?

Who do all these pundits think that Jesus was talking to and about when he ranted against “those who call themselves Jews but are not” and labeled them a “synagogue of Satan”—– that was literal, people. He was talking about Satanists pretending to be Jews. If they would pretend to be Jews, why not Muslims and Christians, too? Heaven knows, they couldn’t come right out and practice their own dreadful child murdering “religion” could they?

I think we are all stupid, is what I think. I think the evidence of Satanic infiltration and manipulation of all three of the major western religions is beyond question, staring us all right in the face. And we are too dumb to figure it out. Just like we have been too stupid to realize that we are not “free” when we are taxed out of more than half our income and terrified of our own “government.

For the sake of sanity, everyone, globally—— wake up! Wake up! Remember Will Rogers— “Don’t believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see”? Take that to heart. Look with your own eyes. Read with your own eyes. Think with your own mind. Seek for the Truth like a miner, mining for gold, so that you are not treated as dumb, driven cattle led to slaughter and sacrifice for the sake of some despot’s need to control and his greed for material things.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Apocrypha and many other ancient fragments and parchments have shown that much of what we took to be the “whole story” about the Old Testament and the New Testament was not so cut and dried and neither were the origins of the Greek texts underlying the New Testament. Current research more than suggests that the “Paul” of the Bible books was not the Apostle Paul of Tarsus, but Sa’ul also known as Paul, who was a contemporary of Saint Jerome merely writing “in the style” of the Apostle as commentaries and letters to his own congregants circa 330 A.D.

I have been told by linguists who are professional people I have no reason to distrust that the words of the Prophet are often distinctly different and sometimes completely opposite to what is taught in Mosques today, when you read the original text—- but modern Muslims don’t read the original text. Just like Catholics who went to Mass for centuries and mumbled Latin phrases without any real knowledge of what was being said.

Wake up! Fire alarms are going off! Remember all those burning libraries? Alexandria, Rome, London, Istanbul, even in America during the War of 1812—– why do you think they always burn the libraries? To keep you stupid! To make sure you are ignorant and don’t know your own history, much less anyone else’s—- which makes you easily misled, so that you can be twisted into following their orders and believing whatever they want you to believe.

My reply to the nonsense — that I am a “Muslim Apologist”? The men saying it are stupid. And dishonest. They didn’t even bother to read what I wrote before they went off parroting this propaganda, so they are “tools”, too, for someone else’s agenda. My further reply is on my website. I think we all need to apologize to God for our asinine stupidity, cruelty, hypocrisy, and ingratitude. So I do apologize to God, for myself and for my fellows on this planet. We are all too dumb to appreciate or enjoy or value life or truth or anything worth having.

So in view of this idiocy and the hatred that it breeds, perhaps we do deserve to die. Perhaps the “elite” are correct that 80% of us should be wiped out in some dreadful war concocted out of lies and superstitions and ignorance just like the last two World Wars. Maybe they are right. Maybe we are in fact “too stupid to live”, but while I breathe, I will stand like a lioness in the doorway and defend mankind and keep the faith that somehow, someday we will wake up out of our stupor, realize that we are all being conned and undermined by Satanists in our midst— and do something practical about it. Like learning to recognize the problem for what it is. Like blaming those responsible, instead of blaming the victims.

As appeard on The Millennium Report

New York Times “Sponsors” Trump Assassination


New York Times “Sponsors” Trump Assassination As US Troops Begin “Disturbing” Redeployment

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very troubling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report prepared for the Security Council (SC) states that the internal political environment currently existing in the United States shows that nations most respected newspaper, The New York Times, has begun “gleefully” sponsorship of a play depicting the assassination of President Donald Trump, while at the same time, tens-of-thousands of American troops have begun a “highly disturbing” redeployment to military bases located near their countries major East and West Coast cities. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


According to this report, in what can only be described as one of the most horrendous actions ever undertaken by an American news publication against a sitting US president, The New York Times, this past weekend, sponsored a Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius Caesar” whose climatic scene depicted the brutal and bloody assassination of President Trump that was cheered by thousands, and said was meant to “be read as a warning parable to those who try to fight for democracy by undemocratic means”—but was so absolutely shocking to normal human senses, both Delta Airlines and Bank of America quickly dropped their support of this shocking production.

As shocking as this depiction of the assassination President Trump was, this report continues, even more concerning to the SVR has been the unexplained redeployment of highly trained US Army troops to both the East and Western coasts of America near that nations largest cities—and where they are beginning to practice “shock maneuvers” to take over large urban population centers, such as were just concluded yesterday in Connecticut.

Spearheading these highly trained US Army troops currently deploying near America’s largest cities, this report explains, are combat war veterans of both Iraq and Afghanistan whom President Trump, this past week, stunningly offered the staggering sum of $90,000 in order to entice them to reenlist—and is part of his avowed effort to have the US Army at full battle stretch by October, and whose regular US Army troops will then, in turn, lead that nations 205,000 US Army Reserves and 348,000 National Guard troops.

As to why President Trump is preparing to have 1 million military troops ready for battle by October, this report explains, is due to the feared coming collapse of the Western global economic system many experts fear will be multiple times worse than what occurred during The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008—and as stunningly detailed by the American financial expert Jim Rodgers who warned this past week that “the worst crash in our lifetime is coming”, and that he expects to occur no later than this Fall.

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Read this one: it’s about over-crowding the space of your mind and rendering it inoperative

You will be bombarded daily with accounts, explanations, reasons, visions, and sounds that simply cannot all be considered to be true. It will be your purview to decide what is true in your world and what is not. Now, a new technology is what it is. But the stories behind what you see are only stories. Someone will have decided what you may know. They will have decided that you may know. And they will have decided what portion of truth you are to be told. Always realize that. – Pay Attention

“Don’t give me more information. My mind is full. I can’t accept more messages. I have to tune out.”

This is about a psychological operation that, lately, has risen to new heights—the over-crowding of the mind.

I’m talking about the efforts of mainstream news to invent a new “scandal” every day, based on the smallest detail. Trump misspelled a word in a tweet. It could be a secret code. Somebody on Trump’s team talked on the phone with a Russian: treason.

There are twitter battles about which political side has the upper hand in the war between the Left and “Alt.-right.”

Now add in news about terror attacks…

Read further>

Source: Read this one: it’s about over-crowding the space of your mind and rendering it inoperative