The Coming Dark Age




Mr. Armstrong,

Thank you for the time you are spending to educate the public about what it really going on. I have followed your work for years, from before you were released from prison. Over the years you have made several comments about directional changes and have alluded to the idea that a crossroads is coming in that we will either enter another Dark Age or we will see the light towards greater liberty and freedom. More recently, you mentioned the year 2032 as a critical year in this regard.

In addition, you have mentioned that Trump winning the election would postpone the inevitable chaos, but that HRC winning would speed it along.

In terms of the distal effects of the November election on 2032, does either Trump or Clinton winning increase the likelihood of entering a Dark Age over something more hopeful? Should we be attempting to kick the can down the road or should we get it over with?

Thanks again for your service.

HA, Ph.D.

ANSWER: Hillary is just corrupt and rotten to the core. She represents everything that is wrong with our political economy. Politicians no longer care about the people. Every election promises “change” in some variation. That is admitting something is broken, but it always comes down to the same thing – it’s just about them.


Indeed, it was Mark Twain who put it best during the last century: “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” We must understand that this has been an age old battle between the rulers and the people. In Athens where Democracy was born, they constantly fought to seize power back and even made Pericles stand trial. Government has always sought to bribe the people creating a welfare state. The Romans knew that the way to power was to promise everything but give them bread and circuses (sport games) and they could maintain power. It was Decimus Iūnius Iuvenālis, commonly known as Juvenal, who was a Roman poet active in the late 1st and early 2nd century AD that wrote that phrase:

… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses

[…] iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli / uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim / imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se / continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, / panem et circenses. […]

(Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)

Nothing has changed. Many people can name every person on some sports team but cannot name their political minister, congressman, or whatever lofty title they call themselves. The judge in a courtroom demands to be called “honorable” as do all public servants. They make a mockery of the very word.

We are approaching the grave danger of a Dark Age beginning from the aftermath of 2032. Hopefully, I will be gone by then and will not have to face this horrible event. Yet Dark Ages are reoccurring events throughout history and in all cultures. The Greeks endured their between the Homeric Age that marked the end of the Mycenaean civilization around 1100 BC, to the first signs of the Greek cities (poleis) rising again in the 6th century BC (508–322 BC). It was during the 9th century BC (900-801BC) that we begin to see the rise of great cities outside of Greece including Carthage, which was founded by the Phoenicians.

Japan went through its Dark Age, which also lasted about 600 years and the same impact was endured in Europe with the collapse of Rome in 476AD. Dark Ages seem to come in units of 3 so they are 300 or 600 years. The cause is always political corruption.

Japanese-Debasement 760-958AD

In the case of Japan, each new emperor devalued the money in circulation with a decree that it was worth 10% of his new coins. There was no intrinsic value since they were bronze or iron. This process led people NOT to hoard money. Chinese coins were sought after since they would not be devalued. Eventually, nobody would accept Japanese coins and they ceased to be issued for 600 years. People used Chinese coins or bags of rice.


The Roman Monetary Crisis that saw silver vanish by 268AD, was naturally followed by  an attempt to restore the monetary system. A new bronze coin was introduced in 295AD known as the Follis. Again, one 52 year cycle saw its collapse from over 16 grams to under just 2 grams.


By the time you come toward the very end of the Roman Empire, you rarely find any bronze and when you do, it is less than an American penny. Coinage is debased because of the corruption in government. Those who think restoring the gold standard would do anything are wrong. Such monetary reforms appear repeatedly throughout history with little lasting impact. The system as we know it is always doomed to failure simply because we are satisfied as a whole with bread and circuses and let politicians run wild in their greed. Hillary is the example for everyone to see.

I will gather all the accounts and this is on my bucket-list of books to complete. We do have a choice. We can understand what is coming and WHY, and perhaps take that first step out of darkness and move into the light of a realistic political system that ends the bribing of citizens and this eternal battle of political corruption. We need a REAL democracy without career politicians. Only then can we hope to advance as a society.


Press & Politicians Are The Problem

Armstrong Economics

Blog/2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Posted Mar 24, 2016 by Martin Armstrong

The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else. Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how they would express their alienation. We expected Trump to fizzle because we were not socially intermingled with his supporters and did not listen carefully enough. For me, it’s a lesson that I have to change the way I do my job if I’m going to report accurately on this country,” wrote David Brooks of the New York Times who had endorsed Obama.

This is why I call the people the “great unwashed” because politicians and journalists are disconnected from reality, and combined, they will absolutely bring about the collapse of the United States. We will, no doubt, see the USA ultimately split into at least four separate nations that are divided but still “united” as states. It has been set in motion by this elitist, socialistic bullshit, and the people are stupid enough to listen to whatever they preach as they line their pockets. I am not writing about this from afar. I have even attended the White House Correspondence Dinner where the president came and delivered a speech. So I have been inside, but I am also on the outside for I read the tea leaves of the economy; not what Harvard professors teach.

The elite press and the political class preach to us from their ivory towers, but would never dare mingle with the great unwashed. They are clueless as to how the American dream has collapsed into a nightmare, and negative interest rates are the last straw. From the perspective of someone like Larry Summers who says behind close doors, “If these bastards won’t spend everything they have, well damn it, we will force them by charging them a tax to save!”

Then we have the elitist class of analysts who regurgitate whatever the political elite want to hear. Since they are too busy kissing ass, they too never bother to look outside the window in their ivory towers.

The hoard of people they have conjured up to try to prevent people from turning up at Trump rallies demonstrates two things. First, these people stand for nothing and are using force and violence to try to intimidate others not to vote for Trump. That is a very serious statement and it warns that this country really is on the brink of civil war. Secondly, the “haves” get everything from government, demand high taxes, and rib those who have anything they want. They are against those who are disenfranchised and are turning to Trump because Hillary and Cruz offer the more of same and no change. The media will now use its manipulation to try to convince people not to vote for Trump so they can keep their bullshit political analysts and friends in power.

The last time we saw these types of polarized differences was in the decades that led to the Civil War. During that time, there was a banking crisis created by Andrew Jackson that led to the massive collapse of state banks and the sovereign debt defaults by states during the 1840s. When the Supreme Court upheld slaves as “property” to supposedly prevent violence by alienating the South, it proved to be the final straw that caused everything to erupt.

With negative interest rates, rising taxes, and a crisis in pensions, the American dream is finished. The elitist press have not quite figured that out yet. They are too busy attacking Trump to help their political friends. I have been at such dinners; I have watched it first hand. Sorry – it’s game over. Yes my name is published in the list of attendees at Table 143, the guest of Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard.


COMPLEXITY = You Cannot Manipulate What You Cannot Forecast

Armstrong Economics

Blog/Armstrong Economics 101
Posted Mar 24, 2016 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty; I do not know how you have accomplished creating your model with such extreme accuracy regarding numbers and time, but I do believe you have proven your point. To have a number in gold at 1044 and it stops at 1045 and then for the rally it stopped 30 cents from your weekly bullish reversal and on time, I can see why they conspired to keep you in prison to get the code and when they couldn’t get that, they tried to kill you. I believe most analysts plagiarize you because nobody wants to admit what you have accomplished. They all want to rob you but never give you credit for showing a new way forward.

Well done


REPLY: Well from a market investment standpoint, yes this has impressed me as well. I am astonished at how precise markets are so this was never a theory I pursued to prove, it was something that smacked me in the face saying hey stupid; look at this! Yet there is something more than just this degree of accuracy emerging from the model. Milton Friedman made me see what I was doing was important beyond simply trading. The model is proving markets are not random every day and the implication of that means government is INCAPABLE of manipulating society. This is why I argue against these gold promoters that explaining being wrong is because of bank manipulation. They are condemning us to the same thinking process of Karl Marx from which we cannot escape assuming there is always some higher power controlling our destiny. That higher power is the collective behavior of all combined and that can neither be manipulated by government and central banks, or rich capitalists. To explain the economy going to hell in a hand-basket, they they claim the “rich” are doing this so they can get it all. These claims are terribly wrong and absurd. If only some group possessed all wealth, what good would it be if there is no place to spend it? We are collapsing because nobody can prevent it. This is our destiny because people do try to manipulate the system for self-interest like buying politicians, but they undermine the very foundation upon which they rely.

Laissez-faire economics was correct. Larry Summers admitted he could not forecast because the economy is far too complex. That means you cannot manipulate society and it is best NOT TO INTERFERE. If you cannot forecast what it will do, then it is impossible to also predict the result of your attempted manipulation; in his case negative interest rates. Today it is Goldman Sachs buying government, centuries before it was Rothschilds. and before that it was the Medici. All corporations dies just like individuals. Just because John D. Rockefeller had talent to build an empire, it does not follow that his heir possess the same talent. It is extremely rare to ever find someone’s son to be as smart as a famous parent. What happened to the offspring of Einstein? Most would tear apart what their fathers created as did Commodus who destroyed his father’s designs for the Roman Empire or Caracalla who killed his own brother to seize the power inherited from his father Septimus Severus. This was the fatal flaw of monarchy.

If I had one purpose in this life, I believe it was to highlight this fallacy and hopefully with the collapse of government, this time we will turn toward freedom. That is my concern for my posterity. I have an expiration date so I would not have to live in the horrible world of control suppression. But what we are leaving behind is something I would not be proud of. So I do what I do because I am compelled to try to stand up to the headwind of oppression.


Is it Government or Oligarchs?

Armstrong Economics

I am a capitalist and what we have today is the least efficient form of capitalism. Actually it is quite a destructive and dangerous form of capitalism when the concentration of power reaches this level. I think that in all these years that I thought we were talking about different things, maybe we were not. You call big government what I call plutocrats controlling government. You were blaming governments, I was blaming plutocrats that we let become soo big and powerful that can buy any government…
Yet maybe we are not that far off.

… In any case… one question that I would love to ask you… how do you think we are going to fix the problem with the power structure? What I call the power structure is not the legitimate power structure, but the mix of oligarchs and corrupt government working as one cancerogenous entity. I do not see any reasonable way to fix it…?

Best regards


ANSWER: I think what you have to understand is our structure of government being a “republic” rather than a democracy, invites oligarchy. There has never been a single “republic” that has ever proven to work. The admixture or money and power always becomes lethal. This is why I blame government, not the oligarchs. They could not buy politicians if they were non (1) career, and (2) all powerful. Taxes and regulation become the incentive for the oligarchs to buy government. If we eliminate taxes and career politicians, we will solve not ALL, but most of the problem. We then must eliminate “socialism” which at its core is predicated upon the foundation of Marxism which advocated government power by insisting that it was all powerful and COULD alter society by regulation. This serves as a fundamental pillar for taxation.

Philadelphia is trying to introduce a 3 cent tax per ounce of soda. The excuse is that “sugar” is bad for you so they have only the best interests in mind for society. They expect to get almost $100 million annually. The city is dead broke and has a 22.5% tax on parking and 8.5% tax on hotels. They have chased everyone out because anyone even having a conference there they was income tax for money earned in the city. This latest “soda tax” means a 2-liter bottle of soda typically costs $1.50, but the tax would amount to $2.04, more than the cost of the actual bottle. The cost of a 12-pack of soda would nearly double to more than $8. This is the same thing with all this global warming. They use this as the excuse to tax you for your own good. The money does nothing but line the pockets of politicians. In the case of Philadelphia, they will shop in the suburbs to avoid the tax. To appease the oligarchs, the Feds created carbon-credits which can then be sold to others who do pollute. Its all just about the money.

Julian-IIWe simply have to admit that regulation does not work when used in such a way that has covert revenue agendas. Other types of regulation such as outlawing prostitution is pointless when all you do is create a tax-free underground industry that leads to exploitation and kidnapping of girls. Making drugs illegal funds crime just as prohibition funded the Mafia. Passing a law against murder does not prevent murder. There are things which are simply inherent within human nature. There will be crazy people and have been throughout history. Putting in background check to sell guns is a deterrent, but it will not stop a crazy person from being crazy. If they wanted to kill someone a knife will suffice. Outlawing gay marriage will not stop the same sex from living together. The whole problem was simply that we imposed all sorts of regulations attached to “marriage” so someone from inheriting property to being allowed at the bedside of a dying person. At the border for taxes, they do not carry if you are married. If you travel with someone else, the $10,000 limit applies to the two of you. It becomes the convoluted regulation that is hell bent on collecting money somehow that then disturbs others viewpoint of what is “marriage” when if we detach the regulation attached to “marriage” then it really does not matter.

So what we have to understand is that eliminating career politicians will eliminate much of the corruption. Eliminate the power to regulate pretended circumstances and you eliminate the need to buy government in some manner. It has long been said that God created the Ten Commandments, and man has created 1 billion laws trying to say the same thing. Murder is murder regardless if it is a policeman killing a citizen shooting them in the back as they are running or whatever. The Roman Emperor Julian II (360-363AD) may have been one of the most honorable men in history. He declared that no one was above the law, including himself. Any law enacted had to apply to everyone including himself.


Where does the Future Lie?



Are you more worried about a 1984 esque future or A Brave New World esque future?

Orwell_GeorgeANSWER: Unfortunately, the two go hand-in-hand. George Orwell simply too the past and laid out what government ALWAYS gravitates toward – total control. We live in a delusion with our brains filled with propaganda. Over the years, I have encountered comments from people who ask why would you want to live outside the USA? We are the greatest nation on earth! I typically reply, have you ever traveled outside the country? The response is telling: No. What’s the point? Perhaps I am the doubting Thomas. I went through Check-Point Charlie into East Germany before the Wall Fell because I really wanted to see what was true and what was false. You cannot just accept the indoctrination of society and it is systemic.
So what George Orwell wrote was not pure fiction any more than Star Wars is based on nothing. Star Wars is the epic battle between the Republic and Imperialism that dominated the Roman period going into the 1st Century AD. They just changed it to planets and updated the swords to light sabers. In the case of Orwell, he took history and postulated what would happen in a modern context. He was only off in terms of technology advancement.

PASSPORT ROMANSo to bottom line is both will unfold. However, you cannot reach the second without causing pain with the first. With the NSA and socialism, you have seen terrorism used as the excuse to further the control of society so we cannot buy or sell anything ultimately without government approval. The IRS can revoke your passport is it even THINKS you owe then $50,000 in taxes, fines, or penalties. You cannot travel on a train, plain, or ship no less stay in a hotel without providing photo ID or in many cases possess a passport. So why do we need a passport to travel which can be revoked if we owe taxes? Well, passports were invented by the Romans and appeared in the 3rd Century AD when government was in fiscal ruin. If everything was the Roman Empire, what was the purpose of a passport? It was to prove you paid your taxes and were free to travel.

Crash & BurnHistory repeats because the passions of humanity never change from one century to the next. We MUST move closer to absolute oppression in order for the silent majority to get angry and demand change. So until that tipping point is reached, be prepared for losing any concept of a human right you thought you once had. We are not living the “dream” but the nightmare of history. Only when it gets bad enough will we see the change toward the light of the second. Hence, this is why I do what I do and it is why I say we first must Crash & Burn. Open you eyes. It is happening. If you understand the pattern, you will survive. If you want to leave a better world for your children, that is ONLY possible by identifying the trend in order to change it. History is our map to the future.



The Threat of Change


Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump
            It’s not the hair.
            Or the bad manners.
            Or the “beautiful” wall he says he’ll build.
            There’s a different, more subtle reason why the Republican establishment, donor class, political operatives, and the news media in general hate Donald Trump.
            The reason can be found in a New York Times best selling business book, Stacking The Deck, by Wharton professor David Pottruck.
            Pottruck, the Charles Schwab CEO who took the genial brokerage house online and into the big time, says that organizations hate change.
            Hate it with a PASSION!
            That’s because when there’s a new way of doing things, a new way of solving problems, a new way of relating to everything, they feel threatened as a deep personal-loss.
            Change renders meaningless the value of their hard-won experience and know-how. In politics, it may means family member lose their cushy jobs and perks.
Student loans of government employees get automatically paid off by government – TAX FREE.
            Those in government have done things one way forever. Change is NOT FAIR to them
            Everything they have done to line their pockets is threatened. The rules of the game may no longer apply.
            So they dig in their heels and will do whatever it takes to resist change.
            They resist perpetually until forced otherwise.
            They subvert any process that would lead to change.
            Until they lose, it becomes open warfare against the people to sustain the establishment and its perks.
            And so it is with Donald Trump.
            Like him or not, he has completely rewritten the rules of Presidential politics.
            He bypasses the media, taking his message, raw and unfiltered, to the millions of people who follow him on Twitter.
            The party establishment went from underestimating him and laughing at him to fearing him breaking out in night sweats.
            They fear all power and their relevance will vanish into thing air.
            Donors gave Jeb Bush $120 million and he came in dead last.
            The money, like Jeb, is gone and it could not save their fiefdom.
            Now wealthy donors have a choice. Oppose Trump and he wins and they are out in the cold. Understand there is a change in the wind and shift sides to the people.
            How ironic.  It took a billionaire to neuter the billionaire donor class.
            Most of the media hates Trump to the core and dislike the fact they are no longer able to play kingmaker losing their power fearing they will be irrelevant with the internet displacing them.
            The political class have lost the power to rule behind the curtain from paid operatives and cronies who cannot transition to the new world where the old rules of campaigning don’t apply.
            Trump has spent more on hats than he has on polls so the pollsters also have lost their importance.
            Diplomats worldwide are running scared because Trump will renegotiate everything from a business standpoint that cannot be bought like Hillary & her foundation.
            The handwringing, the dire predictions of doom, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth have little to do with Donald’s positions, but their loss of power.
            They complain Trump is bringing in new voters who are not Republican. And this is bad?
            The Trump threat isn’t to the Constitution, to America’s standing in the world, or even to Republican Congressional candidates, it is to the establishment.
            If you think Trump’s supporters are angry about the way the government and the business world colluded, you are right. The establishment fails to appreciate the anger.
            They’re just furious. Even if Trump fails to win, there will be more in the wings. He is inspiring a change and he doesn’t even understand how profound.


Jewish Bankers vs. All Bankers

Armstrong Economics

Jewish Bankers

Since Jews founded Goldman Sachs, some people assume that qualifies it as a Jewish bank, which makes it evil. I think it should be pointed out that Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs who became Secretary of the Treasury under Bush, deliberately allowed Lehman and Bear Stearns (two of the five main investment banks) to collapse to increase Goldman Sachs’ market share. Paulson was raised as a Christian Scientist. Jews did not found UBS, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, HSBC, or J.P. Morgan. There has been no difference as they have all engaged in proprietary trading. So sorry, Jewish bankers are not the problem as it is the culture of banking at the top. Religion has nothing to do with this one.


Before the Protestant Reformation, banking was exclusively a Jewish industry for Catholics had the sin of usury. Catholics who wanted to get into the banking industry funded the Protestant Reformation as their cover to take over banking. At last count, they did a pretty good job as they now represent the majority of bankers today.

Medieval bankers were merchants prior to St. Thomas Aquinas and declared money lending to be a sin, which cleared the field of Christians. The first bankers coming out of the Dark Ages were northern Italians, not Jews. There are numerous paintings of medieval bankers of the period.

Lucca-Oath LuccaStMartinSquare

In the Tuscan city of Lucca, the cathedral square was the center of business. In 14th century, the moneychangers and spice dealers were required to take an oath that was inscribed upon the facade of the cathedral of San Martino. The mere fact that an oath was even imposed implies there were ethical problems previously. The oath sworn by the dealers promised they would commit “no theft, nor trick, nor falsification.”

So the point is obvious. This issue has not been confined to the “Jewish bankers” as some like to shout. This has been humanity, which knows no boundary of race, religion, or gender.




#TTIP: Will it Fail?

Armstrong Economics

The West will crash and burn, and the global economy will rise from the ashes in Asia

1-ECM 2032


Dear Mr. Armstrong,

Your article on the trend set in motion with reference to Trump was fantastic. The world and how it ticks is truly fascinating, your work in investigating how it does so is worthy of any prize and will surely go down in history as the greatest investigation into humanity of all time. Always building on the work done by previous great minds and expanding on it.

Globalisation is a feature you predicted with the ECM you developed. Recently I came across the TTIP program – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. I was wondering if this is a feature of the trend towards globalisation which you saw possible? Is it possible that we could see a massive trade and investment peak before the crash and burn? Or is it crash and burn first with a spike in gold and then start a fresh? The “crash and burn” event you spoke of. Is this crash and burn of government ?
(the drop after 2030 looks pretty serious on the ECM) It seems that the degree of corruption “behind the curtain” is a webbed network around the globe…..people I think are waking up to the level of totalitarianism enforced upon them by powerful government circles, unknown names, unknown faces……the pot seems ready boil over


ANSWER: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will be a failure. There is nothing governments can do to stimulate the world economy. To encourage trade, you do not support the reporting among nations that will begin in 2017. You do not impose a global tax on companies, as proposed by the IMF. You do not keep increasing enforcement on taxes while claiming that you are expanding the world economy. So do not expect some surge in global trade.

There is nothing we can do to alter the business cycle. The West will crash and burn, and the global economy will rise from the ashes in Asia — not Europe or the U.S. Gold and tangible assets will make the transition from one monetary system to the next. It has nothing to do with the quantity of money. It has to do with a collapse in confidence in the state. That is what we are witnessing with Trump right now. The pundits are fools. They think they can attack Trump to hold on to their elite status and power. Sorry, that is just not the way this works. They will never reform because they will not admit that they have ever done anything wrong.


GDP Declines When Govt. Grows – This is Basic Common Sense


Blog/Armstrong Economics 101
Posted Feb 27, 2016 by Martin Armstrong


A reader has contributed these charts that demonstrate why the socialist agenda is destroying the world. As the reader points out: “It seems that the optimal govt spending (share) is max 35% (US, AUS), and not >50% like in Europe. Lower govt expenditure has doubled GDP at least in the recent history.” The socialists refuse to listen simply because they are greedy. If you earn $1,000 and your rent if $200, your disposable income is $800. If government demands 10%, you have $720 to spend; if government demands 50%, you have $400. This is why we call them “public servants” for they consume wealth; they do not produce it.

The OECD has done studies but nobody ever pays attention. Any way you cut it, the larger the share of the economy consumed by the government, the lower the economic growth. So the sublime fool never looks at the data and simply regurgitates the same socialist propaganda into infinity. They live in a state of total denial simply because the core of their position is sheer material jealousy. They justify robbing other people because they lack the wealth they wish they had. It is just a question of greed.


The Most Feared Equation In The World


“The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market.”

Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010) Polish-born, French and American mathematician who discovered the Mandelbrot set of intricate, never-ending fractal shapes named in his honor.


Special Report from Sister Ciara


The mathematical equation you are viewing right above these words is, without a doubt, the most feared one in the world—so feared in fact that it led to one of the world’s top economists, Martin Armstrong, being jailed without charges or trial for over 7 years in the United States because he not only discovered how this equation worked in relation to stock markets, he refused to divulge exactly how he discovered it was so.

The complete saga of how Martin Armstrong rose from being a millionaire at the age of 15, to becoming the most feared economist in the world is not the intention of this letter—but is a most fascinating story everyone should become acquainted with, and just click HERE to find out why.


Instead what I want to focus on here is how, like Martin Armstrong applied this equation to stock markets, the Sisters have, likewise, successfully applied it to news—more specifically “predictive news”.

This most feared equation is called the Mandelbrot Set and is the set of complex numbers c for which the function f(z)=z²+c does not diverge when iterated, i.e., for which the sequence f(0), f(f(0)), etc., remains bounded—and don’t worry if you don’t understand this because even some scientists have enormous difficulty understanding it too.

And just like one can use a modern smartphone without having the slightest idea of how it is made, or even being able to describe all of the parts that make it, so too is the Mandelbrot Set utilized in many spheres and disciplines by experts who can’t fully describe it, they only know that it works.

At the heart of the Mandelbrot Set equation, you see, is the repetition of patterns at all scales from micro (tiny) to macro (large)—which more simply put means that everything known to man is locked in a never ending series of repeating cycles.

And with this being so, the ability to predict anything is only limited by knowing its full cycle—which for almost everything is nearly impossible due to the infinite universe we live in.

This cannot, however, be said about the historical cycles of man (History Always Repeats Itself) as for thousands of years the circular nature of governments, societies, economies, wars, you name it, have not only been extremely well documented, they make the world we live in today as predictable as the headlines of yesterdays newspaper.

Even the Bible knows the truth of Mandelbrot Set and in the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes (Chapter 1 Verse 9) it plainly states: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Just knowing the Mandelbrot Set equation though, and attempting to apply it to whatever ones particular discipline may be, is not easily done because of the “synergy of experience” needing to make it work—after all, and as well put by Martin Armstrong himself, “I can read a book on how to do brain surgery. Would you like to be my first patient?”

But in the right hands of those knowledgeable, like the Sisters, about the Mandelbrot Set, and in knowing the “cycles of man” too, the results of combining them are astoundedly predictive and have produced for us these results:

On 28 June 2007, the Sisters in their report titled US Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant gave you a nearly one and a half years warning about the 2008 global market crash.

On 25 October 2008, the Sisters in their report titled Iranian Leader In Secret Meet With Obama At US Military Stronghold In Hawaii gave you a 7 year warning about the United States rapprochement with Iran this past week.

On 1 August 2014, the Sisters in their report titled India Shocks World, Joins Russia Against Obama Regime told you the truth that the Western invasion of Libya was related to the planned Gold Dinar, and which only this week a US State Department email released under court order confirmed was true.

These are only three of the hundreds of such examples I can cite (and for those of you who have followed us for years well know he truth of), and the other commonality they have was at the time of the Sisters publishing them were met with high ridicule and disdain.

And the reason for this being so was revealed by Edward Snowden, who not only told the world about the United States government’s extreme hatred of truth tellers like the Sisters, he also provided classified US documents [Warning: Under US Federal law, it is a crime for government employees or active military service members to click on the preceding link] detailing how the American intelligence community showing how US intelligence have actively infiltrated the Internet to manipulate, deceive and destroy the reputation of the Sisters and everyone else like them.

At the exact same time these US intelligence agencies launched their war against the Sisters and other truth tellers, you should also understand, the New York Times admitted that nearly every news organization in America allows the news to be censored by government officials, and for the first time in American history, a law was passed allowing the US government to use propaganda against its own citizens.

So let me boil the essence of this letter down for you:

At the exact same time that the Sisters continue to risk everything to keep the truth flowing to you, your own government is, beyond dispute, censoring the news you’re allowed to know while openly propagandizing against you too—and you still believe and support their “mainstream” media publications over ours?

Now I happen to believe that once anyone, especially YOU, knows the truth of a thing they will act in their best interest to defend what they know is right and true—after all, this battle is all about equations—ours being the utilization of the Mandelbrot Set equation versus theirs—“Garbage In, Garbage Out”.

To who wins this battle is, also, entirely up to YOU—either support us, or those like us, who want to see you educated and knowing the truth, or continue to support those who have openly told you they are deliberately manipulating you.

They believe you to be nothing more than ignorant religious nuts and gun clinging psychopaths not deserving of anything—we, on the other hand, KNOW you to be just frightened about a world that has become so complex and convoluted you don’t even recognize it anymore.

But let me tell you a secret—they can only win if they keep you scared, we can only win if you aren’t.

Which are you going to be?

With God,

Sister Ciara

Dublin, Ireland

23 January 2016
